Monday, December 23, 2013

how much weight on dips?

how much weight on dips?

just curious what everyone is doing here. i do mine pretty wide and can do about 5 or 6 reps with 3 plates (135 lbs). my roommate doesnt believe i can do that much weight though, ha.

don't like to do them

I usually do 4 sets of 6-10 reps: body weight, bw+25, bw+35, bw+45.

i have a hard time believing that as well but awesome if you really can.

That's quite a bit of weight.

at my gym, you have to go to the bloody front desk and sign out the belt to attach the plates to. Cant be bothered so I just do body weight only.

45 8 reps 70 8 reps 90 6 reps 90 5 reps

i can do 2 plates for sets of 6-8 pretty easily.

how far down do you go? i just do bw dips..first set is usually 14 fairly deep

aenz i have a hard time believing that as well but awesome if you really can. i used to do that much.....i can't do dips right now though cause of the cyst in my wrist

Ceaze i used to do that much.....i can't do dips right now though cause of the cyst in my wrist That sucks what you gonna do about it?

NoXeN how far down do you go? my upper arms go to parallel with the floor. so 90 degrees at my elbows

ryazbeck just curious what everyone is doing here. i do mine pretty wide and can do about 5 or 6 reps with 3 plates (135 lbs). my roommate doesnt believe i can do that much weight though, ha. thats pretty impressive if true. I do sets with the 45 pound plates... wide grip and leaned forward on shoulder day, and closer grip vertical on tricep day.

Ceaze i used to do that much.....i can't do dips right now though cause of the cyst in my wrist how weird, my wife just had an mri for that last week and today they shot some roids into it...shes in agony

PurEvl how weird, my wife just had an mri for that last week and today they shot some roids into it...shes in agony yeah i got it from doing rack hasn't stopped me from working out but i have to wear wrist wraps to take some pressure off my wrist

my body weight = 200 lbs. I'll do like 25,15,15

I use my bodyweight...

I usually get under big guys doing dips and get them on my shoulders and start dipping them.

135? post up some pictures of you are you doing them on a flat bench (with the weight on your lap) or an actual dip bar?

using a dip bar with a weight belt and 3 plates on it. pics here:

ryazbeck using a dip bar with a weight belt and 3 plates on it. pics here: well more power to you if you actually can. me and you are very similar sized, and you do a shitload more weight. What are you putting on BB bench?

Max I've tried years ago was 60lb dumbell held between my legs for 5-6 reps. Haven't tried weighted dips too often...

Ceaze i used to do that much.....i can't do dips right now though cause of the cyst in my wrist i didn't mean i don't think it's possible. i meant based on his pics i wouldn't have guessed he could do that much.

SteveO well more power to you if you actually can. me and you are very similar sized, and you do a shitload more weight. What are you putting on BB bench? dips and bench don't have much correlation

Ceaze dips and bench don't have much correlation I'm just curious of the chest numbers he's putting up. I wish I could do that kinda heavy weight like you guys, but wrist injuries and shoulder injuries really hurt my benching

how much weight on dips?

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