Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Unfit - New comic

Unfit - New comic


it is set in a gym from the makers of dilbert, i thought it was appropriate

yeah and I agree...its the mentality many follow..."if i workout I can still do this and that because I'm working out"

Filmboy44 yeah and I agree...its the mentality many follow..."if i workout I can still do this and that because I'm working out" if i benched yesterday, i can eat a bag of chips-ahoy today. and now that i mention it, i miss chips-ahoy.

this comic just started on monday, so it'll be interesting to see where it goes and if it lasts a long time

"I get to wear sneakers to work"

this isn't F&N related, but this one made me laugh more than anything

SoKo this isn't F&N related, but this one made me laugh more than anything

That comic doesn't seem too funny.

I think it's pretty funny

added to faves

Unfit - New comic

Bow flex any good?

Bow flex any good?

I have a gym membership, it cost me $30 a month, And i dont find time to go there when i would prefer when they are open. So I was looking into getting something like bowflex or another system if recommended. I could do it on my own time and save money over all. Ideas?

It's a machine weight. No.

It's a machine weight. No. edit : posted on my brothers account as paintballer, switched to my account and posted the same, and remembered I don't know his pw to delete comment

Plastic piece of shit

delete thread RUN

Dad bought one and I use it every once in awhile. Works alright but no where close to real weight. However it does do one thing that I havent noticed free weights do it make you might for complete control of the movement. but id stay with a gym membership

My girlfriend's dad bought one. I couldn't tell you how well it works because they only used it for the first week they had it.

better than nothing......but the gym is the best

you better off with a rack, bench and DBs

xpinchx My girlfriend's dad bought one. I couldn't tell you how well it works because they only used it for the first week they had it. isnt that what they all do?

...I think they're great!!!!! .....for hanging your clothes on

if you can't find the time to go the gym, then you're not motivated enough to do this. It's not so much of an equipment problem, i'm sure it's possible to make decent gains on a bowflex...but you just don't have the right attitude to do it. Most likely you'll buy the thing, use it for 2 weeks, and then it will sit collecting dust.

Contrary to popular belief here in OT, it is a decent system IF you are A BEGINNER. That said, anything is decent if your a beginner. I used to have one and it no doubt helped me build a decent base back starting out days. You have to bust your butt on it to get sore and I pretty much only used it for benching. Real free weights and a gym are the best by far though.

resistance will get you stronger. Doesn't really matter where it comes from.

they key isnt what machine, its how often you use it.

Kotchy or another system if recommended. I could do it on my own time and save money over all. Ideas? power rack, bench, barbell, weights, dumbells.

Beason However it does do one thing that I havent noticed free weights do it make you might for complete control of the movement. engrish?

Bow flex any good?

Hm..explanation on this?

Hm..explanation on this?

I do chest + tris once a week...I did it last week (monday) but that was the only day I worked out. Had knee surgery so I was stuck at home the whole week Anyways, at the gym today, I did BB 155x10, 165x8, 165x6. Last week when I did it I could only get about 4 or 6 on the last two sets. The week before, I got 4 on the 165 sets. Explanation for this? Is it possible that the week "off" from everything else let my muscles recover?


Wouldn't doubt it..but still, sad if that's so.

knucks Wouldn't doubt it..but still, sad if that's so. Well then there's your answer. You aren't giving your muscles enough time to recover. I had the same problem with DB shoulder press a few months ago.. after not pressing for 2 weeks, I came back 10lbs stronger per DB.

How is a week not enough time to recover? Nothing going well for me in life.

knucks How is a week not enough time to recover? Nothing going well for me in life. What kind of volume are you doing per day/week, and how many times per week are you working your chest?

Ilyusha What kind of volume are you doing per day/week, and how many times per week are you working your chest? Not sure what you mean by volume..but I do this/similar to this once a week (Monday): flat bench (bb or db. i change it up here and there) incline bench (db) decline (smith) dips incline wide grip(machine) flys (once in a while..not really consistent with them)

knucks Not sure what you mean by volume..but I do this/similar to this once a week (Monday): flat bench (bb or db. i change it up here and there) incline bench (db) decline (smith) dips incline wide grip(machine) flys (once in a while..not really consistent with them) That looks like too much already.. how many sets/reps do you do per exercise?

