Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Fitness question for girl

Fitness question for girl

I'm 5'6'', 120 lbs. My friends always compliment me on my shape but I honestly think I can be better. I go to the gym 2 times a week but my diet is pretty terrible... (i still eat whatever i want). i take my flax/fish oil and i run a lot. I hate being in college and almost being forced to eat unhealthy good. i want a lower body fat % mostly so my abs can be more visible and overall lose more body fat. any help with this that isnt too dramatic? i mean, i'm in good shape but would like to be HEALTHIER.

Diet is very important, and sounds like the crucial element to your attain your goals. Check the stickes

pics of you for evaluation?

I posted a while back on specifics.. I need help on nutrition

sr20wop pics of you for evaluation? .

she already posted fucking pics, christ

Foods to Eat Protein:. Fish: Salmon, Tuna, Cod . Eggs . Turkey . Chicken breasts . Cottage cheese . Milk protein isolates . Whey-casein blends . Lean Red Meat Carbohydrates:. Vegetables . Mixed beans . Low-GI fruits . Oatmeal/Oat bran . Mixed-grain bread . Small amounts of protein-enriched pasta Fats:. Fish oil . Flax oil . Olive oil . Mixed nuts Foods to Avoid Proteins:. Fatty meats . Fatty dairy . Most lunch meat . Large amounts of milk . Large amounts of soy Carbohydrates:. Regular bread . Added sugar . Most cereals . Soda . Fruit juice . Bagels . Fruit bars . Candy Fats:. Margarine . Vegetable oil . Corn oil . Heated/fried oil General Rules for Eating Healthy . Get used to the taste of food without dressings, sweeteners, etc. Ultimately you'll grow to like the natural taste of foods you once thought tasted bland. . Try to eat more like a true vegetarian (i.e. the bulk of the diet should come from fruits, veggies, unprocessed and unbleached food). But don't swear off meat. . "Supplement" your unprocessed vegetarian-like diet with the high-protein foods discussed above. . Add unheated healthy oils to your foods. . Drink only calorie-free beverages (green tea, water, etc.). . Unfortunately the worst foods usually are the most convenient and the most processed foods. Avoid eating for convenience alone. . Avoid any easy-to-prepare breakfast foods (waffles, french toast, etc) as they're loaded with fattening trans-fatty acids. . Avoid products containing the ingredients or words "partially hydrogenated," "high fructose corn syrup," etc. . Avoid fast/fried food. . Avoid foods or meals that are high in both fat and carbohydrate.

Ceaze she already posted fucking pics, christ ha thanks

Ceaze Foods to Eat Protein:. Fish: Salmon, Tuna, Cod . Eggs . Turkey . Chicken breasts . Cottage cheese . Milk protein isolates . Whey-casein blends . Lean Red Meat Carbohydrates:. Vegetables . Mixed beans . Low-GI fruits . Oatmeal/Oat bran . Mixed-grain bread . Small amounts of protein-enriched pasta Fats:. Fish oil . Flax oil . Olive oil . Mixed nuts Foods to Avoid Proteins:. Fatty meats . Fatty dairy . Most lunch meat . Large amounts of milk . Large amounts of soy Carbohydrates:. Regular bread . Added sugar . Most cereals . Soda . Fruit juice . Bagels . Fruit bars . Candy Fats:. Margarine . Vegetable oil . Corn oil . Heated/fried oil General Rules for Eating Healthy . Get used to the taste of food without dressings, sweeteners, etc. Ultimately you'll grow to like the natural taste of foods you once thought tasted bland. . Try to eat more like a true vegetarian (i.e. the bulk of the diet should come from fruits, veggies, unprocessed and unbleached food). But don't swear off meat. . "Supplement" your unprocessed vegetarian-like diet with the high-protein foods discussed above. . Add unheated healthy oils to your foods. . Drink only calorie-free beverages (green tea, water, etc.). . Unfortunately the worst foods usually are the most convenient and the most processed foods. Avoid eating for convenience alone. . Avoid any easy-to-prepare breakfast foods (waffles, french toast, etc) as they're loaded with fattening trans-fatty acids. . Avoid products containing the ingredients or words "partially hydrogenated," "high fructose corn syrup," etc. . Avoid fast/fried food. . Avoid foods or meals that are high in both fat and carbohydrate. awesome thanks.

Ceaze she already posted fucking pics, christ refresher

shes already posted pics, she's hot and has a shitty diet due to lack of motivation. (if I remember correctly) edit: no hate, just cliff noting it for the brolys

You've already stated what the issue is.

You need to get your diet in check. I have managed to lose 23lbs in 2.25 months eating school cafeteria food, so it is possible.

ACURA TL-S You need to get your diet in check. I have managed to lose 23lbs in 2.25 months eating school cafeteria food, so it is possible. 2-3 lbs a week? Unintentional or not?

b-stevens 2-3 lbs a week? Unintentional or not? intentional. Ideally I would lose 2lbs a week, but since it is tough to count calories in a cafeteria I can't do that very well. But I have had minimal muscle loss.

ACURA TL-S intentional. Ideally I would lose 2lbs a week, but since it is tough to count calories in a cafeteria I can't do that very well. But I have had minimal muscle loss. i hear ya, my cafeteria sucks. they just throw random assorted shit together it seems and i have the hardest time tryin to track calories because of it.

what ceaze said. and quit drinking draino

kronik85 i hear ya, my cafeteria sucks. they just throw random assorted shit together it seems and i have the hardest time tryin to track calories because of it. I am lucky that mine always has a big thing of cottage cheese and baby spinach for salads so I can supplement with that.

Fitness question for girl

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