Friday, November 15, 2013

Question about cycling carbs...

Question about cycling carbs...

Is there any reason you couldn't lower your total caloric intake on the days you carb up? Say...carbing up every 3 days.. day 1: 2200 cal/ 50g carbs day 2: 2200 cal/ 50g carbs day 3: 1600 cal/ 200g carbs

timberwolf Is there any reason you couldn't lower your total caloric intake on the days you carb up? Say...carbing up every 3 days.. day 1: 2200 cal/ 50g carbs day 2: 2200 cal/ 50g carbs day 3: 1600 cal/ 200g carbs if your trying to stay lean as well then up the fats on the low day and drop the fat on the high one

PurEvl if your trying to stay lean as well then up the fats on the low day and drop the fat on the high one Yep that was my intent as well. Is this what you do now... lowering your total calories on your carb up days?

timberwolf Yep that was my intent as well. Is this what you do now... lowering your total calories on your carb up days? ya by removing added fats...olive oil, almonds etc. im defcient no matter what day though, I just try and keep it balanced.

Thanks again.

timberwolf Is there any reason you couldn't lower your total caloric intake on the days you carb up? Say...carbing up every 3 days.. day 1: 2200 cal/ 50g carbs day 2: 2200 cal/ 50g carbs day 3: 1600 cal/ 200g carbs I am guessing the other 800 calories on the low carb day will be mostly proteins?

ACURA TL-S I am guessing the other 800 calories on the low carb day will be mostly proteins? You mean low calorie day? I probably won't be able to totally have 0g of fats... so 600-700 calories will be from protein which is 150-175g of protein.

timberwolf You mean low calorie day? I probably won't be able to totally have 0g of fats... so 600-700 calories will be from protein which is 150-175g of protein. No, not completely, just mostly.

tize Purevl: what does cardio do for you when bulking? does it at all cancel some of the bad cals while allowing you to maintain/gain muscle? Presumably clean bulking. I ask because im at a body fat percent that im happy with from cutting and im going to clean bulk but I don't want my stomach growing faster than my arms for the summer. cardio is a good way to keep you in check tize. You will have to figure out the amount thast right for your goals though. I would guess 3 times a week at 30 minutes at a good clip would do it.

listen to pur

tize wtf does that mean big guy do cardio

tize pm me your aim s/n or email or something I will be on tomorrow tize, whats your aim

cardio would i imagine also help with appetite.

i'm never doing cardio

christophers i always cycle carbs someway when i diet i like this setup the most tho training = mon, wed, fri, sat mon=100g carbs tue=50g carbs from veggies wed=300-400g carbs thur=50g carbs from veggies fri=100g carbs sat=300-400g carbs sun=50g carbs bench is my weakest, so i stack carbs there. this does not much physiologically except for glycogen replenishment/management, but its easy to stick to and i still make str gains i think the reason why a lot of people make no str gains when dieting is because they dont do anything cyclical. they just diet on one constant macronutrient ratio. look at my log. ive been dieting for 3-4 weeks now and still making great strength gains. size? no. but strength yes. and i ALWAYS make strength gains when dieting. That's what I've always done in the past. Is your fat and protein intake consistent in all those days?

christophers and from what ive seen purevl uses a NHE/Beverly type of setup which is pretty popular amongst bb circles its really simple.. i may be wrong but just what ive gathered undereat/low carb for 4-5 days and "carbup" but only for a meal or on 2 days. the goal would just be to replenish glycogen to allow for better training. a beverly/NHE setup would look like: mon-low carb throughout day + 250-300g carb meal at night tue-50g carbs wed-50g carbs thur-50g carbs fri-low carb throughout day + extra meal added w/ 200-250g carbs sat-50g carbs sun-50g carbs the competitive bb'tr in my gym consults wth beverly int. and this is the basic setup they gave him for pre contest. I use two days and carb throught the day, not just one meal. But very similiar. Didnt know my method had a name now? This is how its been done for 20 years at least as far as I knew? Im also sensative to carbs so I do it this way, there are better ways believe me

christophers ya, its the bev way of dieting. its also in the NHE book basically. ideal dieting is taking enough gh and t3 so you can eat wendys right until the show

christophers mon=100g carbs tue=50g carbs from veggies wed=300-400g carbs thur=50g carbs from veggies fri=100g carbs sat=300-400g carbs sun=50g carbs I've been thinking a lot lately about doing almost the same thing. Basically on training days, keeping normal carb levels. On off days, cut carbs down veggies only (around 30g probably). Not sure whether I want to leave fat at 25-30%, or drop it to PSMF levels. Any thoughts on this?

Question about cycling carbs...

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