Tuesday, December 10, 2013

"Judge strikes down FDA ban on ephedra"

"Judge strikes down FDA ban on ephedra"

SALT LAKE CITY - A federal judge Thursday struck down the FDA ban on ephedra, the once-popular weight-loss aid that was yanked from the market after it was linked to dozens of deaths - including that of Baltimore Orioles pitching prospect Steve Bechler. advertisement The judge ruled in favor of a Utah company that challenged the Food and Drug Administration's ban. Utah-based Nutraceutical claimed in its lawsuit that ephedra "has been safely consumed" for hundreds of years. Supplements that included ephedra have been widely used for weight loss and bodybuilding, but have been linked to 155 deaths. The FDA ordered the substance off the market in April 2004. Judge Tena Campbell's ruling sends the matter back to the FDA "for further rulemaking consistent with the court's opinion" and keeps the agency from enforcement action against the companies. What does this mean for us?

it means you shoulda scrolled down a bit and joined teh thread that is already going



"Judge strikes down FDA ban on ephedra"

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