Saturday, November 23, 2013

Sauna after working out?

Sauna after working out?

Good way to shed off a few more calories? Thanks.


Incog91 Good way to shed off a few more calories? Thanks. working out does enough. fix your diet

I do workout and eat healthy but everyone is always looking for that extra edge. Let's not get into a debate on the health factor of what people do *cough*pumping your body full of supplements*cough*.

A good way to dehydrate yourself and lose water weight. Incog91 Let's not get into a debate on the health factor of what people do *cough*pumping your body full of supplements*cough*. This will end well, i'm sure of it.

Actually if you think about it, a sauna would cause you to burn fewer calories because your body does not have to work to keep itself at a toasty 98.6 degrees (fuck you canadians and other metric system users). If you want to burn more calories turn your A/C to full blast.

christophers aren't you that guy who trolls and who talks shit in basically every single post like you're a knowitall, and now you ask a pretty retarded question?.. and now you're going to continue the ego-maniac talk obviously in this post give me, oh, 1 good reason why i shoudln't lock this? i'll wait till morning. I want a response to my post, babyface.

ACURA TL-S babyface.

damn, you suck at searching Incog91

shastaisforwinners damn, you suck at searching Incog91 No Subscription, no search

You can still search in F+N without a sub.

Mystery Guest No Subscription, no search ya, I can search fine

ACURA TL-S Actually if you think about it, a sauna would cause you to burn fewer calories because your body does not have to work to keep itself at a toasty 98.6 degrees (fuck you canadians and other metric system users). If you want to burn more calories turn your A/C to full blast. it still has to work to keep the temp @ 98.6 degrees, do you think that you would be alive if your core temp was the same as the sauna , bodies burn calories to keep core temperature whether its too hot or too cold, thats just physics.

Sauna after working out?

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