Saturday, November 30, 2013

When you feel overtrained....

When you feel overtrained....

do you prefer to just take an entire week off or simply down loading and reducing weight and intensity?

christophers eat, rest, get art done, and dont think about lifting Getting ART done this Saturday.

i do nothing, the gym is out of my head, when it comes back i know im ready

I usually take some time off.

I skip a workout.

Last week I was thinking I was possibly overtrained. So this week I've been working out everyday... squatted twice and did overrhead squats two days in a row. My compromise was no upper body work except fo shrugs. And also the floor presses. Senililty striking at 37. I'm usually not this stubborn but I guess I figure I'm going away in less than two weeks, during which I'm not sure I'll be hitting the gym regularly.

I *like* being in the gym..I hate taking days off. If I have two or three sucky workouts in a row though, I'll take a day off and just try and relax.

usually just take a break for a day or two and catch up on sleep/food.

Elfling I *like* being in the gym..I hate taking days off. If I have two or three sucky workouts in a row though, I'll take a day off and just try and relax. same here...I'm going to be going through withdrawl pains soonm damn tooth

my workouts are spaced out in such way that I have 3 full days to recover at the end of the week. Usually thats more than enough time for me to feel fully relaxed and ready to roll with another week.

timberwolf Getting ART done this Saturday. Sup bro' How do you find it? I had ART done 5 or 6 times specifically for my lower back. I found it helped loosen the muscle and relax my spine. I tried accupuncture recently and that was something special. I felt very good after, a lot less tension in my back, not to mention I slept like a baby that night. Is ART for a specific injury, or just in general for you?

i take a day or two to do nothing but eat heavily and sleep. mind stays clear, then back to weights.

2000GT Sup bro' How do you find it? I had ART done 5 or 6 times specifically for my lower back. I found it helped loosen the muscle and relax my spine. I tried accupuncture recently and that was something special. I felt very good after, a lot less tension in my back, not to mention I slept like a baby that night. Is ART for a specific injury, or just in general for you? Hoping it'll help the lowerback though I'm more concerned with the tendonitis lately.

What are some of the things you notice when you are overtrained? It's hard for me to tell if i'm just tired, overtrained or lazy.

dirtysouthboy What are some of the things you notice when you are overtrained? It's hard for me to tell if i'm just tired, overtrained or lazy. big work outs too close together ideally you should be doing 3-4-5 workouts a day depending on hard you go if you feel weaker, you need a couple days off. working out makes you weaker: resting makes you strong.

Shaolin_sword36 big work outs too close together ideally you should be doing 3-4-5 workouts a day depending on hard you go if you feel weaker, you need a couple days off. working out makes you weaker: resting makes you strong. Yeah, i know that, but besides having a good spaced out routine, you just go by how weak you feel? Are there any signs besides feeling weak to know if you have overtrained?

dirtysouthboy Yeah, i know that, but besides having a good spaced out routine, you just go by how weak you feel? Are there any signs besides feeling weak to know if you have overtrained?'ll know. rest sufficiently, its one of the most overlooked parts of a training program then when you body adapts, it will overshoot homeostasis and THAT is when you should be working out

God I love ART. If any of you suffer from Plantar Fasciitis go to an ART session, and do exactly what he tells you for post-session training and I gurantee your pain will be cut in half.

When you feel overtrained....

embarassing question

embarassing question

Recently I noticed a small lump like 1 cm above my crotch. It hurts when I apply any sort of pressure on it... know what it could possibly be? I realize that this has the potential for many people to make fun of me or whatever, but I am seriously concerned and would like to know what it is.

forget the forum and go see a real doctor

Yeah I'm planning to go soon, but im just wondering if this happened to anyone before and was wondering if its serious

Possible hernia? Yeh, go see a doctor.

ah fuck I hope its not hernia. but its not on my waistline. To be more descriptive... its like 1 cm above my penis. (im laughing for typing that, but at the same time I'm being serious)

and they could just appear out of nowhere? I mean I am 100% certain that it just appeared one morning. Its not very visible, but only when I press it I notice. And also, how would an ingrown hair or a cyst be treated?

and what if its a hernia, how is that treated? surgery?

timberwolf Possible hernia? Yeh, go see a doctor. .

Hey the other day I got robbed and the guy shot me in the leg. It bled a lot but now the wound is starting to turn green and smell. F&N HELP ME, WHAT SHOULD I DO? Should I put steel cut oats on the wound?

cavefish Hey the other day I got robbed and the guy shot me in the leg. It bled a lot but now the wound is starting to turn green and smell. F&N HELP ME, WHAT SHOULD I DO? Should I put steel cut oats on the wound? no that'll just make it grow 50x's bigger and stronger.

molluscum. they are like 1 - 2 mm in width and they are like white bumps, you have to have them frozen off. its not really an STD per se. little kids can get that shit just from playing. but you can get it from sexual contact from a female with it. google it and see if it looks like that or is it not like that?

superbri007 EW!!!!!! no its not like that NWS

killerZees NWS just plain nasty.

trancezj no that'll just make it grow 50x's bigger and stronger.

Swollen lymph node maybe.

brolli ah fuck I hope its not hernia. but its not on my waistline. To be more descriptive... its like 1 cm above my penis. (im laughing for typing that, but at the same time I'm being serious) i had a hernia w/o even knowing it, its a very unfortunate area to have surgery on but it wasnt nearly as bad as i thought it was. mine didnt even hurt, so i didnt know i had 1

killerZees NWS dude... i am speechless

killerZees NWS

you're gunna die


incubimmer i had a hernia w/o even knowing it, its a very unfortunate area to have surgery on but it wasnt nearly as bad as i thought it was. mine didnt even hurt, so i didnt know i had 1 what were you symptoms?

embarassing question

Another cheap site discovery

Another cheap site discovery

A friend of mine showed me this trick. So is the site that you can order stuff for pretty cheap, and then when they ask for the promotion code, type in "freeship" and you don't get charged for the shipping. If you guys find out anything better post it here.

Another cheap site discovery

Another cheap site discovery

Is this "normal" when starting out? 2 Questions..

Is this "normal" when starting out? 2 Questions..

Some background info: I am about 5'4 and weight 200 lbs, which I know I'm a tub of lard. But, I'm trying my best to find a good diet and my friend told me this one was not healthy. But I kinda feel like I lost a little weight because my pants seem a bit looser and keep kinda falling off and I've never had that problem before. I haven't even been keeping track of my weight really because I know it fluctuates alot. ANYWAY I've been on an Atkins-like diet for about a month and really have found no problem with it... meaning I haven't felt physically wrong or sick. Basically for 2 meals a day, all you are allowed to eat is protein, like Atkins. However, unlike Atkins, for 1 meal you can eat pretty much whatever you want, but you have to eat it in like an hour, and no snacking or anything after that whatsoever. It's called the Carbohydrate's Addict diet. Does this diet seem effective? Is it healthy? Thats my first question. My second little problem is, I get tired very easily it seems, or out of breath very easily. I run the treadmill's programmed settings (their called trainers' programs- it auto changes the speed and incline every few minutes) and I'm tired in like 5 minutes. Is this normal? Is it just because of my weight? I feel that when I just run 5 minutes it doesn't do crap for me and I really do push my limit here. It's not like if I break a sweat I just hop off and thats all, I really do push on until my heart feels like its about to explode and my legs get all wobbly and I can barely breathe. But I feel like 5 minutes just isn't enough to do anything. Is this normal?

That diet seems shitty. I think you'll stall + plateau soon, then you will want to give up dieting and go back to your original weight. There is no point to that diet aside from trying to limit calorie intake through no carbs, then trying to maintain diet adherance through a free cheat meal a day.... Its because of your weight and because of your diet. Go at a slower pace and work your way up. Probably because you are/were more inactive, you don't know how to pace yourself.

after a month of dieting, I better look in the mirror and know damn sure I lost weight or I'd feel like I wasted my time.

AznRyda after a month of dieting, I better look in the mirror and know damn sure I lost weight or I'd feel like I wasted my time. lol yeah I know the feeling, I'm looking into other diets right now. I just feel kind of discouraged and guilty when I can only do like 5 minutes on the treadmill and I'm like what the hell this isn't going to do anything for me. Then with the diet, I've actually been ok with it... I've like "cheated" once, and that was when I was really hungry and out for the whole day. I just wish I didn't get hungry all the freakin time

superbri007 Those low carb diets will be good short term, for fast results, but over the long run your going to want something more practical. Most likely this carb addicts diet you describe will plateau soon and will not become effective. The key to fat loss is actually eating, eating at regular intervals to keep blood sugar nice and steady instead of off the charts or way up or down Christophers sticky on fatloss other important links from Ilyusha you may wanna try some light cardio for 30-40 mins on an eliptical on like, level 1-5. Or a walking pace on an incline treadmill Thank you very much, I'll try these and hopefully stick to em I'm afraid I get tempted easily because well, my parents buy the food in my house so I generally have little say in what we eat, and they get junk food. But I'll have to make do until I get my own apartment

but the diet itself is cheating incorporated into it. I was fat for a long time and I tried a lot of different things so I know. You just have to man up and eat a normalish diet like the one outlined in the stickys. You will grow to like the taste of healthy foods after awhile. If you need more motivation, then doing something like a PSMF could kick start your drive, but its hard. A regular diet is pretty easy to adhere too, especially at your weight. If you don't succeed on it, then you just don't want to lose weight enough (cheating and not worrying about porportions or making excuses or whatever).

Oh, and another thing. I am pretty healthy and inshape now, but I still hate running. So its not something you have to do. I'd rather do intense incline walking and elliptical or stairs any day. Running sucks balls.

