Sunday, December 8, 2013

Hard Boiled Eggs

Hard Boiled Eggs

This is like the next best thing! I just have them lined up in the fridge -- when I get hungry crack one open and eat it. How much protein is in these babies? Anyone else do this? They are the perfect snack! Googled it and eggs have approximently 6.25g of protein each...does sound reasonable?

perfect snake?

Oh god...i'm laughing so hard...i'm crying...

mmm, i love them, I cook them and just eat the whites though

tize I think they are nasty, try getting an acceptable amount of protein from them at once.... I do..I eat 6 egg whites a day

egg whites..sure. the protein is in the whites, the cholesterol is in the yolks...

make deviled eggs for spice. damn they are good.

Elektra egg whites..sure. the protein is in the whites, the cholesterol is in the yolks... there is protein in the yolk too

DEF there is protein in the yolk too That may be but I sure don't want that cholesterol...the whites are all protein and no fat.

Elektra That may be but I sure don't want that cholesterol...the whites are all protein and no fat. why not?

pokesteve i think there are more than 6 grams of protein per egg, i can't eat 10 jumbo eggs without being really full... thats only 60 grams of protein? impossible. i can eat 2 cans of tuna no problem. gram for gram of protein, their is about 20-25X the amount of fat in eggs as there is in tuna

About half the protein is in the whites,about half in the yolk.

Dragon gram for gram of protein, their is about 20-25X the amount of fat in eggs as there is in tuna and?

SteveO and? no and. My point was, he feels fuller on the 60g of protein from eggs because of the fat in the eggs that is not present in the tuna

tize that's like 18grams of protein...chump change not for me

Dragon no and. My point was, he feels fuller on the 60g of protein from eggs because of the fat in the eggs that is not present in the tuna well u can't eat tuna every meal of the day because of the mercury content, so you need other alternatives. There's nothing wrong with consuming whole eggs

SteveO well u can't eat tuna every meal of the day because of the mercury content, so you need other alternatives. There's nothing wrong with consuming whole eggs I'm not saying you should. pokesteve i think there are more than 6 grams of protein per egg, i can't eat 10 jumbo eggs without being really full... thats only 60 grams of protein? impossible. i can eat 2 cans of tuna no problem. I was merely out out to Poke that the reason he feels more full from the eggs than he does from the tuna (with an equivalent amount fo protein) is mainly due to the extra fat in the eggs. I wasn't sugegsting that he (or anybody) should only be eating tuna all meals of the day or that there is anything wrong with eating eggs.

Elektra That may be but I sure don't want that cholesterol...the whites are all protein and no fat. cholesterol in eggs is not bad for you. Recent studies have shown this and there have been threads on here stating that it isnt bad for you either.

blood cholesterol is mainly a function of genetics. Dietary cholesterol plays only a very minor part.

Eggs are good for you:View this and become enlightened.

stealthrapt0r why not? Because everybody produces all the cholesterol that the body requires to function. Anything more is just extra. You won't find it in the plant world...none at all ever. Cholesterol Content of Common Foods --John Robbins

BuckNut cholesterol in eggs is not bad for you. Recent studies have shown this and there have been threads on here stating that it isnt bad for you either. If it's not too much trouble could you give me a reference? I'd like to know more....

That was great.

what the mother fuck was that?

that was pretty funny.

Hard Boiled Eggs

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