3. today was a crappy day for me as I didn't want to over-do it on the first day back: flat bench (bb): 155x10, 165x8, 165x6 incline bench (bb..i hate doing this but my wrist has been bothering me): 95x10, 105x10, 105x8 decline (smith): 25s x 10, 30s x 10, 40 x 8 incline (machine): 60 (on each side) x 8, 60 x 8, 60 x 10, 60 x 10 i usually do 4 or 5 exercises for chest

I would do no more than 3-4 exercises with 3-5 sets each per week.

Hm..explanation on this?

Justin er filmy says to get the smaller one...

Justin er filmy says to get the smaller one...

I dunno. Got fitted by some stupid whore for my tux. 48 fits arms / shoulders and chest, but I could put like 3 basket balls under there. Filmy said to get a 44 and just relax because I'll only be wearing it for a short time. I think I could rip the 44 if I coughed really hard but it will look better. STupid cunt that fit me for it was like "golly the problem is that you're so big up here and not down here" Me = "I think your parents are related"

so you're not big "down there", eh?

GilgaMesH so you're not big "down there", eh? you know what I mean

fat man in a little cooooooaaat

SoKo fat guy in a little cooooooaaat Fixed.


44"? I had one of those when I was 20, no way you will make it bro, get the 48 and grow a back

I would get the bigger one. I got a 46 because it didn't look stupid (whole basketball thing you are talking about) and everytime I put it on I feel like I am going to rip the arms to shreds. The pants fit like a charm though since the suit came with 43 inch pants and they had to be fitted or else I would look like a real tard. I would just live with having the chest look stupid. It takes me a good minute to put my coat on without ripping it.

PurEvl 44"? I had one of those when I was 20, no way you will make it bro, get the 48 and grow a back It isnt the back that causes the problems, it is the lack of beer belly.

PurEvl 44"? I had one of those when I was 20, no way you will make it bro, get the 48 and grow a back Grow a back? back ain't the problem. I'll have to grow pregnant to fit in it.

trancezj Grow a back? back ain't the problem. I'll have to grow pregnant to fit in it. beer my brother beer

PurEvl beer my brother beer I think we all know I have no problem with that.

PurEvl beer my brother beer mmmmm beer

Oh that happened to me at my buddies wedding last fall. The rental place got me into a 50 Regular. When I put it on, totally fit in the shoulders and arms....not at all in the waist....asked them what they can do and they said 'nothing'..... With that said (if you can't find an 'athletic cut coat'), just make sure it will look good in pictures and then take the darn thing off ASAP.... Oh, and if they are having vests under, MAKE SURE that's the right size, cuz that's what you will be wearing all night

same problem with my brothers wedding as I told you already. I went in and took 3 coats...50, 48 and 46...the 46 comes short as shit even the long...the 48 looks too tight and the lapels actually flare out. The 50 fits fine in the chest and arms but the waist is like Trance said....4-5 basektballs

but Trance, get the 44 for picturs only and scrape it when you sit down...really you'll thank me later in the pics pics can't tell if you're uncomfortable

Filmboy44 but Trance, get the 44 for picturs only and scrape it when you sit down...really you'll thank me later in the pics pics can't tell if you're uncomfortable I'm afraid if I cough it'll explode. Maybe I'll go for the 46 and be kinda comfy and kinda stooopid looking.

trancezj I'm afraid if I cough it'll explode. Maybe I'll go for the 46 and be kinda comfy and kinda stooopid looking. its obviously your choice, but get the 44 long, which will hae a tad more room...the 46 will look like a big bag, the 48 is stupid the coat I"m wearing right now for a suit is a 48 but its tailored to fit inside which is great...but before it was tailored it looked rediculous...

