Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Does lifting weights stunt your growth?

Does lifting weights stunt your growth?

Im just about to turn 17 in a few days, and ive been working out since 2 years ago. Im relatively strong for my weight, which is 140. I can bench 155 with 3/8 sets/reps, and i can do most other excersizes and pretty high level for my bodyweight. But im not the tallest guy, only about 5'8 or 5'9, and ive been wondering if my growth has been stunted because of lifting weights

yep, lifting weights has closed your growth plates!


Strenuous physical activity have been shown to retard vertical growth in children. This generally does not limit one's final physical height however, as those kids will likely experience growth spurts to catch up to their natural limit upon cessation of the strenuous activities. I think the ballpark is around a few hours of strenuous activity a day. This is compounded by a caloric defecit. So in conclusion, if your kids are lifting several hours a day, feed them lots of food and give them a few months off every couple years. If you treat your kids like Richard Sandrak little hercules, they may end up as tall as him. (but it's not too late for richard yet since he still has lots of time to catch up.)

damn i've mustve been working out since i was 11 cause im 5'6"

Does lifting weights stunt your growth?

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