Wednesday, November 20, 2013

sweet, 2 days and I got my stuff I asked in the comments if they'd throw me in a shaker cup they did that, plus samples, plus some magazine

Lucky you.

should have asked for a free shirt

i've never gotten a shaker/shirt

im gonna finally get my stuff tomorrow, i hope i get some free shit after all of this trouble.

AznRyda Lucky you. Wow....that sucks

AznRyda Lucky you.

he threw in samples of neuro stim+c, i'm nto going to attribute a good workout to it, but i did seem to be able to do a lil more

okay, the samples they gave me make me more wired than a chimpanzee on crack, i love it even though it tastes similar to vomit

I got 2 shaker cups with my last order from them

ive had 1fast orders take 15+ days, a couple of them, which is why i dont use them anymore, to inconsistant.

Jeff Coleman ive had 1fast orders take 15+ days, a couple of them, which is why i dont use them anymore, to inconsistant. You live about 600 miles closer to them than I do and I've never had it take more than 3 days...

Jeff Coleman ive had 1fast orders take 15+ days, a couple of them, which is why i dont use them anymore, to inconsistant. i've only had 1 bad experience with them, and it happened to be around the holidays. they're a great vendor and i'm happy to deal with them.

guess some of us just arent lucky, its weird i usually do get them in about 3-4 days, but then every once in a while one will take 15+ days, and i will have to go to GNC and buy a small thing of protein to last until my order comes, which really pisses me off. I been ordering from lately, its cheaper than 1fast, shipping is very consistant, and i still get all the free samples, a better free magazine, and all that crap

if it takes long its usually UPS's fault and not 1fast400 right?

Ive ordered about 10 times in the last 6 months from them (I have friends who are less internet savvy). Everything arrived within 2 days each time and Ive always gotten a bunch of extras thrown in there. I wont order from anywhere else.

AznRyda Lucky you. damn. if you had them send it ups i would've gotten it cleared for you

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