Saturday, November 16, 2013

some videos!!!

some videos!!!

425 lb deadlift 300 lb squat 475 lb rack pull

I take it these are vids of you? or not...

deznutz I take it these are vids of you? or not... no.

oh my this guy is fuckin retarded

drunknmunky no. i know...

deznutz i know...

that squat was awesome

I really thought that guy was fucking around and this was a parody. I looked at his website and he seems dead serious. He wants IT work, what a great way to display web developing skills with such a flashy website.


slowest server evar. the vids cant be that much better

super hawt

i never thought you could screw up a deadlift my mistake. that guy is hilarious

wow, words cannot describe....

that deadlift looked fuckin painful

ouch nevermind that squat looked even more painful, my back would be hating me

Shit that guys good I bet he has huge sex muscles.


gsteclipse97 ouch nevermind that squat looked even more painful, my back would be hating me if that squat was painful, then what's this?

he said he was alright ;x

some gay guy just walked in our dorm room while i was watching that and me and gilgamesh were laughing at it he didnt understand the funny

Mass Aaaaaaaaarrrr!!!!!!! That guy is a fagjar.

should i laugh or cry? i dont know

Ceaze if that squat was painful, then what's this?

I want this guy to enter an actual competition and get laughed out of there.

sans_pants some gay guy just walked in our dorm room while i was watching that and me and gilgamesh were laughing at it he didnt understand the funny

some videos!!!

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