Monday, November 18, 2013

I just made an awesome marinade...

I just made an awesome marinade...

I'm marinading the chicken breast now.. here's the ingredients, all of which were eyeballed: Very Very Terriyaki Vegetable Hoisin Sauce Soy Sauce Sweet Vinegar Lime Juice Ancho Chili Powder Cayenne Chili Powder Garlic Powder Chipotle Chili Flakes Sugar This is going to be the shit...

let us know what it tastes like

too much man

superbri007 smear some on your crank and tell your girlfriend she's having BBQ tonight IlYusha Lime Juice

sounds good, i might hafta try that 2morrow

thats a lot of shit, mine is usually olive oil some kind of vinegar salt, pepper fresh garlic

is it really very teriyaki..y? i wonder what made them put an extra "very" there. in my experience, kikoman does it just fine for me. i just use wishbone italian =/ for my chicken.

Shit was great, by the way.

haha shit was great by the way.... so fuck me ill whip up one dem niggahs tonight

I just made an awesome marinade...

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