Thursday, November 14, 2013

wtf v. arnolds encylcopedia

wtf v. arnolds encylcopedia

so i borrow the encyclopedia from a friend and read this in the 'chest' section "this is the proper way to do narrow-grip bench presses: keeping the elbows out and away from the body at the bottom of the movement...allows a full contraction of the pectorals at the top, which helps to develop the inner part of the chest"

just reading about all this elbow-out bs is making my shoulders hurt

If you read Arnold's Bible for real advice..don't expect to get much :P I have it because it's a classic but it's a little outdated in some of its stuff.

inner chest

hes saying that to develop inner chest not triceps

its a general focus at the top of the rep to contract the chest...which will focus more conentration in the middle/inner part of your chest.

narrow grip is different from close grip

wtf v. arnolds encylcopedia

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