Tuesday, November 12, 2013

All my freinds think that running is the best excercise to gain muscle.

All my freinds think that running is the best excercise to gain muscle.

I try to tell them the truth, but they have a fucking thick head. Anyone else have to deal with dumb people like I have to.

Your friend couldn't find his asshole with both hands and a funnel.

my boss is like 42 and he runs half marathons. Hes now training for full marathons and he keeps saying how his legs are getting bigger. I"m like WTF??

well some muscle MUST be gained right? if you are running for years and years, or cycling, shouldnt you have at least moderately larger calves etc than someone who doesnt (and doesnt weight train)? I had to bike every day to school starting in junior high and i noticed my legs grew far more than my puny arms

princess0fdiabl0 well some muscle MUST be gained right? if you are running for years and years, or cycling, shouldnt you have at least moderately larger calves etc than someone who doesnt (and doesnt weight train)? I had to bike every day to school starting in junior high and i noticed my legs grew far more than my puny arms i think the idea behind this thread is that these fools think that running builds more leg muscle than say goodmorning squats.

BlinginAssRims i think the idea behind this thread is that these fools think that running builds more leg muscle than say goodmorning squats. well yes, they would obviously be stronger and possibly larger compared to somebody who doesn't do any physical activity besides sitting on his/her ass all day.

depends, maybe he means sprints. In that case he could be right?


jonno wow What?

All my freinds think that running is the best excercise to gain muscle.

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