Thursday, November 14, 2013

What would you like to see in a web-based training tracker?

What would you like to see in a web-based training tracker?

I'm really considering this project. Basically, it would be a web based app to create, manage, and track your training progress. What would you like to see in it? I'm thinking 1.) Large DB of exercises with decent example how to do them 2.) Automatic rep schemeing depending on the type of training program you want to go after. 3.) DB of supplements 4.) DB of foods w/ nutritional facts 5.) Ability to upload pictures and personal weight/bf data to track progress 6.) Ability to upload how much weight you're doing for every exercise and track progress Anything else that you think you would use on a site like this. It would be a hell of a lot better to use than excel spreadsheets.

perhaps a graphing function that will graph your progress through the weight that you input?

kronik85 perhaps a graphing function that will graph your progress through the weight that you input? I'm thinking of doing that for weight, bf%, and the amount of weight you do per exercise.

is it gonna be free? if not i don't think it can compete w/fitday

mother fuck, im working on something like this right now

It would be nice to have the ability to add a new exercise with description to the database. It would also be interesting to look into an algorithm that could suggest future workout improvements for you and assist in setting new goals based on previous records. I was just talking about this stuff with some other guys in the gym two days ago.

What would you like to see in a web-based training tracker?

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