Thursday, November 14, 2013

possible to still have great results without a spot?

possible to still have great results without a spot?

I want to work on bulking up my muscles...anyhow I used to workout with a friend and having him as a spotter really allowed me to push to the very limits. Without a spotter I highly doubt I can go as far...what do you guys think?

Use DB's for the heavy ass weight.

only thing a spot is useful for is bench really. Anything else, oly lifts aside, dont really need spots.

lift in a power rack

LOL so yeah. I was pushing myself to failure. On my last rep of last set of DB Bench, my right arm gave way and the weight hit my stomach (i was still holding on). Someone saw me and was like . LOL edit: I was so embarrassed I skipped my DB Fly's and went straight to shoulders. I was swole after still. So it's all good.

ive been working with out a spotter this entire last year. it sucks because i cant push myself as hard as i could. but im still getting gains. added 20lbs to my bench today

as long as you're not stupid about it you shouldn't need a spotter. dont make huge weight jumps. i saw two guys in the gym yesterday using 80s on flat bench, it was pretty obvious that the spotter was liftingn about 20 pounds of the weight because neither of them could handle 80. i kept my eye on them the whole time waiting for a db to crush the kids face.

Absolutely. I've done all my PR lifts solo Just be careful and use the rack.

I was doing military presses the other day and needed help. I got up to about the top of my head and would go any farther

princess0fdiabl0 only thing a spot is useful for is bench really. Anything else, oly lifts aside, dont really need spots.

yes. /thread

dudde just ask someone for a spot on your last set... no one at my gym ever cares

smith machine? IBpur

power rack is your friend.

NoXeN dudde just ask someone for a spot on your last set... no one at my gym ever cares it's that easy

NoXeN dudde just ask someone for a spot on your last set... no one at my gym ever cares I am anti-social and would rather keep to my self than talk to folks at the gym. However, people ask me now and again and it doesn't bother me.

So from what I have observed here is that pushing myself to failure will not lead to optimal results...hmm.

yes. i think its better to do away with lifting partners. I always see dudes standing around just talking for a long ass time. if i need a spot ill ask someone to spot me. but the only thing I ever really need a spot for is bench and I switched to db's. now i can listen to my mp3 player all day and not have to talk to a single person

jackjohnson yes. i think its better to do away with lifting partners. From The Eight Keys by Dave Tate: Teamwork If you train alone you're putting limits on yourself. Training partners are critical for many reasons, including group energy, subgroup coaching, and competing. Have you ever noticed when you go into a gym all the strong guys train in their own little clique? Do you think they were always strong, or could a couple of strong guys have taken another guy under their wings to bring him up? That's usually what happens with a team. In fact, they're all stronger because of the team. The energy a team can provide is enormous. We all need relationships in our lives to take things to the next level. Think back to your football or other team sport days. Remember the locker room talk before the big game? You find yourself sitting on one knee listening to the coach. As the coach speaks and the game gets closer, your energy meter is getting jacked up. Your blood is moving fast in your body and you can feel the adrenaline flowing. You're jacked up and ready to go. You're at maximum level! Now what if I was to tell you there's a way to take it one level higher, but this can't happen when you're alone? You'll need others to make this work. Go back to the game. What happens after the coach finishes his speech and you stand up? You find everyone in the room is jacked up. There's fire in everyone's eyes and you're taking in more energy from them. It's almost unreal! There are high-fives, head butts, screams, rage, and extreme motivation. This happens because everyone in the room has his own level ten, but when it's combined for one purpose and one goal the energy goes off the chart! You find yourself at a level you never thought possible. This can't be achieved alone. I use this as an example of group energy. I'm not telling you to go nuts with your training partners each session. I'm saying there's energy there that can't be found any other way! If you want to take it to the next level, find some training partners who share the same goals. You'll be amazed. Training partners are also a great subgroup of coaches when you're training. When you're bench pressing, are you pressing the bar on the right path? Are your elbows tucked? Are you sure? A training partner can do two things: point out the mistakes and provide the proper verbal queuing during the movement to make sure you don't screw up the next one. You'll also notice one key thing in all lifter interviews. They always thank their training partners. Why do you think they do this? They know that without them they wouldn't be where they are today. If you train alone, stop messing around and get a partner!

Ceaze From The Eight Keys by Dave Tate: there are a few negatives. usually someone is less motivated than the other which brings the other person down. personally a lot of time is wasted catering to each other. especially if the partner isnt at the same ability level. plus there is competition which isnt too bad but can turn ugly. but thats just me. i have no problems getting into a zone and pushing myself. especially with my mp3 player. i also skateboard and snowboard by myself all the time, and do things that take a lot more skill and are far more riskier than say weight training

Being scared of dropping the weight on your chest should be motivation enough to lift the weight.

kingrukus I am anti-social and would rather keep to my self than talk to folks at the gym. However, people ask me now and again and it doesn't bother me. talk to them? just ask hey can i get a spot quick, thanks

possible to still have great results without a spot?

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