I don't know if that diet is a great idea. If you're only eating twice a day you'll probably eat more than if you were to eat 4-5 modest plates of food. I'd say drop that diet you're on right now because low-carb diets generally don't help you out in the long-run unless you totally change your lifestyle. However, at that point the fat loss will be tapered off and the health side-effects will not be worth it. Just eat cleanly and do some cardio. If you can only do five minutes you need to slow down a little bit. Just pace yourself so you can last 20-30 minutes.

xpinchx If you can only do five minutes you need to slow down a little bit. Just pace yourself so you can last 20-30 minutes. Yea, the intensity is way too high, lower it a little, and ease into it, dont just start running in the beginning, because you'll soon realize you cant keep it up

xpinchx I don't know if that diet is a great idea. If you're only eating twice a day you'll probably eat more than if you were to eat 4-5 modest plates of food. I'd say drop that diet you're on right now because low-carb diets generally don't help you out in the long-run unless you totally change your lifestyle. However, at that point the fat loss will be tapered off and the health side-effects will not be worth it. Just eat cleanly and do some cardio. If you can only do five minutes you need to slow down a little bit. Just pace yourself so you can last 20-30 minutes. ah well the thing is... I heard that you have to keep your heart rate really high and stuff to get any benefit out of it. And when I'm just walking, I don't feel as if it's doing anything much. Is it though?

Doing a south beach/adkins/fad low carb high protein diet is FINE to get you kick started and to boost your motivation. You WILL lose some weight within the first few weeks of doing this tied in with lifting and exercise. HOWEVER, your progress will slow to a crawl and this is where you have 2 options: 1. get discouraged, give up and blow right back up to your original weight, if not bigger -OR- 2. eat clean and healthy on a good schedule, continue to exercise and lift, and continue to lose weight at a reasonable pace. If you're going to low-carb, do it right. Your progess *won't* slow with proper refeeds, etc. Look at Lyle's stuff on the Ketogenic Diet which is >atkins.

hi chief I've been on an Atkins-like diet for about a month and really have found no problem with it... meaning I haven't felt physically wrong or sick. Basically for 2 meals a day, all you are allowed to eat is protein, like Atkins. However, unlike Atkins, for 1 meal you can eat pretty much whatever you want, but you have to eat it in like an hour, and no snacking or anything after that whatsoever. It's called the Carbohydrate's Addict diet. Does this diet seem effective? Is it healthy? Thats my first question. Have you ever been on a "diet" before? The Atkins diet wants your body to go into a state of Ketosis. Low carb diets can cause your body to go into this dangerous metabolic state. During ketosis, the body forms substances called ketones, which can cause organs to fail and result in gout, kidney stones or kidney failure. Ketones can also dull a person's appetite, cause nausea and bad breath. Ketosis is prevented by eating at least 100 grams of carbohydrate per day. Fat makes you fat...I'd be more worried about that right now. My second little problem is, I get tired very easily it seems, or out of breath very easily. I run the treadmill's programmed settings (their called trainers' programs- it auto changes the speed and incline every few minutes) and I'm tired in like 5 minutes. Is this normal? Is it just because of my weight? Is this normal? To burn fat there are two states...aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic basically means "living in oxygen". You are using your lungs to supply the oxygen your body needs to burn fuel(fat is the first to go because your body requires less "fuel" to burn it. In order to achieve this you must be "in oxygen" for twenty minutes or more for any real benefit. Anaerobic basically means "without oxygen". You are requiring your lean muscle mass to engage in a highly intense short term activity such as sprinting or weighlifting. Your body gasps for air and you will feel a fatiguing sensation as you reach this state. This is caused because the oxygen supply in your body has been used up. Having said that, Both are necessary if you wish to see any healthy results. The second you are out of breath on that treadmill, you are no longer in an aerobic state...SLOW DOWN. you have to build a fitness level...Like lifting weights, you aren't going to start with the 200lb. set right? You have to build up to it...

Is this "normal" when starting out? 2 Questions..

Should I involve Caffeine in my diet?

Should I involve Caffeine in my diet?

I have heard that caffeine helps to boost metabolism. What are some reasons to add caffeine to a diet?

Should I involve Caffeine in my diet?

Should I involve Caffeine in my diet?

how to get rid of bruises?

how to get rid of bruises?

as quickly as possible?

haemaroid cream yes I am serious, this is what a physio would recommend.

Doesn't potassium help heal them?

^ more details? are you talking about foods with potassium?

Wait a week for them to go away and use cover-up in the meantime


Knock his ass out before he can land any hits that bruise you

@ last two replies

but in all honesty, arnica

deadlift. the solution to all of your pussy needs.

who? ^ more details? are you talking about foods with potassium? Bananas?


how to get rid of bruises?

Eating before or after a workout? or both?

Eating before or after a workout? or both?

Should I be eating before a gym work-out to supply my body with carbs, and then eat afterwards to supply protein? I've been doing this so far, but is this the best method?

carbs+protein before and after

that's fine if you want to get techincal, eat some carbs and protein an hour or so before working out. Drink whey protein + malto immediately after working out. Eat protien + carbs + minimal fat an hour or so later. Honestly it won't make much, if any, difference what the sources are for all but competiton bodybuilders.

Eating before or after a workout? or both?

How do you get your 1g of protein per lb of mass?

How do you get your 1g of protein per lb of mass?

Just wondering how you all get your supply of protein per day. I weigh 12 stones (i assume the US system of 1 stone = 14 lbs applies, hence me being 170 lbs?) How can I eat 170g of protein a day? A 140g can of tuna has 35g of protein.. which is merely 20% of what i need in a day..

170 grams is easy as fuck, I just chow on meat all day and shit and take a protein shake after i lift and then I like reeses peanut butter cups and those pack like 3 grams holla

100% whey shakes on top of everything else

If I'm eating a decent amount of calories a day, it's hard not to get 170+ grams. Almost everything has protein in it.. I drink a lot of milk, there's a bunch right there. Even bread has a little protein in it.

Phlab If I'm eating a decent amount of calories a day, it's hard not to get 170+ grams. Almost everything has protein in it.. I drink a lot of milk, there's a bunch right there. Even bread has a little protein in it. I got this 12 grain bread that has 4 grams of protein PER slice

quickone I got this 12 grain bread that has 4 grams of protein PER slice

I dont, I still make gains.

peanut butter sandwiches...chicken...protein shakes..yummyy

i shit more than 170g of protein, it's not hard to consume

I'm probably under-estimating general food that we eat that has protein in it..


chicken, tuna, whey protein, casein protein, veges, oatmeal, wheat bread

Cottage cheese, chicken breasts, and tuna > * Then protein shakes to make up the difference, if there is one.

kingfaz Just wondering how you all get your supply of protein per day. I weigh 12 stones (i assume the US system of 1 stone = 14 lbs applies, hence me being 170 lbs?) How can I eat 170g of protein a day? A 140g can of tuna has 35g of protein.. which is merely 20% of what i need in a day.. 170g of protein a day isn't needed. Consuming more protein doesn't effect how much protein your body will absorb. It only takes what it needs and rids it's self of the rest. It's impossible for a body to add that much muscle mass in a day's time. If you ate that much protein, you will shit out about 110g of it. Try 0.36g of protein per pound of bodyweight you have. If you're 170lbs, you should take in only 62g.

I really try to go for around .02g of protein per 10 pounds htat I weigh, especially when I'm trying to make serious gains. chicken, tuna (staring at an emptry can right now), supps if you aren't hungry...

i consume 3-5 protein shakes daily, each with 45g of protein. rest of my daily protein comes from chicken, salmon, tuna, turkey, beef, and eggs.

joy division I really try to go for around .02g of protein per 10 pounds htat I weigh, especially when I'm trying to make serious gains. chicken, tuna (staring at an emptry can right now), supps if you aren't hungry... Try 0.36g per lb of bodyweight you have. This is the amount a body, that is building muscle, needs.

cbrpimp ?

infinite loop i consume 3-5 protein shakes daily, each with 45g of protein. rest of my daily protein comes from chicken, salmon, tuna, turkey, beef, and eggs. Why so much?

JuggetEQ Why so much? So I'm a big fat turd who weighs 400lbs should I eat 400g of protein a day? Or do I figure out my rough lean mass underneath all the shit and eat only 200g of protein a day?

JuggetEQ Why so much? i weight more than you, i'm at ~195. here's my typical meal breakdown. protein in parthens. meal 1: oatmeal (5g) meal 2: protein shake (45g) meal 3: lunch (30-50g) meal 4: protein shake (45g) meal 5: dinner (30-50g) meal 6: protein shake (45g) meals 2 and 4 serve as snacks, meal 6 is right before bed. the above diet is for a non-workout day. if i'm workign out, i'll add a pre and post workout shake (another 90g protien). so at 195lbs, i fluctuate between 200-250g and on a workout day between 200-300g. if i don't eat meals 2 and 4, i end up eating like shit the rest of the day. they pretty much help curb my appetite and keep my diet in check.

christophers jesus.. where do you get your info? that is extremely off base. much research shows athletes do well with 1g/lbm and as high as 1.5g/lbm. a lot of people like 1.5g/lb in protein. one of the dumbest things to do is under consume protein, which is what .36g of protein is. please stop stating stuff as fact. I get my information from Nautilus. The things I state are proven facts. The 0.36g diet was followed by such bodybuilders as: Frank Zane, Casey Viator, Sergio Oliva, Arnold Sch, Vince Anello and many others. Athletes do more cardio than muscle building, by the way. Except for, of course, the sport of Weightlifting. In addition to your criticism, athletes try to sharpen a skill more than build muscle. You're correct, sir, this diet would suck for an althete. That's why I didn't prescribe this diet to an althete; to my knowledge, the person I gave this advise to is a weightlifter.

JuggetEQ I get my information from Nautilus. The things I state are proven facts. The 0.36g diet was followed by such bodybuilders as: Frank Zane, Casey Viator, Sergio Oliva, Arnold Sch, Vince Anello and many others. Athletes do more cardio than muscle building, by the way. Except for, of course, the sport of Weightlifting. In addition to your criticism, athletes try to sharpen a skill more than build muscle. You're correct, sir, this diet would suck for an althete. That's why I didn't prescribe this diet to an althete; to my knowledge, the person I gave this advise to is a weightlifter. arnold in his book specifically states that you shoudl eat at least 1g of protien per lb of body weight on non-training days, and a bit more on days you train.

christophers what in the FUCK are you talking about? you have got to be an AE. or the stupidest fuck i've ever encountered ? I'd like to see your references on these claims that you need 1g/lb a day. If they are from a protein shake company, than, it's a marketing tool. Moron.

christophers what in the FUCK are you talking about? you have got to be an AE. or the stupidest fuck i've ever encountered yeah, he's got to be an AE. i feel retarded for typing out a reply

How do you get your 1g of protein per lb of mass?

