Sunday, December 8, 2013

anti depressents - gain weight?

anti depressents - gain weight?

I'm not gaining weight from it, but i'm wondering when they say a side effect is gaining weight. does that mean that your appetite gets bigger so you eat more, or it messes with your digestive system? or you just *shrug* gain weight? i'm not sure what i'm on, supposed to be a new form of "celexa" edit: Lexapro

has to do with that, being an ssri, inhibiting enzymes and several other things, supplement with EFAs and vitamin E

some antidepressants do cause some weight gain. remeron is notorious for it. find out what you take and look up the side effects

superbri007 i take flouxetine which is generic prozac, and I would say I've kept my weight under control. Damn, if gaining weight was the case, that would be great for bulking, but it doesnt' work like that. I think gaining weight applies to those not physically active I've been on 20mg 2x daily for about 3 months now. Noticed in the paperwork Kaiser gave me, that fluoxetine is also used prescribed as an appetite suppressant. I've gone from around 200lbs to 185-190 since I started taking it. Dunno about the other ones though.

Generally the weight gain is associated with fluid retention, in rare cases it has been shown that certain drugs can slow down the bodys metabolism.

Dr. Feel Good Generally the weight gain is associated with fluid retention, in rare cases it has been shown that certain drugs can slow down the bodys metabolism. i don't want that!

Its Lexapro

lexapro and its parent drug celexa can certainly cause weight gain, and are notorious for giving people night terrors/nightmares.

My eating habbits didnt change but when I started taking Paxil, I packed on 40 lbs or so in about 6-8 months. I hit they gym but struggled to lose weight which had always been easy for me before. I quit which was a nightmare, Im still trying to lose the extra weight and I seem to be weaker than ever despite my diet and routine.

what is lexapro's cause of weight gain though? i'm watching my weight very carefully, and if it starts to stay the same or rise (i've been loosing for quite some time now) then i'm getting off it.


the jury is out as to the exact cause of weight gain in patients who take SSRI's and SNRI but some theories include ...increased appetite, may cause drops in basal metabolism, hormonal changes....

Aluyminyum some antidepressants do cause some weight gain. remeron is notorious for it. find out what you take and look up the side effects I gained 40 pounds on Luvox. Stopped taking that and was put on Remeron--I became a walking eating, I took up running and don't keep fat food in the house. It's a constant "be depressed" or "be fat" battle. (Water or the Wave). Neither side appears to be winning.

OT knows a lot more about antidepressants than i thought.

superbri007 cause half of us are depressed Yeah, it's kinda disturbing.

superbri007 my dad on the otherhand takes 50 mg of Zoloft, and he doesn't workout, so he packed on some weight, but now he's lost 20 lbs and is getting it back under control i take zoloft as well. It causes some serious food cravings that are hard to ignore. oddly enough it went away with a higher dose.

superbri007 I should just get a PHD in psychology and start to make break-through progress on depression/anxiety, etc. Especially for American's. we're all emo now. There is a biological/scientific model in psychology and they all hold that these conditions are due to an imbalance in brain chemicals, and to fix them you need medication to balance it back out. I on the other hand think that over time, It will cause a domino effect on generations to come. Our kids will probably be born with less serotonin. I think Anti-depressants are just going to cause slow changes in our DNA, and this is coming from someone who has tried many different ones. I think the only way to break depression, is Normal Sleep, Diet, Exercise, healthy activities, and thinking positive /rant ps. and why the fuck am I in college for Criminal justice to become a cop and just lock people up, rather then be a psychologist/sociologist and help people out. Our depression "epidemic" isn't going to cause more depressed children. Evolution doesn't work like that. I go to the gym a lot and eat healthy, but that doesn't mean my son will be naturally athletic. If i take drugs to make my dick 12" long, my son isn't going to be born with a third leg. I feel like shit most of the time, I do all the "right" things - eat right, exercise, sleep well, etc. - but still feel like crap. "Think positive" worked for a while; i'd get over whatever i was upset about and life was dandy. But that stopped making me feel better and i got sick of lying to myself - I wasn't getting any happier, things still sucked as much as they always had. I have a feeling this is all caused by a fundamental problem in my life, something that needs to be fixed. I wonder how many people are the same and just take the "easy" way out by popping pills? Of course that's all speculation. When/if that problem is ever fixed i'll know if I am right, or if my head is fucked up. Fun fact: an hour of exercise three times a week is shown to have about the same effect on people as mild antidepressants. P.S. go psychology/sociology then

superbri007 I find that during and after exercise I feel great, but its the rest days in between I feel depressed, and in the morning when I first wake up. well, what are you doing for your depression, because I'm assuming you have it. And I still think that medication is not the right way to go about things, eventhough it can get people back to a somewhat normal lifestyle. I'm like a woman on a "heavy" PMS day in the gym, i vary from feeling awesome to being pissed off to not caring at all, all within my workout. About 80% of the time i feel a LOT better afterwords though. Anytime i take a break from the gym for a week or so i just about go insane. I'm doing nothing other than the standard eat well, excercise, sleep, etc. and trying to fix what i think is making me depressed. I'll start popping pills if that doesn't work. Some people really do have a serious disorder, but i dont think that's my problem. At least i hope it isn't.

anti depressents - gain weight?

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