Friday, November 15, 2013

I can't decide if school ending will be a good thing or a bad thing

I can't decide if school ending will be a good thing or a bad thing

On the bright side, I'll have a lot more free time so I can do all the stuff I have to do and still have more than enough time to work out. But on the other hand, I'll probably be at home a lot, so that means I'll probably start snacking a lot . This might also work to my advantage as long as I eat healthy snacks. We'll see.

I have a hard time with my diet when I'm busy.When i'm bulking i cant get in enough but i guess it's good for cutting.

free time = fatty!

christophers for most people it will be a bad thing. its much easier to diet the more busier you are. fucking werd. mon-fri is a snap. its the weekends that really test my will power.

I can't wait till summer rolls around. Biking, hiking, camping, etc. I love the outdoors. The only thing that might fuck me over a little bit is my 22 day trip to europe but I am sure I'll be fine since I'll most likely be done cutting by then and I'll just need to maintain which won't be that bad.

I have to get jacked because I'm getting moved up to varsity football next year. If I'm not incredibly strong I'm going to get fucked by 400 pound benching PGs.

I finally move out of these fucking dorms into an apartment. I'll actually be able to eat properly for the first time since I'm no longer required to eat the shit they serve on campus

I cant wait for school to end. I'll have more energy, more free time for workouts, I can regulate my diet better. I'm so busy with exams I havent evn worked out since thursday. Fucking sucks.

I just realized that once school is over, I start summer school 12 hours

It will definately be bad for me. When I get home I will have all this tempting food and probably slip on my working out. Luckily I still have over a month left of school so I dont have to worry about it too soon.

I hope to be 100kg before finals or godddd

christophers my exams will begin soon time to start being owned! I have AP reviews lined up basically till the second week of may, then the final reviews start and finals begin. And I get my fucking wisdom teeth pulled friday too.

i dont like highschool but i really dont want summer...i have late arrival in the morning so i work out at seven and then work out after school...i usually split my work ups into back/bi ..chest/tri ...legs/shoulders...been going awesome going to suck for it to end

I can't wait for school to be over. These past couple weeks have been brutal, no sleep and lots of school work. I will be done in a week and a half though. From there I am just focusing on gaining weight. I will have lots of time since I am only working 6 hour shifts and they end around 1130am.

bulking during the summer = the lose. I can never do it.

I can't wait, I am just going to work out all the time.

I'll be glad once school is out cause then work will be the only thing preventing me from having the workout schedule I'd ideally like to be on.

Ya, I will miss the gym. I have a set of free weights at home, but it also hard to get someone to spot me. But I will start running agian.

bulking all year round = win I have good bulking genes

i found it bad. getting up at a certian time for classes got me up to eat more times during the day.

I can't decide if school ending will be a good thing or a bad thing

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