Thursday, November 14, 2013

If you wanna feel huge, go to a 3rd world country

If you wanna feel huge, go to a 3rd world country

LOL, I've been in Caye Caulker for 3 days now, and the whole island knows me as "the big guy". There's no gym here and the food blows. I get some crazy ass looks everytime I order. LOL, just checking in, I'm paying by the minute here so I prolly won't be around long.

welp I'm off to the pharmacy... if you fuckers had replied I might would have taken requests.

What are you getting at the "pharmacy"?

drunknmunky What are you getting at the "pharmacy"? my list looks something like this... 1. Test 2. test 3. oxycontins 4. vicodins 5. fuck 5 I've got everything I need.

Sounds like someone is going to have a clenched ass packed with balloons on his way through customs...

sprite Sounds like someone is going to have a clenched ass packed with balloons on his way through customs... Its really not too bad, my friend brought back a bottle of absinthe and about 200 cubans. Nice list.

test and dbawlz, GO!

sprite Sounds like someone is going to have a clenched ass packed with balloons on his way through customs...

trancezj my list looks something like this... 1. Test 2. test 3. oxycontins 4. vicodins 5. fuck 5 I've got everything I need.

i always told you that your body packing days would pay off

Trance's old job as a colombian drug mule finally paid off!

Do you take the ocy and vicodens? I would not picture any one who is into fitness and well being taking that. I know gear are drugs but some how it is different, I would consider taking gear but not opiates. Just be carefull oxy can be very addictive.

Hpower Do you take the ocy and vicodens? I would not picture any one who is into fitness and well being taking that. I know gear are drugs but some how it is different, I would consider taking gear but not opiates. Just be carefull oxy can be very addictive. My cousin got addicted to oxy and he had to go to rehab for like 3 months or something. That is some bad shit.

in for more test, pick me up a couple 10 mL vials (cyp or E) and I will pay well!

I was in france for 2 weeks, you don't have to go to a shit hole to feel huge...average guy was like 5'9 and 130

If you wanna feel huge, go to a 3rd world country

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