Saturday, November 16, 2013

meal replacement?

meal replacement?

ok, so i already know i dont eat healthy enough... ive been goin to the gym on and off for years now and this time id rather look better as opposed to just strictly gettin stronger for sports. i figured since im putting in all the work to get strong again i might as well do double duty as get leaner and look better. im always strapped for time when it comes to eating in the AM and just skip breakfast usually, then i just pig-out when i have time since im so hungry by then. i guess what im looking for is something like a meal replacement that i can make quickly or even in advance the evening before... maybe something in a can like ensure (sp?) or slimfast? what do you guys recomend and where can i get it? this forum appears to be pretty much dominated by guys who want big gains and to discuss supplements so maybe if this topic doesnt really fit-in someone can refer me to another place thats a little more relevant to what im looking for? thanks everyone.

dbdraggin ok, so i already know i dont eat healthy enough... ive been goin to the gym on and off for years now and this time id rather look better as opposed to just strictly gettin stronger for sports. i figured since im putting in all the work to get strong again i might as well do double duty as get leaner and look better. im always strapped for time when it comes to eating in the AM and just skip breakfast usually, then i just pig-out when i have time since im so hungry by then. i guess what im looking for is something like a meal replacement that i can make quickly or even in advance the evening before... maybe something in a can like ensure (sp?) or slimfast? what do you guys recomend and where can i get it? this forum appears to be pretty much dominated by guys who want big gains and to discuss supplements so maybe if this topic doesnt really fit-in someone can refer me to another place thats a little more relevant to what im looking for? thanks everyone. i'm sure others will have better answers but I used to make carnation instant breakfast for myself and keep it in an insulated bottle. It's great for an "on the go" snack between meals.

Oatmeal + protein powder is my standard. Takes literally 1 minute in the microwave, add protein powder, eat.

My on the go breakfast is ususally a protien shake but I'll throw in a serving of oats and a scoop or two of peanut butter and blend with the hand blender. Takes just a minute or two. Or I've narrowed my egg sandwich time to about 2-3 minutes in the microwave

If I'm strapped for time in the morning I just hit up Mcdonalds and get Mcgriddles

i usually skip breakfast too... i'm tempted to do an all liquid diet, hit the gym 5 days a week and see how it goes... I love the EAS Ready to Drink protein shakes, but I'd need like 7 of them per day... and they don't last too long that way. (pack of 4 is $8, spend $100 and they'd last 2 weeks )

nathanbx If I'm strapped for time in the morning I just hit up Mcdonalds and get Mcgriddles omg mcgriddles i'll have to keep those in mind on my free day this week

nathanbx If I'm strapped for time in the morning I just hit up Mcdonalds and get Mcgriddles I love those.. but..the fat content is fucking crazy.

spoofy I love those.. but..the fat content is fucking crazy.

they taste like a sponge soaked in syrup.

cj48045 they taste like a sponge soaked in syrup. thats basically what they are

hmmmm, thread owned by McD's thanks for the answers so far tho.

meal replacement?

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