Sunday, December 8, 2013

Do you guys put any stock in supplements?

Do you guys put any stock in supplements?

I've never really seen any studies that support the theory that they would help in muscle growth and such, seems like an easy way out. Like a magic pill sort of thing. What do you guys think?

there's a ton of literature on the positive effects and general safety of creatine

therealdeal I've never really seen any studies that support the theory that they would help in muscle growth and such, seems like an easy way out. Like a magic pill sort of thing. What do you guys think? Apparently you haven't read any studies.

ACURA TL-S Apparently you haven't read any studies. Hence the question.

therealdeal I've never really seen any studies that support the theory that they would help in muscle growth and such, seems like an easy way out. Like a magic pill sort of thing. What do you guys think? You mean, you never bothered to educate yourself before forming your opinion... wtg

therealdeal I've never really seen any studies that support the theory that they would help in muscle growth and such, seems like an easy way out. Like a magic pill sort of thing. What do you guys think? You didn't look very hard.

yes, yes i do.

christophers i dont understand the question. what "supplements"? aas? Stuff like 'natural growth hormone,' shit that you see at GNC. I mean, I would think that if the supplement in question actually worked it would be advertised as having clinically tested etc.

Creatine and protein is it. The suppliment industry is not regulated by the FDA, who knows what you are getting, they can say whatever they want in advertising and claims. Most studies done were performed by the company selling the product so draw your own conclusions.

christophers you have to be specific wrt what supplements yiou are asking about. "natural gh" = shit. but creatine = good, 1 of the most researched supplements out there in general, literature doesnt support very many supps. this is basically all literature supports in most cases: -creatine -whey -post workout drinks -fish oils -ephedrine + caffeine what it doesn't support but is popular: -bcaa's -glutamine what works for me but isnt supported: -bcaa's what works the best evar: -aas. in most research aas provides better gains in FFM than training does. i can't wait! Oh ya, I wasnt reffering to ephedrine or creatine or even whey or fish oils. I watched TUF the other night and there wa this hilarious ad with chuck lidell promoting some 'xyience' supplements, and I checked some of it out and they have like 'fat burning mix' but its ephedrine free.

DCCapen This thread is like someone going into a political debate and asking the people there to tell them about politics before he has anything of his own to say I would actually compare it more to reading a newspaper about politics before jumping to conclusions. A guy like christophers could tell me more in a couple minutes than I could possibly learn over hours and hours of research. I'm sorry, but your analogy is terrible.

pass the test please

christophers you have to be specific wrt what supplements yiou are asking about. "natural gh" = shit. but creatine = good, 1 of the most researched supplements out there in general, literature doesnt support very many supps. this is basically all literature supports in most cases: -creatine -whey -post workout drinks -fish oils -ephedrine + caffeine what it doesn't support but is popular: -bcaa's -glutamine what works for me but isnt supported: -bcaa's what works the best evar: -aas. in most research aas provides better gains in FFM than training does. i can't wait! read this, then read it again, then write it down, then read it tomorrow

christophers most otc supps have minimal at best effects, just get some tests if you want a real effect Where do I sign up for studies like this?

assuming the black spots are motor neurons, look at how much more robust they are in B than A; also the fiber's area has increased considerably. gonna be a lot more power generated after the test en..

what are the side effects of test?

christophers what it doesn't support but is popular: -bcaa's -glutamine what works for me but isnt supported: -bcaa's well, there is some research in support of leucine (and its role in signaling the mTOR pathway)

Ceaze well, there is some research in support of leucine (and its role in signaling the mTOR pathway) AV

iCe AV

GTPBR what are the side effects of test? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!! Get the fuck out and never ever come back. In fact forget that you have ever been on F&N, reformate you computer and go back to using AOL.

Do you guys put any stock in supplements?

went up to 80's

went up to 80's

Increased my weight on my DB press to 80's. Love getting stronger.

nice work man sitting, or incline?

flat bench

i've never done those on a flat bench, i prefer the bar i usually only do them inclined since the bar kills my shoulders with that range of motion

my incline db press is at 65's since it hurts my shoulders

i just bumped my flat bench to 225 last night, ill have to try the db's next time to see how that works

i gotta try the bench for my max this week or next

bb i mean

Gamblor Increased my weight on my DB press to 80's. Love getting stronger. I know the feeling. How many reps? I can do about 5 with 85's.

with my shoulder probs i cant max out, don't want to risk another surgery for the sake of seeing how much i can do

Mugwump I know the feeling. How many reps? I can do about 5 with 85's. i did 65x8 70x8 75x8 75x8 80x7

