Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I came to a horrible conclusion

I came to a horrible conclusion

I don't work my arms enough... Give me some ideas to bulk up my arms I see people in the gym on the bench and I put up 30-60% more than them, yet their arms are bigger than mine. I think I just get preoccupied working chest/back. I just recently started working shoulders seriously a few monthes ago - I'm a noob lifter(1.5-2 years serious lifting, after losing 60 lbs of fat) and neglected my shoulders compared to chest/back, but I'm about caught up. as an idea of what kind of weight I put up with dumbells dumbells I can curl, with proper form, up to about 45 in 30/40/45 sets of 10 first two, 6-8 on 45. flat bench with dumbells 90/95/100 - per arm. sets of 10/8/6 (been 10/10/10 in the past but I'm coming of a one month slump) incline - 80/90/95 - per arm ( sets of 10/8/6 (been 10/10/10 in the recent past) decline 80/85/90 - per arm. (sets of 10) this is just a general idea of the weights I do with DBs. Do I seem well balanced? tear me apart

rows, chinups, bicep curls, tate press, JM press, CG bench press, skull crusher

gain weight

hammer curls, pull ups, tate press, tricep rope pulldowns

I didn't see a damn thing about legs in there.

KLoWnPR109 gain weight I weigh 195 I work legs to. Thats not my complete workout I posted, just an example of weights I can do to see if I'm relatively balanced.

tize Maybe you just have baby dick syndrome Nah, you've got that covered for both of us

ManinCamo Nah, you've got that covered for both of us

I came to a horrible conclusion

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