Monday, November 18, 2013

Some more insight in the dosages pro's are running.

Some more insight in the dosages pro's are running.

This is unknown pro named Big Heinz, hes outta venezuela and is gonna make his pro debute in 7 weeks at the new york open I think. I am doing intensity cardio on the treadmil at 12° after 4 gr l-carnitine (very hard) before first meal morning and night. I know this is a miracle!!! for me. 5 meals a day 350 gr protein . 120 gr. Carbs comes from 9 OZ. of oatmeal in the first meal and 200 gr potato in the 3th meal. 2000 mg cipionate a week, 3200 mg boldenone a week, 100 mg anadrol every day. Cynomel 25 mcg a day, and i stop the clembuterol 2 weeks a go and i will start it again the next week. What should you recomend to get a fast change to get in shape, i am dieting since november and i never thought i get slow cahnges at this time. I am very separated and big at 245 with 7% bf. but i dont looking like good like others years, Do you understand?

christophers Funniest Part 350g Protein W/ All That Aas Is Less Protein/day Than Many F&n'rs Take In Lc hehe, maybe hes adopting danny padilla's strategy hehe

Mass hehe, maybe hes adopting danny padilla's strategy hehe gee 350 protein and hes a pro, as for the eq dose he could cut that in half and still get the same results. 245 @ 7% is not big either. Unless hes 5'2 And who the fuck diets on cyp at 2g's

that eq dose plus the anadrol, im amazed his bloodpressure isnt off the charts...

Mass that eq dose plus the anadrol, im amazed his bloodpressure isnt off the charts... i know, how in the hell, I have tried drol more then once and i was ill on 50mg and hated it. Eq i never pushed past 800, I cant imagine tripling it

Some more insight in the dosages pro's are running.

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