Thursday, December 12, 2013

Busted my back ---but I will be ok---

Busted my back ---but I will be ok---

I buckled my lower back on squats last night. My concentration was completely shattered by an asshat that walked by on my 1st rep of the 4th set I unracked 475 (100/2 45's and 25) got my footing for the rep...some jerk off comes by and screams "BIG DOG!" nad does a bark noise which caused me to shift the weight and to correct it I had to shift my back and it when I squated the weight I was in the worst position you could be in. It feels like my spine is disconnected from my lower body. So...I did what any other animal would do. I took the weight down to 335 (just the 100's and 1 45) and attempted another squat. The pressure was so painful on my back that I couldn't even unrack the weight so...since I couldn't even lay down on the floor, I hobbled to the stationary bike...did my 30 minutes of cardio and attempted to go drive home. Today its a little less painful, but I couldn't sleep and when I'd turn to my side I'd get a sharp sharp pain. so I'll wait till it goes away. I told my Mom I was hardcore and she slapped me

Filmboy44 screams "BIG DOG!" nad does a bark noise back pain is the worst and takes a while to get back to normal.

tofu back pain is the worst and takes a while to get back to normal. yeah it is... but our power-squat rack (as I call it) is right next to this door/closet that they keep all the "powerlifting" crap in the chains, thicker squat bar, bands, chalk, etc. Its like 3 feet from this this guy goes to the closet to get something and thats when he screamed at me it was like right in my ear.


Grouch ok shut it, crunk a junk

you shoulda fuckin slapped with a 5lb plate after that shit

Filmboy44 I buckled my lower back on squats last night. My concentration was completely shattered by an asshat that walked by on my 1st rep of the 4th set I unracked 475 (100/2 45's and 25) got my footing for the rep...some jerk off comes by and screams "BIG DOG!" nad does a bark noise which caused me to shift the weight and to correct it I had to shift my back and it when I squated the weight I was in the worst position you could be in. It feels like my spine is disconnected from my lower body. So...I did what any other animal would do. I took the weight down to 335 (just the 100's and 1 45) and attempted another squat. The pressure was so painful on my back that I couldn't even unrack the weight so...since I couldn't even lay down on the floor, I hobbled to the stationary bike...did my 30 minutes of cardio and attempted to go drive home. Today its a little less painful, but I couldn't sleep and when I'd turn to my side I'd get a sharp sharp pain. so I'll wait till it goes away. I told my Mom I was hardcore and she slapped me i feel ya filmy, I have two fascia tears on my left leg, bruised real nice. There healing though. My knees are so bad right now I cant squat 225

Filmboy44 shut it, crunk a junk My hands hurt. I can't.

heh i did the same thing but re-tore some ligament and muscle tissue in my lower back, my post is prob near the bottom of the forum, i feel your pain.

PurEvl i feel ya filmy, I have two fascia tears on my left leg, bruised real nice. There healing though. My knees are so bad right now I cant squat 225 how is that going to effect your show?

bad back eh? I guess your age is starting to show

The other day I was attempting a new PR on deadlift, and right when I was about to pull, this guy goes "PPPSSSSTTTTTT!!!" real loud. totally fucked me up. He was trying to get the attention of some other guy across the gym.

Filmboy44 how is that going to effect your show? it shouldnt, I should be fine just coasting in and doing light leg workouts, the quads are still ok

Filmboy44 I buckled my lower back on squats last night. My concentration was completely shattered by an asshat that walked by on my 1st rep of the 4th set I unracked 475 (100/2 45's and 25) got my footing for the rep...some jerk off comes by and screams "BIG DOG!" nad does a bark noise which caused me to shift the weight and to correct it I had to shift my back and it when I squated the weight I was in the worst position you could be in. It feels like my spine is disconnected from my lower body. So...I did what any other animal would do. I took the weight down to 335 (just the 100's and 1 45) and attempted another squat. The pressure was so painful on my back that I couldn't even unrack the weight so...since I couldn't even lay down on the floor, I hobbled to the stationary bike...did my 30 minutes of cardio and attempted to go drive home. Today its a little less painful, but I couldn't sleep and when I'd turn to my side I'd get a sharp sharp pain. so I'll wait till it goes away. I told my Mom I was hardcore and she slapped me Sounds like how I herniated a disc in my back, minus the big dawg comment! Make sure to keep moving around, and go see a doc, you dont wanna fuck with back injuries.

spoofy bad back eh? I guess your age is starting to show I'm not OLD

i prolly woulda told him to STFU.... but a chick squatting the heigh-weight equivalent to that would likely scare the dude enough to get away with it not that I can squat shit, mind you.

