Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Stiff leggs vs regular deadlifts?

Stiff leggs vs regular deadlifts?

Which one is better for the nube? How much should i start out with, I have no spot.

killerZees Which one is better for the nube? How much should i start out with, I have no spot. Why would you need a spot on either of those?

Make sure you get someone knowledgeable to show you good form. My lower back joints hurt like crazy until I realized my form was shitty.

both.. and wtfspot

So whats a good weight to start with?

killerZees So whats a good weight to start with? Start with the bar to get the form right.

sldl's twice a week. deads maybe twice every other month.

Its hard to get good form with just the bar though. He should start with a weight that feels somewhat heavy, but not too heavy. Something like half of what you think your 1 rep max might be. Erroring on the side of too light is better than too heavy of course, but I wouldn't use just teh bar for more very long

KetchupKing Its hard to get good form with just the bar though. He should start with a weight that feels somewhat heavy, but not too heavy. Something like half of what you think your 1 rep max might be. Erroring on the side of too light is better than too heavy of course, but I wouldn't use just teh bar for more very long I was saying just the bar for sldl's.

SickLife sldl's twice a week. . NO

tize why not? im doing them 3x a week I do them two times a week as well. I don't see why not.

i do sumo dead lifts... high weight low reps .. anyone got beef with doing those?

Hip Hippo I do them two times a week as well. I don't see why not. What is the purpose of doing them twice a week? Your legs are how big?

Neo22 What is the purpose of doing them twice a week? Your legs are how big? Well stiff leg deadlifts normally work my back more than my legs.

Hip Hippo Well stiff leg deadlifts normally work my back more than my legs. then your lower back is weak and/or your form is incorrect

Hip Hippo Well stiff leg deadlifts normally work my back more than my legs. YOu need to work on your form then. More then likely you arn't keeping your chest out with an arc in your back like you should.

SLDLs are a hamstring movement primarily

Neo22 YOu need to work on your form then. More then likely you arn't keeping your chest out with an arc in your back like you should. I guess I have been doing them wrong all along.

knees should be slighty bent too

What are some other good lower back exercises?

cbrpimp good mornings edit: http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/...odMorning.html Those are mainly for your hamstrings and glutes, I thought.

Hip Hippo Those are mainly for your hamstrings and glutes, I thought. is this a joke?

Hip Hippo Those are mainly for your hamstrings and glutes, I thought. no, the SLDLs worked my back alot when i first started doinng em, and they still work it some. Pullthroughs are another back exercise that are verry nice. AND WTF at only once per week...

SLDL's and DL's are two different movements. One is primarily for legs, other is primarily for [lower] back, so don't just do one, do both since they are working two different muscle groups. I do each once a week... or maybe SLDL's twice a week (one heavy, a few days later I lift lighter)

both, SLDL's on leg day, DL's every 2 weeks

Stiff leggs vs regular deadlifts?

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