I am starting the Christophers base routine tomorrow.....

I am starting the Christophers base routine tomorrow.....

Thats right, you heard it...#'s will probably start out small, but i dont give a damn more f'n around! Time to get big.

Hate to jump on the bandwagon, but I think I'm going to try it too....Although my numbers are already around 250/400/400...hmph who knows what I'll do.

keep us updated, i wanna know if its good for everyone else, i may try it.

on week 2 so far, numbers are steadily increasing from what they used to be. Or maybe i just wasn't pushing myself as hard as i could?

I am starting the Christophers base routine tomorrow.....

Chest sore after back+biceps day.. here is my log, what am I doing wrong?

Chest sore after back+biceps day.. here is my log, what am I doing wrong?

I'm guessing my form is screwed up on one of these excersies. This has never happened before. Also note that I just added the pullups this week I've never done them before (cant see how this could be it though). ---- Back, Biceps Heavy Weights 3 second negative on work sets 2 warmup sets 5 min warmup (running) Assisted Pull-Ups, wide grip - 4 sets of 6 Bent Over Rows, Barbell - 2 WU sets 8x30, 5 sets 8x65 6x80 4x90 2x100 12x30(burnout set) Bicep Curls, DBs standing - 2 WU sets 8x10, 4 sets of 8x15 8x15 8x15 4x20 +3 Supersets of EZ-bar curls 8x35 8x35 8x35 Crunches - 4x15xbw ---- One thing is the weight for my bent over rows needs to come down big time next week.. at 90lbs my form is terrible I can't bring it all the way up.. (you bring it up to your waist not your chest, right?) Thanks

The exrx guy's form isn't great on a lot of his gif demonstrations. Your chest probably hurts because of pullups.

Ilyusha Your chest probably hurts because of pullups. OK the more I think about it this is probably it.. this is the first time this has happened and its the first time I've done pullups. Thanks

one more question... my abs are never sore the next day or just plain ever. Not even a little bit. Is this not good or is it accecptable? I know soreness doesn't = good workout but I'm just wondering if I am working them hard enough. I do 4 sets of 15 cruches 3 times a week.

sometimes my chest only gets sore 2 days after maybe yur just gettin sore from chest day?

NormanNormal one more question... my abs are never sore the next day or just plain ever. Not even a little bit. Is this not good or is it accecptable? I know soreness doesn't = good workout but I'm just wondering if I am working them hard enough. I do 4 sets of 15 cruches 3 times a week. my abs never get sore... im pretty sure they recoup really quick

sr20wop sometimes my chest only gets sore 2 days after maybe yur just gettin sore from chest day? nope thats definitely not it

sr20wop my abs never get sore... im pretty sure they recoup really quick ok cool.. thanks

Lets see have never had a specific muscle group hurt from a specific set of exercises. You add in another exercise, and another muscle group hurts...odds are this exercise is the culprit :duh: Just messing around, it was probably the pullups broly. Never complain when your muscles are sore, that means they are getting stronger

Z PYRATE Never complain when your muscles are sore, that means they are getting stronger But don't think that just because they aren't sore that you can go ahead and keep working them and overtraining them...

if your abs don't hurt, you're not doing enough

my abs always hurt after a big ab session

weighted decline crunches = sore abs

Chest sore after back+biceps day.. here is my log, what am I doing wrong?

Growing taller?

Growing taller?

Is there a way i can grow taller, i thought about getting nutrition and sleep as well as huge intakes of calcium anything else i should know?

other than hormone injections, you'll grow as far as your genetics will take you

what about weight lifting doesnt that stunt your growth?

acceptance > you

Mike McDermott I wish I was a little bit taller... ...wish I was a baller...

oh really. i wanna paper mat. how about that. ibthreadlocked

Atenza6i oh really. i wanna paper mat. how about that. ibthreadlocked And a six four Impala

how old are you? your growth plates may have closed already. If this is the case, you can at least work on your posture.

I highly dislike being a shorter person (5' 8") but I am getting over it. it's what God gave me and theres nothing I can do about it. Just go to the gym and build big muscles to compensate

damiand ...wish I was a baller... I wish I had girl that looked good, I would call her.............

LEX XIV how old are you? your growth plates may have closed already. If this is the case, you can at least work on your posture. what's the range for the ages they close at? and average closure age??

Whats this growth plate? I'm 19 and 5'8"....(I'm asian )I wanna be 6'3" :O

Till what age does the body grow again? Last i heard it was 25. Im 6'2" at 18 years old, i dont want to grow any more.

Best you can hope for is follow a typical bodybuilder's bulking diet. I would'nt skip the weight lifting. It will only stunt growth if you lift stupidly large amounts of weight, it will probably help by increasing you testosterone levels and thus making you grow taller. Of course supplementing with calcium will help, but an actual calcium deficency won't stunt your growth. You won't need to worry about this anyway if you're following a proper bulking diet with all the vitamins and minerals properly supplemented. It makes sense, a bodybuilders aim is too increase cell devolpment to the maximum amounts and the same is with people who want to grow taller. Go to the doctor if you want you're growth plates checked. I'm short, but I won't ever grow any taller. I've just learnt to except it. It has advantages e.g. I can pull bigger weights in the gym. In this day and age, height really is only a problem in social situations.

DTR rex I highly dislike being a shorter person (5' 8") but I am getting over it. it's what God gave me and theres nothing I can do about it. Just go to the gym and build big muscles to compensate thats what most short guys do

isn't too much calcium bad for you? something about your bones being calcified, whatever that means.

BlkGS3 Till what age does the body grow again? Last i heard it was 25. Im 6'2" at 18 years old, i dont want to grow any more. I'm 6'3 (turning 18 on the 28th) and if I grow another inch, I'm gonna get my legs removed.

who? what's the range for the ages they close at? and average closure age?? I have searched through many medical websites and many of them differ slightly in their numbers. What was generally said was that men stop growing in their early 20's and some as late as 25. Women tend to stop at 19 to 21. A simple body calculator for men (inches):Your height potential = (Height of Mother + Height of Father + 5)/2 For example, my calculated height 68.5 inches (5'8.5") and my actual height is just under 5'9" at 20 years old 68.5" = (60" + 72" + 5)/2 Check out this link for more info and a body height calculator: Be skeptical of what you read on the net.

y0gfx Whats this growth plate? I'm 19 and 5'8"....(I'm asian )I wanna be 6'3" :O Im asian and 6'04" There are a lot of downsides to being taller... As well as a plethora of great ones... keep that in mind when I have to buy a coach airline ticket, go to mexico, buy clothes, eat and have to arch my back in some restaurants with the low decor.

You can always have your legs broken then seperated so they can grow longer.

Grouch And a six four Impala :word:

NoXeN thats what most short guys do LOL Although at this point i GUESS i'm satisfied w/being 5'8" (I'm taller than some of my friends ) My goal IS to become broly. However. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be TALL and BROLY, is there? edit: And to that average thing. My dad is 5'2" and mom 5'3". I'm way past my potential... edit2: make that 5'2" + 5'8 /2....5'5 average? [site makes me add 6 to my mom to assume she was a man ]

17 y/o korean and 5'8'' here, parents are 5'2'' and 5'6''

short isn't as bad as most guys and shallow girls make it out to be. I like a guy to be close to my height. (5'8") it makes perfect

~*Pogovina*~ short isn't as bad as most guys and shallow girls make it out to be. I like a guy to be close to my height. (5'8") it makes perfect I banged the shortest girl ever two nights ago Needless to say, it was awesome. 5'1"

Growing taller?

Friday, November 29, 2013

bench press

bench press

my left shoulder gets a sharp pain when i bring it all the way down to my chest, if i go like4 inches about my chest, it doesnt hurt, any way to fix this or what should i do

yea i have this problem too, didnt know that tucking your elbows in would fix it though gotta try that next time at the gym

I am not a fan of benching.

tize i bet you're a fan of listening to APC in a dark closet how did you guess?

2 board press

bench press

Ok, is this a good routine, v. Im a moron.

Ok, is this a good routine, v. Im a moron. I do this 4 days a week, excersize 1, mon fri. excersize 2, tuesday and thursday.

lose fat, gain muscle mass, get stronger are my goals.

If you're juicing maybe.

killerZees loose fat, gain muscle mass, get stronger are my goals. one of your goals is to have loose fat? i kid i kid

for your goals its fine just getting in shape is not that complicated and there are no super duper extra secret special kgb workouts to do. Just lift weights, eat right, rest, repeat.

Ok, is this a good routine, v. Im a moron.

The best myspace thread evar!!!1

The best myspace thread evar!!!1

Sorry about all the outside thread posting, but main forum fitness threads simply don't happen enough to be entertaining. Anyone who knows anything about M1t, Ph's, and steroids needs to take a quick look at this. Some quick highlights The starter M1T, Does anyone know if this pill is still legal to take? I got it from Total Fitness like 4 weeks ago and have already done a 2 week on-2 week off cycle. I have now been told that this M1T pill is illegal to take in the United States of America. The lackies i have 5 bottles of 20mg lol i took hawthorne berry, milk thistle w/ cranberry extract ill be alright...worse comes to worse ill get surgery! :P would takin an anti estregen while on your cycle affect the positive effects of m1t..? i am on cycle right now.? and how long does m1t stay in your system.. and when i stop takin it.. will i lose all mass/strength gains..? reply back please.. oh yeah.. where can i get an anti estregen..!? This site is better than collegehumor.

i can only read about 1 or 2 posts at a time before I started or at teh absolute idiocy in the threads

The best myspace thread evar!!!1

is it ok to work out when sick?

is it ok to work out when sick?

my whole family is sick with the runny nose, sore throat, congestion crap. i noticed this morning at the gym that my workout was twice as hard to do as usual and i think it's because i'm getting sick as well. i have a runny nose but that's it so far. it's ok if i still go to the gym tomorrow right? its my cardio day and i'm trying to lose weight so i really want to go but not if it's going to hurt me

i'd stay home for a couple of days and just keep your diet in check

i say its fine to work out when your sick... might be as hard... but it just makes me feel like ive accomplished more when i do it...

