Friday, November 22, 2013

ugh (aim convo )

ugh (aim convo )

guy: so i was wondering, ive been working out alot, and i think im big enough, and now i just want to be cut, so ive dropped alot in weigh and gone up alot in reps, is this going to work? a little later.... guy: but i cant keep up the heavy weights, i was getting too big me: what are your big 3 fme: squat/dead/bench guy: i dont do any lower body me: you def need to do some lower body :-) guy: i know...... guy: but i dont like to What is wrong with people

they are gay.

My friend thinks running is able to replace squats.

it gets better.... guy: i also do very little back, my back is so huge right now, its like gross me: pics? guy: leme look guy: ok, this is like 7 months old, and its gotten worse since then........ he is 170 pounds

aahahaha his routine: me: what do you lift me: like what body parts guy: i go mon/wed/fri........ either tri's, chest, or bi's and shoulders

me: well if you just want to be more "cut" its basically all in the diet him: even your shoulders and shit? me: do you want your shoulders to be bigger/ me: ? him: no, just more cut


Claims hes at 8 percent bf :

wheres the forearms

guy: do you drink protein shitzz? guy: ??? I should tell him about steel cut oats

Your friend is 100% dumbass.

haha he said his back got "worse" cuz it got bigger since that pic

Wow, just wow.

freaking metrosexual bitch.

i take bigger craps in the morning.

his chest are small..

punch his teeth out

he lives in texas, I'm too far away to hit him

cavefish Your friend is 100% dumbass. I've had him on block for over a year

SpeedyGST i take bigger craps in the morning. Damn

404 rear delts not found

Mass 404 rear delts not found (any muscle not found)

He must take his Animal Paks

ugh (aim convo )

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