Friday, November 15, 2013

How do you know if you're burning fat or cardohydrates?

How do you know if you're burning fat or cardohydrates?

One question I still don't understand is how do we know whether we're burning fat from our bodies and not carbohydrates that we have recently eaten? I'm talking about when we're doing cardio exercises (treadmill etc) or lifting weights in general. Any insight?

You feel the tingle in your special place.

carbs are the bodies preferred energy source so you are using them first whenever you do any type of activity

cunninglinguist carbs are the bodies preferred energy source so you are using them first whenever you do any type of activity not if your eating zero

cunninglinguist carbs are the bodies preferred energy source so you are using them first whenever you do any type of activity So what happens when you run out? You start burning fat? What about muscle, how do you know you're not burning your muscle tissue instead?

doesnt matter

jonno doesnt matter .

christophers at the end of the day it doesnt matter what you use during exercise in laymans, you can pull fat out of the cell during low intensity cardio for example if you are depleted enough, but that doesn't mean it's oxidized. it will just be put right back in if at the end of the day you are not in a deficit. For most of us excersising without glycogen in our muscles is pretty bad because we may go catabolic and eat our muscles instead of oxidising fat. It's best to just tailor you're diet so you're in a calorie deficit but make sure you have glycogen (carbs) around you're workout so your body does'nt fuck itself and go catabolic. Having said that, a few guys on this board workout on empty stomachs in the morning and still make gains (ie timberwolf) but this is right in the morning after just waking up, so he may still have glycogen from the night before as it has'nt be burnt through the day yet. I though cos I ain't him.

eddscat For most of us excersising without glycogen in our muscles is pretty bad because we may go catabolic and eat our muscles instead of oxidising fat. It's best to just tailor you're diet so you're in a calorie deficit but make sure you have glycogen (carbs) around you're workout so your body does'nt fuck itself and go catabolic. Having said that, a few guys on this board workout on empty stomachs in the morning and still make gains (ie timberwolf) but this is right in the morning after just waking up, so he may still have glycogen from the night before as it has'nt be burnt through the day yet. I though cos I ain't him. you can in the morning since your most anabolic

christophers yes people drastically over-estimate glycogen like, people believe if you go to bed and wakeup, you are depleted. this is not the case. now, purevl on his 4tgh day of low carbs is going to be depleted. but he wont be for a few days after he carbs up. for the average person not employing strategies such as very low carb days, you will not be truly deplete dwhen you wakeup. if you want to truly deplete, and feel how shitty it is, do a few depletion cycles and eat low carb. I go two low one high and repeat, typically its 5 low days a week and 2 high, my high days are only 230 or so carbs as well. If i need to really step it up I will take the low days to 4-5 straight. You needs tons of muscle to be able to do this and also have to know your body inside and out. I can get away with it but others at my level would burn muscle in a flash. I take time to get sliced, some get ripped in half the time, thats there gift, mines the ability to hold onto muscle

keto stix

PurEvl I go two low one high and repeat, typically its 5 low days a week and 2 high, my high days are only 230 or so carbs as well. If i need to really step it up I will take the low days to 4-5 straight. You needs tons of muscle to be able to do this and also have to know your body inside and out. I can get away with it but others at my level would burn muscle in a flash. I take time to get sliced, some get ripped in half the time, thats there gift, mines the ability to hold onto muscle See I don't like the sound of carb re feed days because of the potential insulin spike and absolute raping your digestive system gets. I like the idea of just getting enough carbs pre and post workout and staying on a constant calorie deficit throughout the diet, at least for most normal people trying to lose weight ie most people on this board . Of course, you have all the experiance and real world knowledge so I'm just offering an opinion (IByouscareme ).

PurEvl I go two low one high and repeat, typically its 5 low days a week and 2 high, my high days are only 230 or so carbs as well. If i need to really step it up I will take the low days to 4-5 straight. You needs tons of muscle to be able to do this and also have to know your body inside and out. I can get away with it but others at my level would burn muscle in a flash. I take time to get sliced, some get ripped in half the time, thats there gift, mines the ability to hold onto muscle What does it do to your appearance? I realize bodybuilders do this in preparation for a show but I never really knew why.

Hip Hippo What does it do to your appearance? I realize bodybuilders do this in preparation for a show but I never really knew why. I get to under 4% bf at 212-218

eddscat See I don't like the sound of carb re feed days because of the potential insulin spike and absolute raping your digestive system gets. I like the idea of just getting enough carbs pre and post workout and staying on a constant calorie deficit throughout the diet, at least for most normal people trying to lose weight ie most people on this board . Of course, you have all the experiance and real world knowledge so I'm just offering an opinion (IByouscareme ). you're talking about a TKD, which is a well documented means of dieting for bodybuilders (as advocated by bobo and others for years) in a calorie and carb deficit, it really depends on the amounts of protein and fats in your diet, if you are not eating enough good fat, your body will preferentially use protein as an energy source; it also depends on genetic factors like your p-ratio

quasar you're talking about a TKD, which is a well documented means of dieting for bodybuilders (as advocated by bobo and others for years) in a calorie and carb deficit, it really depends on the amounts of protein and fats in your diet, if you are not eating enough good fat, your body will preferentially use protein as an energy source; it also depends on genetic factors like your p-ratio thank you, i dont have to type it now

quasar you're talking about a TKD, which is a well documented means of dieting for bodybuilders (as advocated by bobo and others for years) in a calorie and carb deficit, it really depends on the amounts of protein and fats in your diet, if you are not eating enough good fat, your body will preferentially use protein as an energy source; it also depends on genetic factors like your p-ratio Cheers dude

a couple other things, obviously it will be easier to lose fat with a higher bodyfat level and make sure you have plenty of water to oxidize the released fatty acids or they will be re-stored

How do you know if you're burning fat or cardohydrates?

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