Gamblor i did 65x8 70x8 75x8 75x8 80x7 Impressive. I remember watching some guy do 50 lb DB shoulder presses and thinking to myself that I'd never get that far. And here I am doing 65 lb presses. <--- still a lightweight but whatever

i miss working out stupid cold my bench has hit a wall though

congrats, i can only get about 3 reps on the 80s on a good day

what are the reasons for doing flatbench db's compared to a bar? i guess it works the smaller stability muscles but other than that what does it do?

cootercritter what are the reasons for doing flatbench db's compared to a bar? i guess it works the smaller stability muscles but other than that what does it do? You answered your own question.

iwishiwascool You answered your own question. .

i just find it more comfortable doing the db rather than the bar

NoXeN i miss working out stupid cold my bench has hit a wall though I hit a plateau a month or so ago. Try what I call "shock therapy," or overtraining your muscles for one week or so. An example of one of my shock therapies. Shock Therapy, Day 1: chest + tricep Barbell Chest Press 10 5 5 5 20 Barbell Tricep Press 10 5 5 5 20 Barbell Incline Press 10 5 5 5 20 Barbell Overhead Tricep Extension 10 5 5 5 20 Cable Fly 10 5 5 5 20 Shock Therapy, Day 2: chest + tricep Dumbbell Chest Press 10 5 5 5 20 Dumbbell Tricep Extension 10 5 5 5 20 Dumbbell Incline Press 10 5 5 5 20 Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension 10 5 5 5 20 Cable Fly 10 5 5 5 20 That's doing the same muscle group two days in a row. You want to "break" your muscles, but you don't want to injure them.

Gamblor Increased my weight on my DB press to 80's. Love getting stronger. damn you you are beating me by 5 lbs. i did 75 x 8 last time so tomrow when i do chest i am going to go for the 80's hopefully!!

Gamblor i just find it more comfortable doing the db rather than the bar db's give me a greeater range of motion.. i cant go down all the way with the bar because it bothers my shoulder so i like to use db's also

baseball17c damn you you are beating me by 5 lbs. i did 75 x 8 last time so tomrow when i do chest i am going to go for the 80's hopefully!! DO IT!!!

how long yuo been lifting? just curious

I have been on and off throughout college, i would work out for 2 months, then stop for 2, then go for 2 then stop for 2. I didn't really straighten my shit out until january when i found this F&N and it gave me motivation. I have been going strong since January 1st.

went up to 80's

Curious, IS it ok to ask where to find PH's on this site???

Curious, IS it ok to ask where to find PH's on this site???

Im looking for some PH's, but dont know if its ok to ask for them on this site Can a mod verify this for me??????

or how bout you listen to everyone and try to find some real gear and that you can't do here

call them "candy" thats how f&n rolls

oh, and the real deal is "soda"

well i need candy then

sr20wop call them "candy" thats how f&n rolls I need some "candy" for my "research". That sounds about right

if anyone can help me out, please pm

superbri007 you can get "candy" from the "baby" and the baby is not the back door of a GNC and you don't steal candy from babies

I know a guy that still has some. He bought out my stock the last day we sold them. I'm not at work now, but when I get there, I'll post some info on him if you want.

either that or PM mike he has 2 bottles of s1+ and doesnt lift anymore

Asking where you can find PH's is the same thing as asking where you can find test, dbol, etc. In other words, don't do it. Discussion of PH's, steroids, etc is fine. Just don't ask where to get them, try to sell them, etc.

head to a steroid forum, and befriend someone that knows their shit

Curious, IS it ok to ask where to find PH's on this site???

*pics* For Otfn *pics* *props*

*pics* For Otfn *pics* *props*

Well just so you guys can see who I am I say I am (a 180lb weakling ) I borrowed a camera and here are my pics be gentle meatheads!

Pull your fucking pants up fag. This aint Freakyshiat.

Grouch Pull your fucking pants up fag. This aint Freakyshiat. sorry man, I did realise they were low and pulled them up

haha australian thuggin'. i can see asscrack in picture 1. thats just wrong. however, not bad structure there. its kinda what i imagined noxen crossed with me would look like. you know, after you remove the super-powers and stuff.

well you are leaner then me. therefore i hate you.

nukegoat haha australian thuggin'. i can see asscrack in picture 1. thats just wrong. however, not bad structure there. its kinda what i imagined noxen crossed with me would look like. you know, after you remove the super-powers and stuff. well I think I fall right in the middle of noxen and you weight wise so props. In for pics of nukegoat


Peal In for pics of nukegoat

Peal well I think I fall right in the middle of noxen and you weight wise so props. In for pics of nukegoat

thats a picture of me when i was 18, when i was taking pictures to try to get OP back in the day. it didn't really work, FYI btw, 4 years later, i still have that shirt.

nukegoat teaches Bad Ass Forearms 101

and this is a pic i took just now, in the attire i'm currently wearing. thats as good as it gets, im not going to wank around and try to pose

nukegoat and this is a pic i took just now, in the attire i'm currently wearing. thats as good as it gets, im not going to wank around and try to pose

cazzone nukegoat teaches Bad Ass Forearms 101 this from the guy who asked me to teach him to "drive a stick"

Hey man!!! You look bigger than when I saw you last!! You have been eating, I see. PROPS

nukegoat this from the guy who asked me to teach him to "drive a stick"

cazzone nukegoat teaches Bad Ass Forearms 101 He's a little bitter that im better at crunking though.