When I went suit shopping I had the same experience, I went with the 44 instead of the 46 and just got the 44 tailored on the sides so it would give a tapered look

38 jacket, 28 pants. thank got for suit seperates.

SickLife 38 jacket, 28 pants. thank got for suit seperates. try 50/R with 32/34 waist

I went back this morning.. 44 is a no go. It looks like a spandex type coat standing still. 46 will have to work. It's still gunna be big, but I can't do the 44 at all.

get a different cut then. Go with the double flap back and the long, it will fit fine

wear sweatpants

Trance, I wore a 48 for my wedding in February. I looked like I was wearing a freakin robe. It was huge around my waist, but still a little snug around my shoulders and back. The girl at the shop told me I needed to quit working out. I told her to quit talking (then I told her I was kidding, so she wouldn't fuck up my tux on purpose). I chose a Ralph Lauren tux, and they didn't come in an Athletic cut. Get the 48 and don't worry too much. You won't have the jacket on all night and when you do, everybody is going to have their arms around you taking pictures. You won't notice. My suits have to be tailored and they look good when they are done properly. They are athletic cut, but still too damn big around the belly area. They make your shape stand out better when they are tailored and make your back look huge.

Justin er filmy says to get the smaller one...

is this mental or what?

is this mental or what?

i have been changing my eating habits lately and working out. well i felt kinda weak at the gym this morning and it pissed me off and put me in a bad mood all day. Then i ate 3 ccokies at my moms because i was depressed and they were homeade and smelled so good and i'm such a fucking pussy for doing that. then i had a lean peice of steak and 1/2 a plain baked potatoe. well, ever since the cookies i've been feeling nauseated. so i ate the steak and potatoe because i still need to eat for energy. well, the nauseau hasen't gone away yet. is this just mental cause i fucked up my diet and i'm becoming a purger or something? i dunno. i feel stupid. it's just been a rough day i'd like to think it's mental. /rant


i've found that after not eating sweets.. when i finally do, they make me feel sick especially cookies. i've stopped eating them altogether try cookies another time if you want.. my guess is that they'll make you feel sick again

Maybe the eggs she used were bad

Maybe the cow had Mad Cow Disease

Dude, its 3 cookies. Get over it.

I could see them making you feel nauseous for a few hours if you havent eaten sweets in a long time but not the entire day. When I drink coke I always feel sick afterwards if I haven't drank it in a while.

probably a little bit of both. The gulit of eating cookies and probably not eating much.

AmCo probably a little bit of both. The gulit of eating cookies and probably not eating much. this is what i decided too. i really did feel nauseated after I ate them....but then 6 hours later when I posted this it had to hae been mental. I'm actually kinda glad that I felt that way because it shows I'm trying to be strict and hard on myself. Othertimes, I wouldn't have cared abit and just said...eh, i'll start over tomorrow, and went and binged. This time I pulled myself back together and ate right afterwards.

sprite Dude, its 3 cookies. Get over it. yeah yeah..it's 3 cookies..... it wasn't so much about the cookies, but more about how I let myself do it.

i ate a box of mac & cheese with 3 glasses of pepsi

Ceaze i ate a box of mac & cheese with 3 glasses of pepsi fuck you fat ass

nic379 yeah yeah..it's 3 cookies..... it wasn't so much about the cookies, but more about how I let myself do it. Don't get hung up on this. If it really bothers you that much, just try to forget it and move on. Take the day off from your diet, it sounds like you need to.

christophers OCD this is not dexterium

is this mental or what?

My #'s from the circuit line

My #'s from the circuit line

don't laugh this is after not doing anything for like 2 months really Leg Ex - 254 Leg Curl - 284 Pullover - 156 Arm Cross - 126 Chest Press - 180 Lat Raise - 100 Overhead Press - 144 Bicep - 106 Tricep - 114 Leg Press - 240

The circuit line?

