Friday, November 15, 2013

stretch marks on my shoulder?

stretch marks on my shoulder?

why would i be getting stretch marks on my shoulder? looks like stretch marks, unless its from the padded thing when doing calf exercises

means your muscles are getting bigger, thus your skin is stretching...thus get marks.....stretch marks...or your getting fatter

Are you bulking or cutting? Stretch marks around one's shoulders/under arms are pretty common.

S10XtremeNLow why would i be getting stretch marks on my shoulder? looks like stretch marks, unless its from the padded thing when doing calf exercises i get them too. mostly on the front of my shoulder and running from my pecks to armpits. i also get them on my lower back.

tize i get them on my nuts you get them on your labia, bitch.

if its right on the top of your shoulders and theyre pretty long, I'd guess they're from the calf raise machine, I get them every time I use a similar device.

velamint if its right on the top of your shoulders and theyre pretty long, I'd guess they're from the calf raise machine, I get them every time I use a similar device. word, i got them from the hack squat machine, and also from bar when doing squats.

ryazbeck you get them on your labia, bitch.

If you're getting them on the tops of your shoulder, it's most likely the padded thing from the calve machine. I say that because I noticed the same thing. When I get into the shower after going to the gym when I do my calves, I'll notice red stripes on my shoulders from the pad pushing down on my shirt's seam. Mine go away after a while though.

I got that too after about a month of lifting... both biceps but only on my right shoulder though, is there any way to make those bishes go away or is it there for life?

he's scarred for life holmes@!

stretch marks on my shoulder?

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