Saturday, January 18, 2014

Has being in good shape helped you get ahead in life?

Has being in good shape helped you get ahead in life?

Lets face it, we are all human, and if we were a manager at say....hardees (god forbid), any normal guy would hire an attractive girl over an average/ugly one. (Obviously they also hire based on hygiene, but I mean just because the employer is attracted to the girl) Have you had any situations like this? Been hired on because of your physical appearance? A cop let you off of a ticket? Played in 2 episodes of Kojak? Any of these things happen to you?

it's hired. and lol@ the Kojak

Well unless you're working some manual labor job, I think being able to spell "hire" would help you get a job over your looks

Socrates Played in 2 episodes of Kojak? i wish,, my looks have gotten me nowhere

When I worked in a grocery store, I was put up front where most of the people entered, so I could smile and say hello.

My boss is a balding fat-ass

PNHWrestler it's hired. and lol@ the Kojak Ugh, my bad on that. My Dad (English teacher) would rape me for that. When I worked at Best Buy they only hired attractive people. Next time you're at Best Buy, look for a few ugly people. Hard to find! (Maybe just my manager's bias)

helped me pick up some girls but now im just a fatass.

Socrates Ugh, my bad on that. My Dad (English teacher) would rape me for that. Haha watch the bunhole

Socrates Ugh, my bad on that. My Dad (English teacher) would rape me for that. When I worked at Best Buy they only hired attractive people. Next time you're at Best Buy, look for a few ugly people. Hard to find! (Maybe just my manager's bias) Yeah the girls that work in the videogame section of mine seem abnormally hot. You may be on to something there.

cavefish Yeah the girls that work in the videogame section of mine seem abnormally hot. You may be on to something there. lol, our store only had guys doing the nerdy stuff. Hot girls were at the front! (When I said hot, I should have said they made some exceptions for guys)

Socrates Lets face it, we are all human, and if we were a manager at say....hardees (god forbid), any normal guy would hire an attractive girl over an average/ugly one. (Obviously they also higher based on hygiene, but I mean just because the employer is attracted to the girl) Have you had any situations like this? Been hired on because of your physical appearance? A cop let you off of a ticket? Played in 2 episodes of Kojak? Any of these things happen to you?

being in shape helped me run from the cops

its helped be get some head, not ahead

Being in shape makes women more forgiving when they have to be the one to pay for dinner.

Socrates Ugh, my bad on that. My Dad (English teacher) would rape me for that. When I worked at Best Buy they only hired attractive people. Next time you're at Best Buy, look for a few ugly people. Hard to find! (Maybe just my manager's bias) Not at my BB we have a fair amount of ugly people.

It has given me a lot more self confidence, so I think it's helped me a lot indirectly.

PNHWrestler Haha watch the bunhole sorry to get offtopic does your name mean parkway north high? just wonderin, i went to south myself

I was fat last year. Decided I wanted to be better lookin. Took 3 months, lost 100 pounds, so finally I could see my mucles ( I was pretty buff from sports, but just fat) and also added on to the muscle...After that I had a GF in like 2 weeks...Broke up w/ her tho after a while, have another one now going on 6 months. It makes you more confident/happy about yerself, so I would say its getting me ahead in life for now.

just being more confident overall is benefit enough.

Socrates Ugh, my bad on that. My Dad (English teacher) would rape me for that. When I worked at Best Buy they only hired attractive people. Next time you're at Best Buy, look for a few ugly people. Hard to find! (Maybe just my manager's bias) what about that thread in OT where the guys roomate is a 300lb messican that works at best buy?

i was hired to be the cute little girl that stood in front of a place handing out flyers in the mall... then my boss realized I was a fatty and made me manager instead

It is going to help me tenfold when getting a job. I have noticed an increase in my fire skills.

My health is tied directly to my happiness. Took me 3 years of decaying to realize that. Now i'm getting back on track.

Socrates Lets face it, we are all human, and if we were a manager at say....hardees (god forbid), any normal guy would hire an attractive girl over an average/ugly one. (Obviously they also hire based on hygiene, but I mean just because the employer is attracted to the girl) Have you had any situations like this? Been hired on because of your physical appearance? A cop let you off of a ticket? Played in 2 episodes of Kojak? Any of these things happen to you? Working out and looking good will help you in virtually every facet of life in some way, shape or form. Period.

Has being in good shape helped you get ahead in life?

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