~*Pogovina*~ i prolly woulda told him to STFU.... but a chick squatting the heigh-weight equivalent to that would likely scare the dude enough to get away with it not that I can squat shit, mind you. there are only abut a handful of guys at my gym that can squat 6+...actually I'd say 5+...

You should have ripped out your spine and strangled the faggot to death with it.

Perplexed Did you fucking kill the cunt or what? no, it was my fault...I wasn't practicing Arnold's logic of "a bomb could go off and it won't break bbers concentration"

Man, that's fuck up. I would have been so pissed off.

too bad they got rid of your reverse hyper

Busted my back ---but I will be ok---

I need delt and back exercises...PLEASE

I need delt and back exercises...PLEASE

And possible GIF's of these.... edit* back exercises for THICKNESS Thanks

Bent over barbell row, cable row, upright row. Do you need Gifs of these?

Lurker111 Bent over barbell row, cable row, upright row. Do you need Gifs of these? i thought upright rows are for shoulders? gif's galore!

superbri007 deznuts, wheres a pic of you in the pic thread, I need someone comparable so I don't feel so small Are you implying i am small? I have a digi camera back at home, but the pic size is too big... i will try somehow to get a picture up....

deznutz Are you implying i am small? I have a digi camera back at home, but the pic size is too big... i will try somehow to get a picture up.... resize in paint

BB shoulder press

Do this BB rows Close grip cable rows Close grip pulldowns Focus on squeezing

snatch grip deadlifts

deznutz i thought upright rows are for shoulders? Delts are the target but it also uses the traps. You said delts AND back so I suggested a few that hit both at the same time if you consider traps a part of your back.

Ceaze snatch grip deadlifts those and overhead shrugs blew up my traps

size18boarder those and overhead shrugs blew up my traps how do you do snatch grip deadlifts?

Ceaze snatch grip deadlifts .

deznutz how do you do snatch grip deadlifts? same grip as a snatch

size18boarder same grip as a snatch those look hard

size18boarder same grip as a snatch you're going to confuse people with that pic

Neo22 Do this BB rows Close grip cable rows Close grip pulldowns Focus on squeezing

Ceaze you're going to confuse people with that pic guess i should have deleted the bottom half

what are overhead shrugs? i mean do you really extend your arms over your head and do shrugs?

ryazbeck what are overhead shrugs? i mean do you really extend your arms over your head and do shrugs? Yes you are correct

Neo22 Yes you are correct pretty crazy, count me in!

I use a T Bar, it's my favorite back exercise.

I always liked push press to work my shoulders.

I need delt and back exercises...PLEASE

So making a shake with 2 scoops of ON is a bad idea right...

So making a shake with 2 scoops of ON is a bad idea right...

I could kill a moose with my wind right now.

2-3 scoops + CEE + water = drinktilyoustink

I use 2 scoops and have no gas

i use 2 scoops 3 times a day

You guys are such pessimists. Having gas just makes for funny situations.

i use two scoops of ON... 2ce a day...

then again i fart and shit a lot...

fiber farts>protein farts

XsLiCk then again i fart and shit a lot... 2 scoops 4 times a day = wow

I have 2 scoops a day max

No 4 scoops no care

I used to take 6 scoops a day and the gas wasn't THAT bad

tize i like to hold my farts in until im in class ill walk by someones face and fart or ill let it loose on the elevator I prefer to crop dust the circuit training area of the gym.

D-GUy fiber farts>protein farts high fibre/protein diet farts >*

Chris3G i use 2 scoops 3 times a day Werd... my shits are the best theyve ever been since I've been on ON Whey. I have a lil gas ... but no more than I'd have otherwise with the stuff I eat.

Dragon high fibre/protein diet farts >* ya I'm with you there...

So making a shake with 2 scoops of ON is a bad idea right...

how do you lose face fat?

how do you lose face fat?

pretty much under your chin and under the cheek area... i've tried jogging, and ive lost some weight and can see the difference in the stomach area, but my face looks the same

read the sticky

lower your calorie in take (eat less), raise your calories burned (exercise more). you can't pick and choose what fat you'll lose. read the sticky at the top of the page for more info. EDIT : christophers' sticky

fat is burned globally! If it wasnt u could chew gum everyday and lose the fat from your face.

cool thanks

i suppose you can build up facial/jaw muscle by chewing lots of hard ass gum and maybe get more definition once you bring the fat off. sorta like lifting weights to tone up?