I actually enjoy working out when I'm sick, as it makes me feel a lot better. Make sure to drink extra water though.

XsLiCk i say its fine to work out when your sick... might be as hard... but it just makes me feel like ive accomplished more when i do it... i've heard that when you work out it lowers your immune system for a short time. is this true? if so that would just make me get even sicker.

I usually go when I'm sick, put i get nowhere close to my max numbers, and i don't do cardio.

dude, when your sick your body uses EVERYTHING you have towards your immune system, so if you're not fully recovered from a workout then you're weakening your immune system because your body has to use resources for recovery as well. rest, sleep fucking sleep and eat easily digestible foods. are we talking about like a fever here? cuz if we are, stay warm as hell and take hot baths, eat alot of vitamin C, and help flush it out. just dont workout, a few days getting well is better than risking it getting worse and being out for longer. you're not gonna lose any gains.

not a good idea as stated above

ryazbeck dude, when your sick your body uses EVERYTHING you have towards your immune system, so if you're not fully recovered from a workout then you're weakening your immune system because your body has to use resources for recovery as well. rest, sleep fucking sleep and eat easily digestible foods. are we talking about like a fever here? cuz if we are, stay warm as hell and take hot baths, eat alot of vitamin C, and help flush it out. just dont workout, a few days getting well is better than risking it getting worse and being out for longer. you're not gonna lose any gains. who are you talking to im a girl, and its a runny fever. no infection as someone else mentioned...just a runny nose.

superbri007 your a girl and you are in the "pussyfeelgood club"? as opposed to the pussyhurt crew

I'm with the others who said it's not a good idea. Rather take a few days off and get lots of rest so you can return to full health sooner. I tried to tough it out at the gym when I got sick last month and what was just a routine common cold ended up taking over a week to go away. Rest up

superbri007 I have mixed opinions. I have been lifting with bronchitis for the past month...and I wonder why I still have bronchitis So part of me says it keeps your immune system low. But when I don't lift, I feel depressed and anxious, which also lowers the immune system. so its 6 of one, or half a dozen of the other now I'm on a 5 day anti-biotic for my infection I've had some bad luck with my lifting schedules the past few months from injuries and colds Oh well, once spring comes by, no more flu season, no more being cooped up in college dorm rooms with the heat blasting and germs spreading yeah im kinda torn too. i get sad just thinking about not going to the gym tomorrow. but i don't want to get sicker either. i'm drinking OJ to boost my immune system. and i saw a commercial for these new immune system boosting i might go get some of those.

Larry Lex I'm with the others who said it's not a good idea. Rather take a few days off and get lots of rest so you can return to full health sooner. I tried to tough it out at the gym when I got sick last month and what was just a routine common cold ended up taking over a week to go away. Rest up ok. i hate this...i really want to go o well, i better rest

I think its okay...depending on how sick you are. I like to for psychological reasons. I would just stick to light cardio though at most. Working out with weights supposedly taxes the immune system in the hours following the workout.

timberwolf I think its okay...depending on how sick you are. I like to for psychological reasons. I would just stick to light cardio though at most. Working out with weights supposedly taxes the immune system in the hours following the workout. i would just walk on the treadmill for 90 mins....the most intense would be a brisk 3.6 mph walk on a incline of 7.

cbrpimp I dont so i dont get people at the gym sick that's where i got sick....damn people not cleaning off the freaking machines after they use them but i dont thin i would get anyone sick from using a treadmill that i wpie off afterwards

superbri007 just cause you see it on tv doesn't mean its going to work get some echinacea, vitamin C + zinc lozenges, and get some low acid OJ don't hit me...o wait..slap me harder i have the lozenges and dayquil (my SO is sick so he bought it) and i've been drinking OJ.

cold - yes sick - no

nic379 that's where i got sick....damn people not cleaning off the freaking machines after they use them but i dont thin i would get anyone sick from using a treadmill that i wpie off afterwards Isn't there some viruses that are supposedly mostly found in gyms? You should get back at them by not wiping.

the people at your gym are going to hate you when you get them all sick.

timberwolf Isn't there some viruses that are supposedly mostly found in gyms? You should get back at them by not wiping. I clamp 45 lb plates under my armpits while rubbing my ass crack along the bar and coughing on the bench press.

timberwolf Isn't there some viruses that are supposedly mostly found in gyms? You should get back at them by not wiping. i'm not a mean person though i wish i was...but i'm not. i even went out and bought my own antibacterial wipes so i could clean after myself. I'm kind of an ass about it though....i make sure EVERYONE that is even remotely near me sees me cleaning up after mylsef so that they might think "hey i should do that too"

Silver85327 the people at your gym are going to hate you when you get them all sick. i hate them for getting me sick...and no two wrongs dont make a right...but i dont think i will get anyone sick....i wipe after myself and i dont talk to or breath on anyone

superbri007 your one of those girls my aim screen name is the same as this name you bolded the wrong part the "my SO" part should have been

i worked out a couple times when i was sick, all it did was make me feel worse and increase the length of the cold

is it ok to work out when sick?

Official: New Years 2005 Challenge! Come on in and register!

Official: New Years 2005 Challenge! Come on in and register!

I guess I'll be organizing this new challenge.. I suppose it should go for a few months (I'm guessing 12-16 weeks), I'll settle that within the first few posts and edit this. Anywho, I want your Username/Real Name/Height/Weight/Big 3 (Squat, DL, Bench)/and a frontal picture and a picture of your back. I will put together an Excel spreadsheet and post it on my site: Post your picture here or mail it to me with "OT Fitness Challenge" in the subject, along with your username and stats and I will put them on the page for easy hosting, so there arent any by the time this challenge is over. When the allotted time has expired, I will post all of the pictures/stats (both old and new) on my site along with a poll; we will vote for who has improved the most, both in strength gains and in size gains. The winner in each category will receive a tub of whatever protein mix or supplement/item they want <$35 from me (they can choose it from 1fast400 or, just email me your address if you happen to be the winner). Well, get eating..get lifting. Good luck! Also, I'm eligible since it's a public vote EDIT: Once you've submitted all the stats/pics/etc to me, go ahead and repost it here so everyone knows what they're up against! EDIT 2: Start and Ending Dates. The official start date begins ONE WEEK FROM TODAY, January 10th, 2005. You may edit your posts and emails between now and then, but after that deadline, you're done. The competition will last Until April the 10th, unless a majority of people have a problem with a 3 month challenge. You will be INELIGIBLE if you do not email me your stats, along with posting them here. I repeat: if i dont have them, you're not in! The Spreadsheet will be updated DAILY on my site. EDIT 3: Pictures/Poses actually, you can pose however you want, but that's the pose you will need to do again for comparisons. i.e. Lat spread now, lat spread then. You can submit up to 2 pictures. Let the games begin. (well, on the 10th ) All of this is subject to change until the 10th when EVERYTHING becomes final. SEND ALL EMAILS TO

I'll go first, come on in..the water's warm Height: 6'0 Weight: 147 lbs Bench 1RM: 145 Squat 1RM: 185 Deadlift 1RM: 255 edit: pics now

tize whats poses do you need? teh one in my av and the same of the back actually, you can pose however you want, but that's the pose you will need to do again for comparisons. i.e. Lat spread now, lat spread then. You can submit up to 2 pictures. I will edit this into the main post.

tize what do YOU get if YOU win Height: 5'8 Weight: 177 lbs Bench 1RM: 240 Squat 1RM: 285 Deadlift 1RM: 265 you guys can pool in and get me something

when is the official start date?

I think it should be in a week or two because that is when my lower back should be all better.............

KLoWnPR109 I think it should be in a week or two because that is when my lower back should be all better............. I fucked up my shoulder last night I just rememebered I dont have a camera anymore for a while.

KLoWnPR109 I think it should be in a week or two because that is when my lower back should be all better............. Check Edit 2

sounds good i will go for max's during this week and will post on the weekend

Height: 6'4.5" Weight: 200-205 lbs (I stay within that range consistently now) Bench 1RM: 225 Squat 1RM: 300 Deadlift 1RM: 355

Height: 5'11 Weight: 164 lbs Bench 1RM: 135 Squat 1RM: ??? (will find out) Deadlift 1RM: ??? (will find out)

height: 5-10 weight: 195 bench 1rm: no clue, but not much squat 1rm: same deadlift: same

height: 5'8 weight: 155 bench: 205 squat: 275 deadlift: 375

what's ur email addy

Height: 5'8 Weight: 160 lbs Bench 1RM: 205 Squat 1RM: 225 Deadlift 1RM: 225

I need to take pics, i will tomorrow. I yoyo-ed last time and am hoping that the lack of holidays and related stress will help.

indianghetto69er what's ur email addy check the post.

I'm down, and maybee i'll max this week...

mike check the post. whoops... pics sent

Any fatties entering? Or just people trying to bulk up?

EDIT for pics and info 6'1" 211 lbs on the home scale as of this post. I'm still slowly upping my weight since I don't know what I can't put up. So I guess I'll go by reps. 135x6x2 bench 195x6x3 squat 225x6x2 regular dl Trying to get my form down on everything. I did max 315 on dl a couple weeks ago, with what must have been god awful form. Goals? Less body hair Lose most of my gut I don't know what's realistic goal wise, but... 205x6x2 bench 275x6x2 squat 305x6x2 dl That would be great IMO. 3 months? Only two pics for the contest? I understand if you're hosting them, but how about 1 front, 1 back, 1 legs? Bunch of pics from me... Will use first two for the contest.

SilverJettaGLX Any fatties entering? Or just people trying to bulk up? I'm a fatty, I have Mike's body plus 70 pounds of fat. True story!

