Monday, November 11, 2013

Who do you look up to ???

Who do you look up to ???

I mean what makes you keep coming back for more in the gym. Why do you continue. What makes you tick when it comes to the gym ? I myself look up to the idea of confidence. I always think il be a much stronger person the more i continue to do this. Not just pyshically but mentally to.


Franco Columbo. "I still say I'm better than Arnold was, even if the judges in 1975 thought otherwise"

Fabian Franco Columbo. "I still say I'm better than Arnold was, even if the judges in 1975 thought otherwise" Does He still have that weird spit in his chest?

Franco had probably the best seperation between upper and lower chest than anyone back in the day. But no...he's an old dude now

don't really look up to this guy but... that's what I'd "want" to look like, definatley not his face tho

see avatar and bow down

Anyone 6'+.

i don't look up to anyone really it's just when i do stuff like pec deck i imagine someone i don't like and pretend their head is between my arms. always helps me on that last rep

Arnold & Franco

I like Franco because I too am short

insert Parents here...

Also: What a beast. Tis a shame how his career is ending

GilgaMesH Also: What a beast. Tis a shame how his career is ending Maybe I should get in the ring with him to cheer him up. Emokid

GilgaMesH What a beast. Tis a shame how his career is ending We'll see about that on June 11th.....he is going to make such a big comeback. I have my fingers crossed!

Garry Frank.

Quiksilver Garry Frank. No curl, no care

Fabian No curl, no care

Mike McDermott Yes? Does his bad acting make him any less broly? He is a previous bouncer and personal trainer, looks in fantastic shape to me.

Mike McDermott Bullshit. Nobody likes the tuna here. --- you forgot the ", asshole!"

From an athletic standpoint at least.

Quiksilver Garry Frank. I rmeber that thread posting his diet, something like 9-10k calories a day. It was alot of calories from fat, though, If I remember Arnold has made such amazing accomplishments in and outside the gym, he really is one person I will always look up too.

Who do you look up to ???

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