Grouch He's a little bitter that im better at crunking though. you weren't always i should've thwarted this and got you a bottle of estrogen for your birthday

big mofo nukegoat nice bro. I aim to hit your fatness level sometime this year, only been going like 9months or something edit: you almost look australian with that hat

Peal big mofo nukegoat nice bro. I aim to hit your fatness level sometime this year, only been going like 9months or something edit: you almost look australian with that hat thanks, i tilt at an angle to make myself look bigger. it shows off the depth of my frame which is more impressive than the width (narrow shoulders).i think you're stronger than me i got the hat from my old roommate. she was cool, she hooked me up with food all the time. my new roommate is supposed to be 6'8 he moves in tomorrow

this thread rocks. and peal, not lookin too bad EDIT: except for the first pic... that kinda weirded me out

thread hijacked you guys both look good

you look like dave draper minus 80 pounds of rip

I seriously thought that that was your ass for a second, and threw up in my mouth a little.

*pics* For Otfn *pics* *props*

So, I think this is the last question I have about the Christophers routine

So, I think this is the last question I have about the Christophers routine

I am to fat and to weak to do a pull up. Thats right sports fans I cant even get 1. So what I would like to know is should I substitute preacher curls for the wednesday pull ups? If so I am assuming 5x5 sets with last set being 5rm? Thanx for the help F&N

I lied this is the last question what is a bent over row and how do I do it.

Silver85327 I am to fat and to weak to do a pull up. Thats right sports fans I cant even get 1. So what I would like to know is should I substitute preacher curls for the wednesday pull ups? If so I am assuming 5x5 sets with last set being 5rm? Thanx for the help F&N WTFsubstitution. Why in teh living fuck would you substitute preacher curls for pullups? Try pull downs or assisted pullups.

Silver85327 I lied this is the last question what is a bent over row and how do I do it. step 1. bend over step 2. grab bar and pull it up into stomach

Do negatives. Also, try to work in a one of these during the week if you want.

Try to find an assisted pull up machine kinda thing...I'm using one and i've worked my way up...It's kinda embarrassing, but hey. Going to the gym is embarrassing when you're not the broly...

Aahhh, I remember being fast last year not bein able to do a pull up (was never ever able to do one my whole life) Lost like 100 lbs and packed on alota muscle after loosing it. Now I can do 10 pulls ups, and wow does it feel awsome. I always am pulling myself up on things, lol. good luck =)

ACURA TL-S WTFsubstitution. Why in teh living fuck would you substitute preacher curls for pullups? Try pull downs or assisted pullups. Unlike you I dont know what im doing or what would be a good excersise to supstitute for pull ups. Hence the reason I am on F&N and thats why I asked.

y0gfx Try to find an assisted pull up machine kinda thing...I'm using one and i've worked my way up...It's kinda embarrassing, but hey. Going to the gym is embarrassing when you're not the broly... Hey we all had to start somewhere. When I started a couple years ago I could only get maybe 1-2 pullups. Worked on the assisted for awhile and now I can do 4 sets of 15 pullups without a problem. Never once did I think it was embarassing or anything. You are there which is more than can be said about 90% of the population. You have to learn to crawl before you can walk.

Go to google, switch to images, type in the name of the exerxise you want. Much easier and more helpful!

preacher curl: works this muscle: pull up: works this muscle: there is some usage of the bicep on pull ups, however you could not supplant curls for a back excercise. hope that helps by the way get familiar with this: will help you tons when figuring out name of exercises and what muscles they involve

Silver85327 Unlike you I dont know what im doing or what would be a good excersise to supstitute for pull ups. Hence the reason I am on F&N and thats why I asked. Fair enough...pullups work the lats, preacher curls don't.

y0gfx Try to find an assisted pull up machine kinda thing...I'm using one and i've worked my way up... They're helpful when starting out

So, I think this is the last question I have about the Christophers routine

My freak 17 year old thrower/football player with pics

My freak 17 year old thrower/football player with pics

A picture of him doing a 45lbs hub lift, that was his 2nd lift in a row too A picture from his set of 4 at 565 The kid is a monster he will go to what ever D1 school he wants to. 6-3 240lbs with a 4 pack abs 305 clean 350 raw bench 4.8 40yard, he's working on it he runs like he has a stick in his ass and its holding back his throwing a lot 4.1 shuttle 31" vertical

wait, so are you a coach?

forum95 wait, so are you a coach?

forum95 wait, so are you a coach? Throwing coach at my local high school.

