Sunday, December 8, 2013

Thinking about Fat Fast type short term diet

Thinking about Fat Fast type short term diet

Anybody have any experience, or know any females (so unlikely) that have tried a short-term, really drastic diet? I'm thinking of something like T-mags Fat Fast, or the Draper Tuna and Water binge, something like that..just to get kick-started and get myself going again. It just never seems to be quite the same experience between guys and girls when it comes to dieting

girls seem to do well they combine diet and excerice with nolva

Mass girls seem to do well they combine diet and excerice with nolva If I thought I could get away with it, I'd be soo tempted to try *something* just to see; it gets frustrating chipping away bit by bit with slow results. Yes, it's the best way and all but...rawr.

If you lose any more than ~2lbs a week you will be losing muscle as well. It's just not healthy. Do it the right way, you'll be happier in the end.

It would work, but if you keep your diet in check you will lose fat just fine. Anyone that isn't losing fat when dieting (short of a very few with medical problems) isn't doing something right. And if you have trouble keeping your calories down during a normal diet what makes you think you will be able to do something like a PSMF without cheating on a regular basis.

ACURA TL-S It would work, but if you keep your diet in check you will lose fat just fine. Anyone that isn't losing fat when dieting (short of a very few with medical problems) isn't doing something right. And if you have trouble keeping your calories down during a normal diet what makes you think you will be able to do something like a PSMF without cheating on a regular basis. True; I'm just interested in something drastic for a few days to "jump-start" at least mentally. I eat pretty darn clean, went back to keeping my food journal as I have at other times, yet there's this point at which I seem to stick and the bodyfat just isn't budging despite more HIIT, different times, different lifting cycles..

Elfling True; I'm just interested in something drastic for a few days to "jump-start" at least mentally. I eat pretty darn clean, went back to keeping my food journal as I have at other times, yet there's this point at which I seem to stick and the bodyfat just isn't budging despite more HIIT, different times, different lifting cycles.. Less HIIT, more incline treadmill walking. BTW, I am suprised that if you are dedicated enough to have a food journal that you are having any trouble. What is an example of your daily intake?

*cough cough nolva and some triacana*

below setpoint maybe... what's your bodyfat %?

ACURA TL-S Less HIIT, more incline treadmill walking. BTW, I am suprised that if you are dedicated enough to have a food journal that you are having any trouble. What is an example of your daily intake? Basic day lately has been: 1) 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1 scoop pp 2)1 can tuna 3) 2 lean turkey sausages, broccoli 4) 2 sticks string cheese, apple 5) protein pancake/lean turkey burger/lean beef/veggies With different variances, it's coming out to 1600-1800 calories a day. I *think* what's been tripping me up lately is the little column to the right which is extras: 2 hershey's kisses, 1 peppermint patty has been the norm lately. I was trying to go for eating a little bit every day and staving off binges but somehow I'm wondering if that ~100 calories is really what's tripping me up. Workout regimen is 5 days of weights, 6 days of cardio- 4 of the cardio days are interval running. Seriously, after 5 years of working out and working on my nutrition I would *think* I'd be seeing better results. I gave up on the treadmill incline was giving me calf problems and I like running better anyways.

Thinking about Fat Fast type short term diet

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