SilverJettaGLX Any fatties entering? Or just people trying to bulk up? did you not see my post? 5-10, 195... I wanna actually LOSE 15 pounds in the next 3-4 months.

tize 15lbs is easy if thats your goal drop shit weight, maybe put on some better weight. Id really like to be ~ 175 or so and a heck of alot leaner... I feel like im on my way already... havent had a soda or any fast food in about a week... im off of both... and this has NOTIHNG to do with newyears... I just decided to knock em both out.

93CivicEX drop shit weight, maybe put on some better weight. Id really like to be ~ 175 or so and a heck of alot leaner... I feel like im on my way already... havent had a soda or any fast food in about a week... im off of both... and this has NOTIHNG to do with newyears... I just decided to knock em both out. take it one day at a time, a week is amazing!

Official: New Years 2005 Challenge! Come on in and register!

What are the advantages of clean bulking?

What are the advantages of clean bulking?

I read through a bunch of the noob thread and it doesnt spell it out, but it seems that it helps you gain more LBM weight, and overall gives you better nutrition. Is that about right? What are everyone's experiences clean bulking vs. dirty bulking? Sorry if this is a repost, I can't search.

Clean bulk = Less work when cutting.

I know what they are, I'd like to know what the relative advantages/disadvantages are of each.

why would progress be slowero n clean foods? doesn't it just boil down to # of cals?

A lot of people think it doesn't make a difference. How much of the excess weight goes to lean body mass and how much goes to fat is mostly determined by genetics. 80%. Its your P-ratio.

So basically with dirty bulking you put on more fat and less muscle? Am I interpreting that right?

food is all comprised of the same chemicals, 'clean' foods are not some magical form of chemicals that adds muscle without fat. The greater the carloric surplus the greater the fat gain, but also the greater the muscle gain. Its just going to be easier going far over the caloric maintenance level on 'dirty' foods. If you counted calories on a dirty bulk and a clean bulk and ate the same level of calories, I'm quite confident the fat gains would be relatively unnoticable

Bulking:Dirty Bulk = More Fat, More Muscle, Less Time Clean Bulk = Less Fat, More Muscle, More Time Cutting:Dirty Bulk = Takes Longer to loose the bf, keep more muscle mass Clean Bulk = Less bf to cut, could loose more muscle mass during cutting process than dirty bulk

christophers I agree with wazzle26

clean bulking will result in either really slow/no gains. if you seriously want to put on mass and get stronger, just eat balls to the wall. enjoy yourself too, eat fries and hamburgers and pie and shit. that makes the subsequent cutting a lot easier.

Sweet, I think dirty bulking is the way to go for myself personally. I think I am just going to eat pretty much normally but just add in stuff like chocolate bars, burgers, more pop, pizza. Want to add 10 pounds by July. Edit: I assume you just mean it makes the cutting easier because you'll have only been on strict diet for 6 months instead of 12...I'm hoping it'll make cutting easier because I won't be gaining a bigger appetite, but rather just an addiction to sugar, therefore I'll get cravings but not hunger pains when I cut.

Clean bulking is a slow process no doubt...I believe its for people who have already achieved some sort of serious muscle mass though. I think most kids in here need to eat clean 3-4 days and pig out the rest. Kind of a 50 50 mix. EVeryones afraid of getting fat...well to get to were i am I got huge/strong bloated and fat. Then cut it all off with hardcore diets. You do this over a few times and you come back leaner/denser and better everytime at the same offseason weight. Thats how I get to 260 and still stay 12%ish nowadays. disclaimer... Pl'ers are exempt as usual

PurEvl Clean bulking is a slow process no doubt...I believe its for people who have already achieved some sort of serious muscle mass though. I think most kids in here need to eat clean 3-4 days and pig out the rest. Kind of a 50 50 mix. EVeryones afraid of getting fat...well to get to were i am I got huge/strong bloated and fat. Then cut it all off with hardcore diets. You do this over a few times and you come back leaner/denser and better everytime at the same offseason weight. Thats how I get to 260 and still stay 12%ish nowadays. disclaimer... Pl'ers are exempt as usual nah pl'ers aren't exempt, I plan on going hard until I hit around 230lb, then cut down and maintain strength.

So....what do you guys recommend us newbies do for bulking? Clean or dirty?

I like diry bulking

dirty bulking just sounds more fun

did you guys find you got a lot of stretch marks during your bulking phases?

Rebs clean bulk = looking skinny all the time.. fixed

and i agree with Pur, i think the clean bulking route is for people who are already fairly big and just want to maintain their lean physique while adding muscle and strength slowly. but for the vast majority of people here, i think "dirty" bulking is the way to go and it's not as if you eat nothing but saturated fat...i still ate oatmeal all the time, plenty of omega3's etc.


I think I will be doing a hybrid of clean/dirty bulking as I want to keep a steady ratio of fat and muscle. Here is the kicker, I bet I could do it fast. For instance, me, who is currently doing 2200 calories, will be going to a 5000 calorie diet to do it crazy fast. The way that I would do it is with steel cut oats, protein powder, dextrose/other sugars, egg whites, tuna, fish oil/flax seed oil pills, no fruits, daily vitamins to make sure I got all of my stuff, cassein protein, skim milk instead of water on steel cut oats and a good 5 litres of water a day. You see, all you have to do is know some shit about insulin and how to use the bodie's most anabolic hormone. By adding dextrose to every meal, you make sure that your food is "absorbed faster". Holy shit I can't wait till I start my bulking phase.. sugar... that is one of the problems though, you get cravings.

dexterium I think I will be doing a hybrid of clean/dirty bulking as I want to keep a steady ratio of fat and muscle. Here is the kicker, I bet I could do it fast. For instance, me, who is currently doing 2200 calories, will be going to a 5000 calorie diet to do it crazy fast. The way that I would do it is with steel cut oats, protein powder, dextrose/other sugars, egg whites, tuna, fish oil/flax seed oil pills, no fruits, daily vitamins to make sure I got all of my stuff, cassein protein, skim milk instead of water on steel cut oats and a good 5 litres of water a day. You see, all you have to do is know some shit about insulin and how to use the bodie's most anabolic hormone. By adding dextrose to every meal, you make sure that your food is "absorbed faster". Holy shit I can't wait till I start my bulking phase.. sugar... that is one of the problems though, you get cravings. are you shitting me?

dexterium I think I will be doing a hybrid of clean/dirty bulking as I want to keep a steady ratio of fat and muscle. Here is the kicker, I bet I could do it fast. For instance, me, who is currently doing 2200 calories, will be going to a 5000 calorie diet to do it crazy fast. The way that I would do it is with steel cut oats, protein powder, dextrose/other sugars, egg whites, tuna, fish oil/flax seed oil pills, no fruits, daily vitamins to make sure I got all of my stuff, cassein protein, skim milk instead of water on steel cut oats and a good 5 litres of water a day. You see, all you have to do is know some shit about insulin and how to use the bodie's most anabolic hormone. By adding dextrose to every meal, you make sure that your food is "absorbed faster". Holy shit I can't wait till I start my bulking phase.. sugar... that is one of the problems though, you get cravings. Sugar to every meal and no fruits...let me know how that works out.

good point.

christophers ya, its up to you. however the person who gains mroe muscle/fat will pretty much always be the one to progress faster, especially if he lose fat fast ala werdna or the kid in our gym. also due to: more weight gain -> more strength -> more strength = more microtrauma = more muscle again, its individual.. but most people simply cannot think long term. its all short term. thats the biggest fault i see daily. shit I think my bodyfat varies with what I've eaten in the last 2 hours. no joke.

What are the advantages of clean bulking?

Bondage Pull-ups

Bondage Pull-ups


I'd hit it.

That's prolly her brother in the background too... ready to kick your ass...

very hot.


got some BIG OL TITTIES!

nice waist and tittays, but blasphemous use of bands


tryfuhl I'd hit it. dot

oh holy good lord i would hit it many times

she will be my new cardio machine


holy smokes she's hot every girl should strive to look like her.

daaaaaaaaaaaamn bitch!!! i'd rape her.

vettedude IBitschris'ssister lol I thought the same thing.

aenz she will be my new cardio machine .

Damn, you guys must really love fake titties.

Ilyusha Damn, you guys must really love fake titties. yep

chin-ups are wimpy. she should be doing pullups - especially if she's using a band

vettedude IBitschris'ssister naw, this one is hotter, probably a 1st or 2nd cousin

I would drink her bathwater.


5.10-Crux chin-ups are wimpy. she should be doing pullups - especially if she's using a band I thought chin-ups were a wide, overgrip and pull-ups were a close, undergrip...

Mugwump I thought chin-ups were a wide, overgrip and pull-ups were a close, undergrip... yeah those are pullups


Bondage Pull-ups

Kinda a cheat meal?

Kinda a cheat meal?

so today was delt's and traps and legs day. i always do a good amount of shoulder work because its one of my fav part of the body to target. so after the gym i cook a pepperoni pizza. 28g of carbs and 16g of protein per 1/4 pizza...thats not too bad imo

Sh0kka so today was delt's and traps and legs day. i always do a good amount of shoulder work because its one of my fav part of the body to target. so after the gym i cook a pepperoni pizza. 28g of carbs and 16g of protein per 1/4 pizza...thats not too bad imo that must've been a very small pizza.

no it was same size as tonys xxl

It's all about how it fits into the bigger picture.. you are cutting I assume. If you are still maintaining a deficit and a reasonable portion of your intake is protein then it doesnt really matter, does it.

You don't want fat post workout, unless its some sort of mystical nonfat pizza...

oh well, you cheated a bit, move on. Look at the bigger picture.

Kinda a cheat meal?

Allergic to whey...

Allergic to whey...

What should I take as far as powder? I've been taking soy, but now I'm ready all this stuff on how it could be bad for you. And I don't really want to take the risk. Is there another option besides whey and soy as far as protien powder goes? Thanks

Egg protein

How is it comparable to whey? Thanks for the quick answer by the way.

Welcome. Complete amino acid profile (contains essential aa's) and IIRC is digested pretty fast though I'm not sure if as fast as whey. Are you lactose intollerant or did you get tested to confirm you're allergic to whey?