7th Ninjai The circuit line? ....yeah I don't do free weights, besides not really knowing how to do it, my gym buddy who was supposed to do it with me.....stopped going to the gym...so this is the thing that I can go to the gym, do it in 30 minutes, and be done. I'm going to try to sneak into the UF gym with my friend who is a student there so he can show me how to use the other stuff.

I will cry for you tonight.

ACURA TL-S I will cry for you tonight.

get a PT to show you the basics its not rocket science..

talk to Mcdermott

NoXeN its not rocket science.. it's rocket surgery

jonno talk to Mcdermott i can talk to a lot of people, and i can look at pictures and "kind of" figure it out, but i can't go to the gym they go to (not an UF student) and they can't go to mine (a private gym) this has always just been easier

jonno it's rocket surgery

NoXeN get a PT to show you the basics its not rocket science.. you, gtfo ------------------>

i have no clue what those numbers translate to, if anything

cunninglinguist i have no clue what those numbers translate to, if anything are thise weights? how many reps? WTF

Demize are thise weights? how many reps? WTF weights, it is something MedX came up with, you do as many as you can of each, you want the number to be between 8-12, if you can do more than 12 they up the weight, you do them right after one another w/o any break

so where's the number of reps?

Demize so where's the number of reps? well they change everytime i do it but when i went thursday it was 11 11 9 11 10 9 8 12 12 12

but i am le confused

sr20wop but i am le confused

there are 4 lines, all the same, you go down one

Are these pneumatic machines? There is a place near here that preys on women using techniques such as this.

ACURA TL-S Are these pneumatic machines? There is a place near here that preys on women using techniques such as this. om, define pneumatic

dude... wtf

jonno dude... wtf could you be a little more specific?

good job, if you've made improvements. theres really no way to correlate those numbers to some common denominator though, so theres no way to compare with others here. Are you still losing weight?

SoKo Soko is doing the arm curls in the bottom right corner in case anyone was confused.

My #'s from the circuit line

My rib cage protrudes quite a bit.

My rib cage protrudes quite a bit.

Is this normal? It's most noticeable if I'm laying down, especially if I have my back somewhat arched. I can take a picture if you guys don't know what I'm talking about. You can't see individual ribs or anything, it's just the ends of the rib cage that protude. Maybe it's my lack of adbdominal muscles .

Bird chest.

my gut protrudes

I had the same thing, I learned to pull my rib cage in to be flush with my body, just takes a bit of abdominal exercise/training.

ralyks I had the same thing, I learned to pull my rib cage in to be flush with my body, just takes a bit of abdominal exercise/training.

xpinchx Is this normal? It's most noticeable if I'm laying down, especially if I have my back somewhat arched. I can take a picture if you guys don't know what I'm talking about. You can't see individual ribs or anything, it's just the ends of the rib cage that protude. Maybe it's my lack of adbdominal muscles . i'm not sure if it's normal, but i'm the exact same way. when i lay down, there is a severe drop off from ribcage to stomach

I gots it too.

we knew this guy who was like that, you could see his ribs and also he had big areolas, we called him BCP for birdcage peppas, peppas = pepperonis = big areolas.

I have a similar problem as well.

i gots that, too. i can pull it flat but why do it unless it's for showing off abs. i like it. seems like it adds a lot of size to my frame.

ryazbeck we knew this guy who was like that, you could see his ribs and also he had big areolas, we called him BCP for birdcage peppas, peppas = pepperonis = big areolas. you could be talking about me

aenz you could be talking about me haha, BCP probably weighs like 115 @ 5'10".

dirtysouthboy haha, BCP probably weighs like 115 @ 5'10". ok maybe not

i think you just need to bulk

xpinchx Is this normal? It's most noticeable if I'm laying down, especially if I have my back somewhat arched. I can take a picture if you guys don't know what I'm talking about. You can't see individual ribs or anything, it's just the ends of the rib cage that protude. Maybe it's my lack of adbdominal muscles . Everyone I've seen with that bird cage chest is a helluva runner.

My rib cage protrudes quite a bit.

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