Thursday, November 21, 2013

gaining weight & eating question

gaining weight & eating question

Im eating as much as i possibly can. 5 to 6 times a day with snacks and such. I usually feel like i cant move after every meal. I am also eating clean and healthy. Now in the past couple months that i have been eating so much i have gained maybe 5lbs. I know eating is the only way to get bigger, but am i doing something wrong? Any negative effects of eating so much?

btw im about 6-7% bf at 140lbs now, 20yrs old

you are not eating enough

go_duke21 you are not eating enough i feel bad putting so much food in my body as is. I sit and eat as much as my friend who weights 260lbs and eats "a lot"

how tall are you

Opi how tall are you 5'10 - 140lbs skinny but its not that bad

amdspitfire Im eating as much as i possibly can. 5 to 6 times a day with snacks and such. I usually feel like i cant move after every meal. I am also eating clean and healthy. Now in the past couple months that i have been eating so much i have gained maybe 5lbs. I know eating is the only way to get bigger, but am i doing something wrong? Any negative effects of eating so much? Don't worry too much about eating clean and healthy, if you want to put on weight just EAT. Try eating foods that are more calorie-dense if you feel like you get full too quickly. Make shakes. You can easily make a 1000 calorie shake and down it in 30 seconds. Most importantly, if what you're doing now isn't working..change what you are doing.

tell us what you eat in a typical day.

MikeTheVike1 tell us what you eat in a typical day. werd...

6-7 bf? Is that accurate or are you estimating?

breakfast usually eggs or cereal or oats, then the rest of the time im always eating sandwhiches or chicken/beef with rice/veggies. Ill have a smoothie like once every other day or so. But the bulk of what i eat is like food i make. Doesnt sound like much but its 5-6 big meals. I easily get 1-2x my body weight in protein from foods i eat.

Socrates 6-7 bf? Is that accurate or are you estimating? I was like 6 point something last time i got checked a few months ago. Im gonna go tomm and get tested again (calipers).

amdspitfire breakfast usually eggs or cereal or oats, then the rest of the time im always eating sandwhiches or chicken/beef with rice/veggies. Ill have a smoothie like once every other day or so. But the bulk of what i eat is like food i make. Doesnt sound like much but its 5-6 big meals. I easily get 1-2x my body weight in protein from foods i eat. that's good but even 2x your BW in protein is only 1100 calories. You say you're eating a lot but you also say you're not gaining. So you're going to have to eat more.

Chris3G that's good but even 2x your BW in protein is only 1100 calories. You say you're eating a lot but you also say you're not gaining. So you're going to have to eat more. could you explain the relation? For instance ill have a cup of orange juice thats 100 callories yet 0 or 1g of protein.

amdspitfire could you explain the relation? For instance ill have a cup of orange juice thats 100 callories yet 0 or 1g of protein. sure, 1g protein = 4 cals, 1g carb = 4 cals, 1g fat = 9 cals the calories in OJ are mostly from carbs.

gaining weight & eating question

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