Wednesday, January 1, 2014

If you know your going to get totally trashed tonight...

If you know your going to get totally trashed tonight...

What would you do? Take a few protein shakes before? I know im going to be drunk tonight

protein shake with 4 tablespoons of olive oil in it, and drink another protein shake after you drink and like 3 glasses of water. you'll be super duper a-okay

just mix 12oz beer with 1 scoop of whey and enjoy x 10 when i get drunk i remember to eat something, usually some cottage cheese or some sort of protien before i pass out, and drink one big glass of water and take another to bed with me.


i wouldnt worry about it.. just get plenty of water before bed. maybe down some milk?

jonno i wouldnt worry about it.. just get plenty of water before bed. maybe down some milk? Im lactose intollerant.... thats why i switched from water to milk for my protein shakes.....

deznutz Im lactose intollerant.... thats why i switched from water to milk for my protein shakes..... scratch that then

honestly... this is all you need to know about hangovers etc.

deznutz Im lactose intollerant.... thats why i switched from water to milk for my protein shakes..... soy milk!

Lots of water while drinking and lots more right before bed. Take 2 advil before you hit the sack as well. One of my most successful drinking nights happened when I was about 18 - I had 2 big macs right before my friend's party, and drank like a fucking beast and felt smooth all night (no crazy spikes and dips in drunkedness) and felt great in the morning. So drink lots of water and eat more than you normally do before the party and you're all set.

Children's Ped-A-Lite. Best stuff ever created for eliminating hangovers. Drink some before going to bed/passing out. Wake up and have some more.

im not worried about hangovers....more about the nutrition aspect... maybe i should eat less for dinner, that way i can have more cals when i drink?

1 beer is barely more alcohol than a shot = 100 - 150 cals 1 shot of liquor is barely less alcohol than a beer = 70cals, 0carbs,0fat,0protein. Alcohol is its own calorie.

I wouldnt even waste my time trying to eat right or goto the gym that night or the next 2 days...its pointless

Smoke a joint in the morning...

I am always fine to work out the day after I drink. Just eat good and drink lots of water and you are perfectly fine.

"Headaches result from dehydration because the body's organs try to make up for their own water loss by stealing water from the brain" man fuck that

Alcohol + Dairy = bad news For me at least

PurEvl I wouldnt even waste my time trying to eat right or goto the gym that night or the next 2 days...its pointless


As an experience alcoholic take my advice- protein slows the synthesis of alcohol, so eat that before you start drinking (usually a bunch of tuna or a steak or some chicken wtfever...). Before you go to bed, and if you are really drunk this can be hard to do, but try to get 4-5-6 glasses of water pounded. Thats all there is too it, if you don't drink the water you are fucked. Eating tons of bread won't soak it up or anything so don't bother. Another thing I found that helps out is to have pre-made healthy foods out for when you get the munchies, with your inhibitions down its easy to want to go grab fast food or something will regret it the next day and feel like a fat ass. Just make something and put it in the fridge so later when you are stumbling around it will seem like a burried treasure and you can devour it

alcohol is 7 calories per gram, but the body doesnt use it for exercise. It's also a diuretic. Being drunk won't do anything do your muscles, just factor in the calories, and make sure you drink water and burn the Cals. eat less today so you are more easily affected by the alch...then eat more tomorrow after you've pissed it out.

joy division As an experience alcoholic take my advice- protein slows the synthesis of alcohol, so eat that before you start drinking (usually a bunch of tuna or a steak or some chicken wtfever...). Before you go to bed, and if you are really drunk this can be hard to do, but try to get 4-5-6 glasses of water pounded. Thats all there is too it, if you don't drink the water you are fucked. Eating tons of bread won't soak it up or anything so don't bother. Another thing I found that helps out is to have pre-made healthy foods out for when you get the munchies, with your inhibitions down its easy to want to go grab fast food or something will regret it the next day and feel like a fat ass. Just make something and put it in the fridge so later when you are stumbling around it will seem like a burried treasure and you can devour it as an experienced alcoholic I can say that just chugging water before bed and not eating anything works just fine. fuck the protein you're body doesnt want to digest MORE while you're sleeping...its already working hard on the alcohol.

Z PYRATE as an experienced alcoholic I can say that just chugging water before bed and not eating anything works just fine. fuck the protein you're body doesnt want to digest MORE while you're sleeping...its already working hard on the alcohol. and when you wake up with piss all over yourself, remember that

if you really care about the nutrition aspect of it, don't drink

If you know your going to get totally trashed tonight...

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