I'm not lactose intollerant, but I was really allergic to milk when I was a kid, I can drink a glass of milk now and I won't feel too crappy, but I don't do it anyways. But every time I eat something with lots of whey in it, or try a whey protein shake I get a really bad allergic reaction.. It really sucks. But anyways I'm gunna trash my soy and go pick up some egg protein to try out.

FlameBox I'm not lactose intollerant, but I was really allergic to milk when I was a kid, I can drink a glass of milk now and I won't feel too crappy, but I don't do it anyways. But every time I eat something with lots of whey in it, or try a whey protein shake I get a really bad allergic reaction.. It really sucks. But anyways I'm gunna trash my soy and go pick up some egg protein to try out. I'm lactose intollerant actually. I had to experiment with which protein powders I could handle. Funny thing is Musclemilk I can take though not totally immune to it.

I like egg protein. It's just as tasty.

I picked up some 100% egg protien yesterday at Vitamin Shoppe, it's great! 22g/3/4 scoop, gunna probably do 3 scoops per day. It tastes awesome, just like chocolate milk, but with water. Thanks for the help guys.

i've tried rice protein before (sample pack) it wasnt bad and mixed really well and not thick tasting either.

Allergic to whey...

what is this?

what is this?

Its very annoying when wearing shirts, seems like pec overlaps? Anyone know what this is?

its not a toomah

Welcome to my world man. I have them worse than anyone I know. I would go out in public without a shirt on if it wasn't for them. I tuck them behind muscle shirts though =D ---- there is me 20 pounds heavier (big woman titties ) ---- looking down towards my boobs they give them more of a pointy look.

it seems to be only the one side and my lat or shoulder blade seems messed up also so it feels uncomfortable for my arm

talongod it seems to be only the one side and my lat or shoulder blade seems messed up also so it feels uncomfortable for my arm I'm cursed with both sides When I asked a guy at the game who was in great shape, he said other than fat loss, work on dumbell fly's a lot.

actually that was an older pic its my other side that bothers me more

what is this?

Arnold Pic

Arnold Pic

repost x11tyhundredbillion

we ARE going to look like that eventually like it or not

trancezj repost x11tyhundredbillion sorry.

took ya long enough to repost that from the main forum

christophers who cares. hes old and still the man. seriously

i see cuts still. arnold>*

Anyone have a date on that photo? Is it before or after he got in shape for T3?

Oh God! I thought the flatness look was a myth! But who gives a shit what you look like when you're like 65?

after shoulder surgery but before t3 I heard

Socrates Oh God! I thought the flatness look was a myth! But who gives a shit what you look like when you're like 65? He's 57, 58 in July.

7th Ninjai He's 57, 58 in July. Eh, still not too bad. I hear the sex isn't too great at 57.

fuck his age. he still warms up with more than my 1RM

7th Ninjai Anyone have a date on that photo? Is it before or after he got in shape for T3? That photo is from this weekend I guess.

tofu That photo is from this weekend I guess. He let all the work for T3 go?

Oh noes! People get old and don't look as good as they did when they were young!

Ilyusha Oh noes! People get old and don't look as good as they did when they were young! He looked great 2 years ago in T3. Being a politician has owned his body

Ilyusha Oh noes! People get old and don't look as good as they did when they were young! are you serious ? I met this one guy at my old gym, He was in his 60's and had a body of someone in their 30's. The guy was big and shredded too. I guess he has been working out for like 37 years.

7th Ninjai He looked great 2 years ago in T3. Being a politician has owned his body I heard they used a latex body cover for his upper body in T3, so that he would look bigger and more cut than his real body.

Ilyusha I heard they used a latex body cover for his upper body in T3, so that he would look bigger and more cut than his real body. I read the opposite. A lot of people were guessing it was CGI, I read a quote from Arnold when the film came out that it was totally him.

this picture is bullshit and old...

Serge Nubret in his late 60's was stil guest posing. I couldn't find the pic I saw but he still looked pretty good. Arnold just has different priorites now. His appearrance has less to do with his age and more with his current commitments.

timberwolf Serge Nubret in his late 60's was stil guest posing. I couldn't find the pic I saw but he still looked pretty good. Arnold just has different priorites now. His appearrance has less to do with his age and more with his current commitments. dude has done more than 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999x11y % of people will ever do. Imagine moving to a new country, becoming a super star and then governing one of their largest states.

timberwolf Serge Nubret in his late 60's was stil guest posing. I couldn't find the pic I saw but he still looked pretty good. Arnold just has different priorites now. His appearrance has less to do with his age and more with his current commitments.

gsxtasyd this picture is bullshit and old... The one on the beach is old. I read that was taken a year after his heart surgery. This pic seems legit.

Arnold Pic

Lifting safe with Spinal Fusion?

Lifting safe with Spinal Fusion?

I used to lift a few years ago, before I was a passenger in a serious car accident. Now, half my spine is fused together with titantium. My lower lumbar L4 and L5 shattered, and are now fused with the two above it and two below. I broke one of the rods a year later while I was shoveling snow, and had to get it replaced. It's pretty sturdy now with more metal fusing it together, but I don't know if I should start lifting again, at all. Anyone have experience with something like this, or know someone who has?

id ask a doctors advice personally when it comes to something this, more specifically they doctor who worked on you as he should know the condition your in best

Domo-Kun I used to lift a few years ago, before I was a passenger in a serious car accident. Now, half my spine is fused together with titantium. My lower lumbar L4 and L5 shattered, and are now fused with the two above it and two below. I broke one of the rods a year later while I was shoveling snow, and had to get it replaced. It's pretty sturdy now with more metal fusing it together, but I don't know if I should start lifting again, at all. Anyone have experience with something like this, or know someone who has? I'd definately talk to the doctor, don't let our advice ruin your life

Think about it. Do you think my Surgeon is going to risk a lawsuit by telling me that it's okay to lift? Hence why I'm asking about people with experience with this. Not just your guess as to what is probably safe or unsafe.

So what would you rather have, your doctor telling you not to lift because it's not safe, or us telling you it's safe to lift and fucking yourself up?

Davo So what would you rather have, your doctor telling you not to lift because it's not safe, or us telling you it's safe to lift and fucking yourself up? Are you thinking about what I said? Do you have experience with or know anyone with experience with a spinal fusion? If not, then no, I don't want you telling me it's safe.

Domo-Kun Think about it. Do you think my Surgeon is going to risk a lawsuit by telling me that it's okay to lift? Hence why I'm asking about people with experience with this. Not just your guess as to what is probably safe or unsafe. well I wouldn't see the problem with some lifts, as long as there isn't a large load of weight on your lower back. So avoid DL's, GM's, Squats, or anything else that might press a load on there.

count me out, i know no one with this surgery.

Domo-Kun Are you thinking about what I said? Do you have experience with or know anyone with experience with a spinal fusion? If not, then no, I don't want you telling me it's safe. yea but i think the point is no information on the internet forums can be taken as 100% true or false, its all about listening to good information and deciphering whats usuable information and whats junk as for all u know we are all 60yr old bustin our chops and killin time on the forums. Its one thing to become more knowledgeable about a certain topic but when personal status of ones well-being is at risk id turn towards a professional. often people with similiar symptoms could have completely different injuries and bodies could react differently and etc. I think as far as anyone knows u could lift lightly...or not lift at all..and i think that is the only an answer a doctor could give you, specially as this is not as common as spraining somthing or pulling a muscle so many people aren't well informed in this subject matter

So you're like a superhuman?

I would say no since it is your lumbar discs, they are under a lot of pressure, plus if you damage the nerves exposed between those discs you'd kinda miss their associated functions

igotyofire yea but i think the point is no information on the internet forums can be taken as 100% true or false, its all about listening to good information and deciphering whats usuable information and whats junk as for all u know we are all 60yr old bustin our chops and killin time on the forums. Its one thing to become more knowledgeable about a certain topic but when personal status of ones well-being is at risk id turn towards a professional. often people with similiar symptoms could have completely different injuries and bodies could react differently and etc. I think as far as anyone knows u could lift lightly...or not lift at all..and i think that is the only an answer a doctor could give you, specially as this is not as common as spraining somthing or pulling a muscle so many people aren't well informed in this subject matter Well I wouldn't rely on a "professional's" advice. Especially when that professional told me that I can do anything that I was able to do prior to the surgury, providing it doesn't cause me a great deal of pain. I was shoveling snow, and snap, one broke. Now, I know what you're saying.. If shoveling broke a titanium rod, then weight lifting is definately a no no. But, after talking to many different professionals about in incident, I believe it to have been a defective implant. In addition to this, the new 'cage' of titanium has a new design with more pieces, making it much more sturdy.

seeking information on something like this from otfn is beyond fucking retarded. It's rare condition that I doubt anyone will have any experience with. If your surgeon or specialist sucks, find a new one. If you trust us more than your doctor there is a serious problem.

Peal seeking information on something like this from otfn is beyond fucking retarded. It's rare condition that I doubt anyone will have any experience with. If your surgeon or specialist sucks, find a new one. If you trust us more than your doctor there is a serious problem. Where did I say I trust OT more than my surgeon? I said I wouldn't rely on my Surgeon's advice, because he was wrong the first time, and it put me in the hospital for a week to undergo another MAJOR surgery. I'm asking for people who might have experience with a spinal fusion. I didn't say that any information I gather from OT is going to make or break my decision to do any type of lifting. Don't ASSume. It's retarded to ask if someone on the forum knows anyone with a similar situation?

