Friday, January 10, 2014

Here is my deal, anyone with any knowlege on body this

Here is my deal, anyone with any knowlege on body this

Ok, I wish i had pics to tell the story.... My upper chest is fine, i can see improvements (line down the middle) and my "pecs" developing arms are fine, my legs are fine.... The problem comes with the lower chest/ "triangle groin area" It looks like i have ample amounts of fat around these areas....but i am the healthiest eater around plus i work-out everyday and i am petty freakin active walking around.... is cardio my answer?

wont go away until you cut

If you have fat around your belly, you need to lose it, and you can't spot reduce. Eating healthy != weight loss. Cardio, eat less, and try some abdominal tightening exercises (google).


Groin gyno.

2lowintegra gyno? YES! gyno on his abs! BRILLIANT!lc

jonno YES! gyno on his abs! BRILLIANT!lc that's my excuse

ralyks Cardio, eat less, and try some abdominal tightening exercises (google). ^^^ By 'lower chest', do you mean abdominals/obliques? It sounds like you need cardio and core exercises.

do squats on an exercise ball-its a wonderful core exercise =/

You've been on F&N forever dude, would've thought you'd know by now that the only way to get rid of fat is to cut it (and belly / lower torso fat is the last to go).

toconnx You've been on F&N forever dude, would've thought you'd know by now that the only way to get rid of fat is to cut it (and belly / lower torso fat is the last to go). yes, i just vented

Here is my deal, anyone with any knowlege on body this

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