Monday, November 18, 2013

Shouldnt I be able to squat more than bench?

Shouldnt I be able to squat more than bench?

I am 5'3" 123 pounds Bench is at 165 And today, first time doing squats, I did 135 x 7....Maybe I coulda put on more but I was alone with no spotter. Being that I repped it 7 times I'm pretty confident I can do three with more weight, but still.... How far away is your guys' squat then bench.

my squat is like 2x my bench edit: i take that back. but it is still alot higher than my bench

You should squat and deadlift a LOT more than you can bench, unless you have freakishly short arms and insanely long legs.

tize 1000 !> 1005 i believe he has squated over 1000

Ah, like I said, it was the first time I did real squats. I usually do them on the machine because I'm a fucking wussy But, godamm I loved it. Squats are like nothing else, total rush thru the body. My legs felt awesome going up. Oh, and I've only been working out since November. christophers - i squat 300+ lb's more than i bench. I can't do anything with 300 pounds ...err, I can do 430 on the legpress IBigetflamedforbeingagirl

200lbs more than my bench

when you first start squatting, it may seem like you are doing close to your max when you arent really. it will probly shoot up within a month as you learn to do the lift better and will suceed your bench.

princess0fdiabl0 when you first start squatting, it may seem like you are doing close to your max when you arent really. it will probly shoot up within a month as you learn to do the lift better and will suceed your bench. That's kinda what I'm hoping

princess0fdiabl0 when you first start squatting, it may seem like you are doing close to your max when you arent really. it will probly shoot up within a month as you learn to do the lift better and will suceed your bench.

I can only squat about 40 lbs more than I bench, but I haven't maxed squat in a while and my heavy triples are increasing dramatically faster than my bench.

tize 1000 !> 1005 He squats more than 1000

tize prove it Yea I'll go ask him if I can take pics of him squatting more than you total Wait like 30 days hes got another meet coming up

tize i dont wait on no body NO MOFUCKIN BODY we talkin bout the past not the future what what Then go read a powerlifting usa or monster muscle something that has the all time SHW rankings in it

tize what ur numbers lookin like now bigtimer I am not sure what you are bsing? and what does my numbers have to do with what Gene does? Stop trolling

tize bs means i cant find his squat numbers being higher than 1000 anywhere your numbers im just inquiring cuz you are my padna The last full meet he did was in 2003 I belive he did like a 1015 or something like that. I would show you a pic of the total board we have but the only pic I have on my comp cuts out right after his name. My numbers have been meh, I did a 425 box squat the other day that was pretty easy, my raw bench is back to normal, I am not really sure about shirted I don't have a shirt atm. My deadlift is getting better and better I want to pull 585 before I leave for basic

Fabian I am 5'3" 123 pounds Bench is at 165 And today, first time doing squats, I did 135 x 7....Maybe I coulda put on more but I was alone with no spotter. Being that I repped it 7 times I'm pretty confident I can do three with more weight, but still.... How far away is your guys' squat then bench. 165 bench is pretty good at your body weight, but your squat will increase pretty quickly. I'd imagine you'll max out around 205-215.

christophers for all you extremely light guys, no more excuses for light weight moved jennifer maile age: 16 @ time of lifts weight: 103 squat: 363 bench: 220 deadlift: 403.5 YES! I lift more than her... (she weighs half as much as I do )

her socks are cute

tize what u bench nga 365 last time I maxed and I have squatted 425, although I haven't maxed in about 3 months or so and my heavy triples have gone up 20lbs in that time (even with cutting).

christophers for all you extremely light guys, no more excuses for light weight moved jennifer maile age: 16 @ time of lifts weight: 103 squat: 363 bench: 220 deadlift: 403.5 I would have to think shes able to lift that much in part because of amazing genes. Even so though, I am in awe, that is amazing.

tize more importantly: would you hit it? No babyface's sister, no care.

christophers for all you extremely light guys, no more excuses for light weight moved jennifer maile age: 16 @ time of lifts weight: 103 squat: 363 bench: 220 deadlift: 403.5 Id hit it.

christophers for all you extremely light guys, no more excuses for light weight moved jennifer maile age: 16 @ time of lifts weight: 103 squat: 363 bench: 220 deadlift: 403.5 Godamm. I got some work to do...and I'm a dude

tize more importantly: would you hit it? I'd like to see her in a bikini before I make my decision.

My form is possibly whack, but my deadlift is the same as my bench, my squat is cool, but i use the spot machine current:Dead ~ 215 bench ~ 225 Squat ~ 335

Shouldnt I be able to squat more than bench?

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