May sound wacky, but my face look a little leaner if I add a quite bit of good fat to my carb meals e.g. A tablespoon of flax and 2 tablespoons of olive oil with some rice and a protein source. It's healthy fat so don't worry about the calories, they're needed . Try it for one meal, it seems to work for me, it may not for you edit - I have abolsutely no science here, just my own personal experiance to what works for me.

ryazbeck i suppose you can build up facial/jaw muscle by chewing lots of hard ass gum and maybe get more definition once you bring the fat off. sorta like lifting weights to tone up?

get bigger traps

kronik85 lower your calorie in take (eat less), raise your calories burned (exercise more). you can't pick and choose what fat you'll lose. read the sticky at the top of the page for more info. EDIT : christophers' sticky .

ryazbeck i suppose you can build up facial/jaw muscle by chewing lots of hard ass gum and maybe get more definition once you bring the fat off. sorta like lifting weights to tone up? wow

sucking 11ty cox and proper diet

NoXeN sucking 11ty cox and proper diet

face fat loss is just one of those nice side effects of proper dieting

Face fat is another thing somewhat controlled by genetics. Look at Marshall Faulk -- one of the best athletes in the NFL a few years ago. He looked like a beer bum in the face.

wow, my face fat is the first to go. I think the tummy fat will be the slow last.

I've always wondered this too, I'm went from 18% to ~14% and my face didn't really change, still chubby, someone said if I get under 10% I should see a bigger difference.

its hard to notice changes by looking at yourself unless it was a huge change. Ask someone who hasnt seen you in awhile. QBoost Controllers I've always wondered this too, I'm went from 18% to ~14% and my face didn't really change, still chubby, someone said if I get under 10% I should see a bigger difference.

when i went from 200 > 180 i didnt notice any changes from my face but everyone toldme i lost weight.

you lose face fat first....

ever seen those really fat chicks with thin faces/jawlines.......its like that...they've got a ways to go

danknuggs you lose face fat first.... Everyone doesn't lose fat at the same places first, sorry.

nathanbx Everyone doesn't lose fat at the same places first, sorry. in general...

i dont lose face fat until im 6% and under

If it hasn't been covered, stop drinking alcohol. I did and people notice the difference.

how do you lose face fat?

Christophers, about your Core strength routine.

Christophers, about your Core strength routine.

I did my squats and DL today as well as BB Bench press I am assumeing this is what you meant not DB BP, and my Incline DB press. I know what you meant with everything except the squats Should I be doing a conventional squat, or what? On the DL should I be doing Romanian, conventional, sumo or what Bro? When it comes time for me to do lunges should I be doing them bare ( i doubt this ) with a DB, or BB. Should I be doing a short stroke lunge or just a standard lunge? Im sorry for the questions, and I am sure I am overthinking this I just want to make sure I do it right.

Silver85327 I did my squats and DL today as well as BB Bench press I am assumeing this is what you meant not DB BP, and my Incline DB press. I know what you meant with everything except the squats Should I be doing a conventional squat, or what? On the DL should I be doing Romanian, conventional, sumo or what Bro? When it comes time for me to do lunges should I be doing them bare ( i doubt this ) with a DB, or BB. Should I be doing a short stroke lunge or just a standard lunge? Im sorry for the questions, and I am sure I am overthinking this I just want to make sure I do it right. Romanian deadlift is different then conventional and sumo.

Gutrat Romanian deadlift is different then conventional and sumo. No shit really ( Sarcasim )

Coventional and Sumo seem pretty similar to me other than the wider stance with the Sumo. Anyways. Romanion is off the wall I dont really want to try it unless I am supposed to be doing it.

I don't get how RDL's are "off the wall"...

Silver85327 No shit really ( Sarcasim ) Well, if you know, then why On the DL should I be doing Romanian, conventional, sumo . Well if it's different, so why compare them all? It would have been better if you asked, Should I be doing conventional or sumo? Also, should I be doing Romanian? Well, I don't want to argue or anything but do whatever you feel is good. For me, sumo is alot easier then conventional. Anyways, your not supposed to do anything. Just ease up on the weight a bit (for romanian), since it is a tiny bit harder on the back (anecdoctal evidence). Are you tall?

5'11" - 6'0" I havent measured in forever since like 10th grade. Sorry about the wording in my first post. I though you were just trying to be a smart ass in your first post hence the no shit. Sorry Bro.