Domo-Kun It's retarded to ask if someone on the forum knows anyone with a similar situation? Nothing wrong with you asking that. Everyone just has to argue with you because they have nothing better to do. I asked a simple question earlier and instead of getting an answer to my question, a couple people just criticized it or got way off topic. Because they just want to argue or whatever the fuck their childish motives are.

ryazbeck Nothing wrong with you asking that. Everyone just has to argue with you because they have nothing better to do. I asked a simple question earlier and instead of getting an answer to my question, a couple people just criticized it or got way off topic. Because they just want to argue or whatever the fuck their childish motives are. Welcome to OT

yeah, you'll be fine. i wouldnt start out deadlifting more than 5 or 600lbs to start out though, take it easy for a few weeks. the titanium should actually make your back stronger right?

dank yeah, you'll be fine. i wouldnt start out deadlifting more than 5 or 600lbs to start out though, take it easy for a few weeks. the titanium should actually make your back stronger right? Not sure whether I should take that question as sarcasm or not. But, yes, it does make my spine stronger aside from the capabilities of my own muscles on them. If I get into another car accident, my spine is better off with the instruments than without. I should cite that as coming from the orthopedic/neurosurgeon, because they aren't my own words.

chadhova My dad just had this surgery on his C1 and C2. He was seriously fucked up for like 3 months after surgery. It's been 6 months now and he has just begun swinging golf clubs, much less lifting heavy. As you probably know, C1 and C2 is much more serious than yours but i'd still be very wary. One of these?

go to the Q&A at and address your question to Thomas

Ilyusha One of these? not exactly lower lumbar, but E for effort. More like these...

Ceaze go to the Q&A at and address your question to Thomas Thank you. Will do that right now.

Domo-Kun not exactly lower lumbar, but E for effort. More like these... Look who I was quoting.. E for effort for you on reading comprehension.

Ilyusha Look who I was quoting.. E for effort for you on reading comprehension. and yes, definately not that serious..

here's thomas' reply to you: My advice is to go slow. I would start with sled work. There is a great video here by Joe Kenn. you can do many lower body exercises with the sled and can of course add resistance in a less weight bearing manner. I would also try bodyweight squats off the box with perfect form. If you can do them, you can gradually add weight. Do this as a light test. Make the sled your primary weapon at this time.

Lifting safe with Spinal Fusion?

What kind of chicken do you get? cost?

What kind of chicken do you get? cost?

Just wondering what kind of chicken does everyone get? Where do you get it from? Cost as well? Protein Per Serving?

AmCo Just wondering what kind of chicken does everyone get? Where do you get it from? Cost as well? Protein Per Serving? heb 4 pounds 9.95

I dont buy chicken much anymore when its not on sale its about 3.99-4.99 a pound

I get bags of the frozen stuff from Costco. They're not as nutritional as fresh chicken, but right now it's all I can afford.

my frozen chicken never turns out right, so i buy smart chicken, which is like $5 a pound, but is soooo good.

i buy the frozen bags of Tyson chicken

4lb bags of tyson chicken tenders from costco

Ceaze i buy the frozen bags of Tyson chicken Ditto. If it is on sale at the grocery store I will grab it then and just throw it in the vacuum sealer with the marinade and the night before throw it in the fridge. By the time I get home it is defrosted, marinated, and ready for the grill.

cheap shit college > *

Ceaze i buy the frozen bags of Tyson chicken from Costco

I pay nearly 7 bucks a pound.

I'm hooked on Hill Country Fare's "premium chunk" Breast of Chicken (canned chicken). About 52g protein per can. 280 cals. Just open the can and eat. Like $1.5 a can.

Canned chicken is actually really good and a really quick meal

Costco 6 lb. bag, $13.xx.

i buy this brand called smart chicken, they have it at HEB. It's organic and grain fed and blah blah blah. What I like about it is that it's air chilled and it tastes better to me. Seems juicer, too. It's more expensive, though.

i just picked up some chicken from walmart. 12 Pieces Grilled Chicken Breast for 7 bucks. 110cal 4.5g Fat 15g Protein Probably have to eat two of these suckers (per meal i mean) =o

I wait for the sale about once a month and buy it at 1.99/lb. Boneless/skinless breasts. Otherwise it is 5/lb.

skinless boneless chicken breasts, fresh, not frozen, 1.99 a pound when on sale. sometimes i get lucky and its like 1.09 a pound

I buy it from walmart, either the tyson bag or the walmart's usually around 8-9 bucks

cellout i buy this brand called smart chicken, they have it at HEB. It's organic and grain fed and blah blah blah. What I like about it is that it's air chilled and it tastes better to me. Seems juicer, too. It's more expensive, though.

Ceaze i buy the frozen bags of Tyson chicken Me too, 10lbs for $24 I think.

xpinchx I get bags of the frozen stuff from Costco. They're not as nutritional as fresh chicken, but right now it's all I can afford. Ain't that the truth. Frozen chicken at our Costco in Jersey is about a dollar cheaper a pound so..that's what I get! Always skinless,boneless though.

Tyson factory. skinless boneless breasts 20lbs-$23 beat that.

Big ass bags of foster farms boneless/skinless breasts & the kirkland canned chicken in water from Costco

buffbronzenbtchn Costco 6 lb. bag, $13.xx. same

What kind of chicken do you get? cost?

i'm 6'2 170 lbs ... need some advice

i'm 6'2 170 lbs ... need some advice

i would like to know is there any thing i can intake that will allow me to increase my weight but not fat wise i know working out is key but i work 8-6 monday~saturday i come home and i'm exhausted but i do manage to do 100 pushups/25lb 4 sets of 12 bicep/tricep curls so that my body can stay in shape would a protein supplement(whey) in any way benefit me or is it only necessary for full time gym people ?

stupid noobs do 500pushups a night and you'll be hitting 300s on the bench in no time.

knucks stupid noobs do 500pushups a night and you'll be hitting 300s on the bench in no time. ethug

Read the stickies. And dont make faggot excuses. I work from 6:30-5 everyday. I still go. You have to want it. PERIOD

Fabian Read the stickies. And dont make faggot excuses. I work from 6:30-5 everyday. I still go. You have to want it. PERIOD thx for link fabian

my job is very physically demanding.. me and my dad run a remodeling co.. work itself is a workout and at the end of the day.. you are literally exhausted

stickies > you



run of the mill response


creatine will increase your weight if taken correctly, and strength too. but kinda pointless if you're not actualy gonna really lift. research it more for info. instead of doing 100 pushups and curls, take 45 minutes and go to the gym (that's all it takes, i promise) and get a good real workout. read the stickies as advised, they really are useful though it is a ton of reading.

here's a link to the stickies, they're at the top of the page or hell, just hit back on your browser. they're the threads saying "Sticky : thread topic"

Frisco crew holla.

China i would like to know is there any thing i can intake that will allow me to increase my weight but not fat wise i know working out is key but i work 8-6 monday~saturday my thoughts..................... 1) i'm 6'2" and 179.5 lbs... was 184 lbs a couple weeks ago, got real sick, dropped to 174 and now i'm almost at 180 again. started workin out a few years ago i was 145 lbs and 6'2"... THAT sucked. 2) EAT - like a mother fuck. drink protein shakes between meals w/ an apple or banana. 3) DRINK - tons and tons of h20. me and the bathroom are GOOD friends. 4) i work 8-4:30 M-F on my "9-5" job, go to class mon, tue, wed, thur, and sun for 1.5 hrs during the week and 3 hours on the sunday class. i workout tue, thur, sat in the morning before going to work for 1 hr. i do cardio on the alt days for 30-35 mins and rest on sunday. good luck... it takes TONS of work.. and if you want to gain weight you have to EAT.

China my job is very physically demanding.. me and my dad run a remodeling co.. work itself is a workout and at the end of the day.. you are literally exhausted If you want it bad enough there is always time. I worked as a Diesel Mechanic last summer and came home dirty and tired but still made it a point to lift. Truck parts are heavy as are the tools needed to work on them. Id spend 8 hrs running an impact gun the size of my leg and barely be able to hold onto the steering wheel on the way home because my forearms were blasted but still lifted. I was increadably tired for a week or so but adapted and the gains show it. Lifting after work will be a drain on you but if you eat properly your body will adapt. Basically, stop making excuses and make time if you really want it, also read the stickies, the information is there for a reason.

since ur work is so exhausting, you're probably burning a shitload of calories thus you are more. and if you're too exhausted to lift, then your sol. lift on your days off from work even if its only 2 days a week, better than nothing. focus on heavy compound movements, squat, dead, bench, row, chin. do that and eat a lot, you shall gain weight.

[QUOTE=GTPBR] Id spend 8 hrs running an impact gun the size of my leg and barely be able to hold onto the steering wheel on the way home because my forearms were blasted but still lifted. QUOTE] damn that sounds like it'd give you huge forearms pics?

[QUOTE=Undefined] GTPBR Id spend 8 hrs running an impact gun the size of my leg and barely be able to hold onto the steering wheel on the way home because my forearms were blasted but still lifted. QUOTE] damn that sounds like it'd give you huge forearms pics? Thats whatd I figured but it didnt happen. And by leg I mean the size of my thigh, that thing was heavy as shit. Wasnt eating enough to pack on a lot of muscle but by the end of the summer I was stronger then I had ever been and had a crazy grip (not Grouch level but I was impressed). I started college in August and I've gotten soft but got back in the weightroom in January so I'm back on track.

China my job is very physically demanding.. me and my dad run a remodeling co.. work itself is a workout and at the end of the day.. you are literally exhausted Mine is probably moreso than yours. I work 40 hours a week doing freight/recieving. We generally move at about 2000 pieces every 2 hours for 8 hours straight. So every shift I pick up and move roughly 8,000 boxes that weigh anywhere from 15-70 lbs. And I still work out about three times a week. BTW, read the stickies and the F&N archives.

great advice guys i'm now more motivated than ever before

China thx for link fabian No problem at all man. Most here will also help you, but some can act like jerkoffs at times if they feel like joking....only when your new to lifting, you sometimes can't distinguish

Good luck on not putting on any fat. I bulked from 145 to 170 with virtually ZERO fat gain, but as soon as I even tipped over 171, my stomach started slowly getting unscrawny.

China my job is very physically demanding..[ ] me and my dad run a remodeling co.. work itself is a workout and at the end of the day.. you are literally exhausted [ ] Oh.....muffin.....are you gonna be okay? Whatsssamatta? Sand where there shouldn't be sand? Man up and lift. It's not tricky. Plenty of people (me included) have had 10+ hour days of physical labor every day and have still gone to the gym.

i'm 6'2 170 lbs ... need some advice

Anyone have experience with creatine fuel by twinlabs?

