Wednesday, January 1, 2014

protein shake and the liver

protein shake and the liver

my friend keeps telling me that its bad for your liver. could he be right? discuss.

Joser could he be right? no

i drink on average 3 shakes a day, 2 scoops each. Ive done this for about the past 2 years. I just got my liver/kidney/cholesterol/blood lipids/blood pressure checked from the doctor, and everything is perfect. Tell your friend not to get his news from the media

Jeff Coleman i drink on average 3 shakes a day, 2 scoops each. Ive done this for about the past 2 years. I just got my liver/kidney/cholesterol/blood lipids/blood pressure checked from the doctor, and everything is perfect. Tell your friend not to get his news from the media ai ai captain

wow i thought my friends were dumb

deznutz wow i thought my friends were dumb probably the same type of kid who gets wasted every week

Joser my friend keeps telling me that its bad for your liver. could he be right? discuss. what is there to discuss? your friend is a fucking idiot.

Ceaze probably the same type of kid who gets wasted every week i get wasted 4 times a week and my liver is fine

mike i get wasted 4 times a week and my liver is fine how do you know? And i wonder why you have low test

mike i get wasted 4 times a week and my liver is fine Liver transplant patients < * They are in the worst condition out of anyone in the hospital. Don't drink 4 times/week dude.

I think alcohol lowers testosteron production. Don't get wasted 4 times a week. What's the point really?

Ilyusha Liver transplant patients < * They are in the worst condition out of anyone in the hospital. Don't drink 4 times/week dude. meh, if that were the case than 50% of college would need a transplant by graduation =p

mike meh, if that were the case than 50% of college would need a transplant by graduation =p Most are white males in their 40's who come from small towns in the northern part of California. Mostly Redding and the areas around there.. it sucks man. Liver transplants are a bitch, and most can thank alcoholism for them.

mike meh, if that were the case than 50% of college would need a transplant by graduation =p i'll be in teh hospital next to you broly

whats with F&N broly's drinking....

I dont drink like that anymore but first, the gains ive seen by stopping have been less then spectacular, and two, I'd be lying bad if i said i don't miss those days.

smoke weed!!!1! no calories+no side effects+no addiction+much better, non hungover feeling-the price(for non growers)=teh win.

incubimmer smoke weed!!!1! no calories+no side effects+no addiction+much better, non hungover feeling-the price(for non growers)=teh win.

mike i get wasted 4 times a week and my liver is fine why would you drink that much if your were truly serious about training, especially when compounded with low test?

incubimmer smoke weed!!!1! no calories+no side effects+no addiction+much better, non hungover feeling-the price(for non growers)=teh win. not too mention, its a great aid for bulking

HYEEEEYEYEYYEYEYE smoke weed every day.

Dragon not too mention, its a great aid for bulking and it makes you stupid as fuck (no offense)

SteveO and it makes you stupid as fuck (no offense) For.. like.. 2 hours bro.

Ilyusha For.. like.. 2 hours bro. right.. everyone I know that smokes is stupid as shit. Most people will say the same except for the ones that smoke it, and don't actually see the handicap setting in because it's a slow process

SteveO right.. everyone I know that smokes is stupid as shit. Most people will say the same except for the ones that smoke it, and don't actually see the handicap setting in because it's a slow process I got my best best marks at university the last 2 years when I smoked regularly, and I'd now consider my sucessful engineer doing what I love. I've also know engineers who were 'A' students through HS and university who were regular smokers. So please don't generalize just because you know a couple of people who got stupid

protein shake and the liver

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