D-GUy I don't get how RDL's are "off the wall"... They just look really difficult on this site I mean they show the dude bringing the weight about a foot out from his body looks like its a good way to get hurt.

summo or conventional should work, it should nto matter, be sure to rotate the two, do bothg, not one or the other. Squats should be box or normal. use a BB or DBs, either will work, i dunno the difference in lunges, i never do em, i would say do whatever u feel works the best.

Since you brought it up what is the point of the box in the box squat? Is it just used as a " stop your just right go back up " type thing or what?

The new AV kicks ass Vettedude

Silver85327 Since you brought it up what is the point of the box in the box squat? Is it just used as a " stop your just right go back up " type thing or what? go to articles, click on loue simons, and read his box squating article.

yeah basically read every article on elitefts

Christophers, about your Core strength routine.

Anyone doing this? it take a man!

Anyone doing this? it take a man!

Demize Jonno does it..

holy shit, i think ill try but thats fucking insane

Ilyusha Jonno does it.. ...death

20 rep squats

i think id puke all over some bitch on the treadmills

my training partner tried it one time with front squats. Looks hard/fun.

20 rep squats is a good cardio workout

jonno 20 rep squats is a good cardio workout says your heart ready to jump out of your chest and home

Arnold's routine calls for a 20 rep 1st set for squat. Damn that routine was crazy fun.

i do 5 sets of 12 squats...kills me every time..think thats too much? i hear high reps are good for legs and i have been making good gains by doing it

christophers my rep chart 6-8 cardio 3-5 strength singles - what god intended fixed

I don't think i can do 1 squat right now, yet 20

cbrpimp how much weight do you use? this shit looks intense/fun If its what I think it is... You're supposed to use a weight you can do barely do 10 for but squeeze out 20 by taking a few deep breaths inbetween reps. I do these for a few weeks and then wimp out and change my rotune.

LOL... I attempted 20 rep rest pauses last night with 405... I hit 19, but i could no longer breathe... I could have finished it, if i could have gotten some air in my lungs... Definitely a brutal set none the less... NOT good for the CNS though, so must be used sparingly... But that set was a comedown after working up to 617 for 4... So if I had done it fresh would prolly have been telling a different story...

Perplexed Pics of you? ...

tize oh yeah i tried that before, HST is harder 15 rep everything

Achaotic Blend LOL... I attempted 20 rep rest pauses last night with 405... I hit 19, but i could no longer breathe... I could have finished it, if i could have gotten some air in my lungs... Definitely a brutal set none the less... NOT good for the CNS though, so must be used sparingly... But that set was a comedown after working up to 617 for 4... So if I had done it fresh would prolly have been telling a different story... k

Achaotic Blend LOL... I attempted 20 rep rest pauses last night with 405... I hit 19, but i could no longer breathe... I could have finished it, if i could have gotten some air in my lungs... Definitely a brutal set none the less... NOT good for the CNS though, so must be used sparingly... But that set was a comedown after working up to 617 for 4... So if I had done it fresh would prolly have been telling a different story... oh boy

Perplexed Pics of you? I would if i could figure out to post a pic... I have no pics other then whats on a personals site, but not posting that for obvious reasons...

Achaotic Blend I would if i could figure out to post a pic... I have no pics other then whats on a personals site, but not posting that for obvious reasons... enjoy and welcome my powerlifting friend

PurEvl oh boy Ok... well i see where this thread is going... So I regret mentioning it... Keep in mind that I am 245 lbs... I was wearing knee wraps, a lifting belt, and squat suit from the early 80's... I apologize for coming off like I was gloating, I was just really pumped after my workout last night...

Achaotic Blend Ok... well i see where this thread is going... So I regret mentioning it... Keep in mind that I am 245 lbs... I was wearing knee wraps, a lifting belt, and squat suit from the early 80's... I apologize for coming off like I was gloating, I was just really pumped after my workout last night... april fools!!!!

PurEvl enjoy and welcome my powerlifting friend Thanks Bud! Well here is one from the my last bench comp: I actually have another competition coming up on Sunday, so i should be able to throw up another soon... I am at work right now, but i will get some better shots later on...

Achaotic Blend Thanks Bud! Well here is one from the my last bench comp: I actually have another competition coming up on Sunday, so i should be able to throw up another soon... I am at work right now, but i will get some better shots later on... How much were you benching there?

Anyone doing this? it take a man!

back arch and chest involvement in bench press

back arch and chest involvement in bench press

if a powerlifting arch is used on a bench press is there less chest and more shoulders involved or what? i am hearing varying things from people at the gym, bbers and plers alike

someone explain quick!

This article is your friend.

flat back holla!

back arch and chest involvement in bench press

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