Anyone have experience with creatine fuel by twinlabs?

I just bought some at GNC for $11....60 capsules...I figure it's easier than mixing it in a drink...


quickone I just bought some at GNC for $11....60 capsules...I figure it's easier than mixing it in a drink... I bet you have to take like 5 capsules in order to get the same amount as a teaspoon would give you for mixing in water. EDIT: if not, those must be some huge caps

yea i was curious, how much per cap?

A year or two ago I lifted with somebody who took creatine in caps and he had to take 5 caps before and 5 caps after... dunno how much was in each though.

that better not be liquid form -- is it?

no not liquid I dont think....take 6 caps per says 3 caps before workout and 3 caps afterwards I just opened it's clear capsules in powder form.

So you get 10 days worth for 11 bucks Powder, you'll get like half a years worth for 20.

Yeah...I guess I didnt really think about that...seemed easier this mixing. but I got a container of the powder form as well.

quickone Yeah...I guess I didnt really think about that...seemed easier this mixing. but I got a container of the powder form as well. You know you could cap powders yourself?

where do I get the stuff for that? and dont you have to mix the reg powder in stuff like grape juice or somethin to help it get absorbed into the body better? These capsuls say just take a full glass of water... Ingredients: Gelatin, Potato Starch, Cellulose, Purified Water, MCT, Magnesium Stearate, and Silica.

quickone where do I get the stuff for that? and dont you have to mix the reg powder in stuff like grape juice or somethin to help it get absorbed into the body better? These capsuls say just take a full glass of water... Ingredients: Gelatin, Potato Starch, Cellulose, Purified Water, MCT, Magnesium Stearate, and Silica.

Thanks...any advice on a good scale to use? and whats the diff between "0" and "00" capping kits? I may get the deluxe capping kit that comes with the "my weigh 200-z scale" unless anyone thinks theres a better scale out there for around the same price...

Anyone have experience with creatine fuel by twinlabs?

My three months 30 pound loss pics.

My three months 30 pound loss pics.

and the before pics

Any before pics? And are you actually lifting? Genuine question...

before pics so we can see the difference?

I just started lifting like 2 weeks ago, before that I was just biking 20 - 30 miles a day.

killerZees I just started lifting like 2 weeks ago, before that I was just biking 20 - 30 miles a day. 20-30 miles a day? How do you find the time?

Silver85327 20-30 miles a day? How do you find the time? to and from work 15 miles each way.

killerZees to and from work 15 miles each way. Wow I'm sure your coworkers love working with you

Boomer Wow I'm sure your coworkers love working with you We have a shower.

killerZees I just started lifting like 2 weeks ago, before that I was just biking 20 - 30 miles a day. Good job on the weight loss

Good work

Before pics!

Yea we need some before pics. I am probably going to be buying a bike so I can get some more cardio cause I turn into a prune when I spend 40 minutes in the pool.

woowee, good job

Yeah baby! Yeaah! Groovy!

before pics posted.

Damn, that belly went away!

sweet man.. keep hitting those weights

great work man, now hit the weights hard!

you lost all your belly hair

Silver85327 you lost all your belly hair

holy cow! great job!!! Did you alter your diet in any way? Take any pills? Or just do the bike riding?

nic379 holy cow! great job!!! Did you alter your diet in any way? Take any pills? Or just do the bike riding? Well I stopped eating fast food, and I started eating regular portions. No pills although I have an ecy stack I just haven't taken any. Oh I drink about 8 waters a day.

omg theres a squirrel on yur chest.... KILL EEET!!!! edit:

nice work, but you need to hit the weights. can't have tats without muscles. that's just wrong

good job man.

My three months 30 pound loss pics.

Is it normal to bloat up a little bit while losing weight?

Is it normal to bloat up a little bit while losing weight?

I've been losing weight at a fairly steady pace of 2-3 lbs per week for the past 4 weeks. I've lost roughly 10 lbs total. I feel a lot healther, and I can tell my pants are fitting better. I can comfortably move up to the next notch on my belt, which I couldn't previously do. However the fat I still have seems to be a lot softer and squishier, and my love handles appear to be sticking out quite a bit more than they were the past couple weeks from my initial slimming down. Is this normal? Here's the rate I've been losing weight : 3/30/05 - 226 lbs 4/6/05 - 222 lbs 4/13/05 - 219 lbs 4/20/05 - 216.5 lbs

what does your diet look like? Just wondering because you are losing weight but is it fat? Makes me wonder because of what you said.

jaymode what does your diet look like? Just wondering because you are losing weight but is it fat? Makes me wonder because of what you said. Main things: Chicken breast (with seasoning, sometimes with a tbs of BBQ sauce, but most of the time I just eat it plain) Deli sandwich (shaved turkey breast with swiss cheese on whole wheat bread. Sometimes a thin slice of hard solami) Oatmeal Yogurt Cottage cheese Peanuts Raw fruits+veggies And I drink nothing but water and propell fitness water. I've been eating pretty clean.

love handles are the usually the last to go! how i hate thee!

AmCo love handles are the usually the last to go! how i hate thee! hell yeah.

It seems you might be losing weight a little too fast. You could be burning some muscle along with the fat, which is why you feel a little more squishy and 'soft'. Also, don't let your mind think you are thinner than you really are because you've lost some weight.

Davo It seems you might be losing weight a little too fast. You could be burning some muscle along with the fat, which is why you feel a little more squishy and 'soft'. Also, don't let your mind think you are thinner than you really are because you've lost some weight. Yup, I am thinking you are losing a little to fast also. What do your calories and protein intake look like? How many cals below maintenance?

how do you figure out mainenance calories? is it 12X your body weight??

Could be retaining some water weight. How much are you drinking?

its normal to retain more water when you begin cardio. Water volume in plasma increases.

Fucker Could be retaining some water weight. How much are you drinking? A shit load. I don't know exactly how many ounces, but I fill up my Gatorade water bottle about 6 times a day or so.

jaymode Yup, I am thinking you are losing a little to fast also. What do your calories and protein intake look like? How many cals below maintenance? My maintenance calories are about 3844 and I consume anywhere from 2000-3000 a day. A large majority of this is proetin (chicken, cottage cheese, peanuts, turkey breast, etc.)

xpinchx A shit load. I don't know exactly how many ounces, but I fill up my Gatorade water bottle about 6 times a day or so. You're probably a little swolen from all the water. I usually drink a 1.5 Ltr bottle on weight days at the gym. A little less on cardio days. Anyway, I get a little swolen after.

I notice the same thing and even posted it a few days ago except I notice that my love handles sometimes appear bigger and then go back down. I do drink about a 1.5 gallons of water a day. My clothes feel alot looser so I must be doing something right . I'm down to a 34 from the 36 when I started. I'm on week 5 of my excercise and diet.

xpinchx My maintenance calories are about 3844 and I consume anywhere from 2000-3000 a day. A large majority of this is proetin (chicken, cottage cheese, peanuts, turkey breast, etc.) Going down to 2000 from 3844 is not gonna be good for retaining muscle mass. Even going down to 3000 is pushing it. If your goal is to lose fat and not weight I am pretty sure you only want to eat about 500 or so calories below maintenance. It is good however that most of them come from protein sources as that will help retain muscle.

jaymode Going down to 2000 from 3844 is not gonna be good for retaining muscle mass. Even going down to 3000 is pushing it. If your goal is to lose fat and not weight I am pretty sure you only want to eat about 500 or so calories below maintenance. It is good however that most of them come from protein sources as that will help retain muscle. Honestly, I usually eat on the upper end of 2000 calories depending on the day. I'd say an average of 3,000, plus I'm lifting 3-4 times a week. Muscle loss isn't a huge issue for me, but the less I lose the merrier.

xpinchx My maintenance calories are about 3844 and I consume anywhere from 2000-3000 a day. A large majority of this is proetin (chicken, cottage cheese, peanuts, turkey breast, etc.) Your maintenance should be no where near 3844. It should be like 2500-2800

Grouch Your maintenance should be no where near 3844. It should be like 2500-2800 Baseline calorie needs then? It's the number I got from the Harris-Benedict formula + activity factor.

xpinchx Baseline calorie needs then? It's the number I got from the Harris-Benedict formula + activity factor. I thought it was body weight x 11. maybe I'm wrong for one.

i always lose a shitload of water when i begin to cut. i hold alot when i bulk

Grouch I thought it was body weight x 11. maybe I'm wrong for one. Find your BMR: Women: BMR = 655 + ( 4.35 x weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 x height in inches ) - ( 4.7 x age in years ) Men: BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) - ( 6.8 x age in year ) Then multiply that by your daily fitness level: If you are sedentary (little or no exercise) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.2 If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.375 If you are moderatetely active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.55 If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.725 If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR x 1.9 I come up with about 3.8k. This is your baseline calorie needs, in other words, that's about how many calories you will burn in a day by just sitting around breathing, chewing food, walking to your car, shopping, etc. Body weight x 11 would give you about the amount of calories you need to eat to lose weight healthily.

xpinchx Find your BMR: Then multiply that by your daily fitness level: I come up with about 3.8k. This is your baseline calorie needs, in other words, that's about how many calories you will burn in a day by just sitting around breathing, chewing food, walking to your car, shopping, etc. Body weight x 11 would give you about the amount of calories you need to eat to lose weight healthily. [/list] by those calculations, im around 800 cals in deficit, yet havent lost a pound in 2 weeks

yo nizzle by those calculations, im around 800 cals in deficit, yet havent lost a pound in 2 weeks The number you get is sort of a ball park figure. There's a lot more variables such as metabolism, how often you're eating, how clean you're eating, etc.

xpinchx The number you get is sort of a ball park figure. There's a lot more variables such as metabolism, how often you're eating, how clean you're eating, etc. eat 3 times a day, eating pretty clean wheat bread, turkey slices, chicken breast, white rice, protein shakes

xpinchx The number you get is sort of a ball park figure. There's a lot more variables such as metabolism, how often you're eating, how clean you're eating, etc. I soaped down my fries twice before I ate them last night, is that clean enough?

Is it normal to bloat up a little bit while losing weight?

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