Grouch Throwing coach at my local high school. thats pretty damn cool

impressive clean edit: look at the kids lookin at him in the squatting pic

the squat bar looks like it's riding on his neck...

Grouch The kid is a monster he will go to what ever D1 school he wants to. So long as it's UCLA.

eXyle So long as it's UCLA. He just got a letter from them today But he's a JR so letter right now don't mean anything. But if he gets the stick out of his ass he can be an easy 60+ footer in the shot, and if he goes to their camp again next year he may get an offer for track if not football.

Carnifex What is he doing in the first pic? picture of him doing a 45lbs hub lift, that was his 2nd lift in a row too. He does no grip training either.

KetchupKing the squat bar looks like it's riding on his neck... werd that shit looks hella uncomfortable

ibillegalsquatcomments from 'da haters.

I think I can safely say there is nobody that strong in my high school. But I also think I can safely say their lifting program is flawed.

nukegoat ibillegalsquatcomments from 'da haters. i was gonna say somethuing, then i was thinking, hell i probably could not even un rack that...

amazing. Is that a LOT better than most guys coming out of HS for football? or is it like slightly better? i dunno whats normal for D1 football recruits.

That's insane. I tried throwing in highschool, i was horrible

Grouch The kid is a monster he will go to what ever D1 school he wants to. 6-3 240lbs with a 4 pack abs 305 clean 350 raw bench 4.8 40yard, he's working on it he runs like he has a stick in his ass and its holding back his throwing a lot 4.1 shuttle 31" vertical 1. Does having a 4 pack ab make you a better football player? 2. Does lifting 305 clean or 350 bench make you a better football player? 3. Does having a 31" vertical make you a better quarterback? You have a lot to learn about sports. Games aren't won in the gym, they are won on the field.

Incog91 1. Does having a 4 pack ab make you a better football player? 2. Does lifting 305 clean or 350 bench make you a better football player? 3. Does having a 31" vertical make you a better quarterback? You have a lot to learn about sports. Games aren't won in the gym, they are won on the field. 1) shows a low body fat 2) yeah actually 3) he's a d-end/center You've never played a sport in your life have you?

Grouch 1) shows a low body fat 2) yeah actually 3) he's a d-end/center You've never played a sport in your life have you? this is the same douche bag claiming he is a giant in a forum of mi9dgits or some bull shit, go eat a fucking cock you douche bag.

vettedude this is the same douche bag claiming he is a giant in a forum of mi9dgits or some bull shit, go eat a fucking cock you douche bag. I cant tell if your with or against grouch but I agree with grouch.

thats extremely beast.

Incog91 1. Does having a 4 pack ab make you a better football player? 2. Does lifting 305 clean or 350 bench make you a better football player? 3. Does having a 31" vertical make you a better quarterback? You have a lot to learn about sports. Games aren't won in the gym, they are won on the field. Thank you for that. Made my night He's Robert Best That is his latest Nike Sparq combine

Incog91 1. Does having a 4 pack ab make you a better football player? 2. Does lifting 305 clean or 350 bench make you a better football player? 3. Does having a 31" vertical make you a better quarterback? You have a lot to learn about sports. Games aren't won in the gym, they are won on the field. I don't know about you but I have never seen a center block without the use of his shoulders or arms. But you know, I could be wrong.

Incog91 1. Does having a 4 pack ab make you a better football player? 2. Does lifting 305 clean or 350 bench make you a better football player? 3. Does having a 31" vertical make you a better quarterback? as far as getting into a D1 school...... yes. They will coach him on how to play the game.. you cant coach size and natural stength though you obviously have a few things to learn about sports

My freak 17 year old thrower/football player with pics

Cutting advice

Cutting advice

I used to do HIIT 3x/week, but I haven't done it for about 6 months or so and I'm starting to see a little bit of fat around my face and such from the bulking I've been attempting. I read the threads about fat loss and I know that weightlifting is most effective at burning fat, however, I still have some questions. 1. Any reason to lift lighter w/ higher reps for cutting? Seems like it would make for a lower EPOC. 2. Is it wise to use creatine while cutting? 3. Should I stick to mostly low-GI carbs for post-workout meals? My plan so far is to lift just as I have been with lots of intensity (no more than 12 reps/set, 4 sets per exercise or 3 when super-setting) and to do HIIT 3x/week on my off days from the gym. And of course, watch the diet very closely-- keep eating EFA's, plenty of fruits and veggies, 1g protein/lb. body weight, etc etc, lather rinse repeat. Suggestions?

Cutting advice

Cutting advice

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