Thursday, November 28, 2013

Someone who is bigger and stronger than me told me today that I should

Someone who is bigger and stronger than me told me today that I should

stop eating whey because it'll make me fat

yes that would make perfect sense...

maybe he was being nice and telling you, your already too fat?

bigger stronger? you could be 5'3 110lbs...and he could be 5'4 115 tells us nothing

Probably... i must be appraoching 14%BF by now I'd ball park him at around 180@12%. He has a masters degree.. in science!

Whey doesn't make you fat, surplus calories do,tell him he's fucking moron and elbow drop him.

WTF? Kick him in his cooter bone for being a stupid dumbass

KetchupKing Probably... i must be appraoching 14%BF by now I'd ball park him at around 180@12%. He has a masters degree.. in science! drop kick him next time please

protein has less calories/g than fat or carbs, yay stupid people

KetchupKing Probably... i must be appraoching 14%BF by now I'd ball park him at around 180@12%. He has a masters degree.. in science!

KetchupKing stop eating whey because it'll make me fat Go tell that to all of the professional bodybuilders who drink the shit twice a day.

KetchupKing stop eating whey because it'll make me fat Why are you taking a protein shake?

so much misinformation floating around

JuggetEQ Why are you taking a protein shake? shut up already

On a side note, I found Tyson ham for sale at BJ's, and it has only 4.1666 calories per gram of protein. 2 pounds of that ham = 800 calories, 192 grams of protein.

furious d On a side note, I found Tyson ham for sale at BJ's, and it has only 4.1666 calories per gram of protein. 2 pounds of that ham = 800 calories, 192 grams of protein. o damn! i dont have a bj's here

It's great for me since I have to lose about 40 lbs by June, but while eating that shit:- I'll be able to lose the weight really fast, since I will keep the calorie count low. - I will still be able to lift and gain muscle in my upper body, and I won't be losing muscle from the rest of my body. - I can eat a ton of it, and still stay in the 1000 calorie range. And all from ham, one of my favorite foods.

furious d It's great for me since I have to lose about 40 lbs by June, but while eating that shit:- I'll be able to lose the weight really fast, since I will keep the calorie count low. - I will still be able to lift and gain muscle in my upper body, and I won't be losing muscle from the rest of my body. - I can eat a ton of it, and still stay in the 1000 calorie range. And all from ham, one of my favorite foods. i want to lose alot of weight too. im taking lipo 6 and i'm in the process of changing the way i eat. and ive been working out as well so i bought some protein shakes.

furious d It's great for me since I have to lose about 40 lbs by June, but while eating that shit:- I'll be able to lose the weight really fast, since I will keep the calorie count low. - I will still be able to lift and gain muscle in my upper body, and I won't be losing muscle from the rest of my body. - I can eat a ton of it, and still stay in the 1000 calorie range. And all from ham, one of my favorite foods. what kind of diet are you doing?

I'm just doing a basic low-calorie diet. I eat two pounds of deli-meat, usually the ham, sometimes turkey, then a few peices of bread and a bowl of cereal. For excercise, I hike about 4 miles a day with a 50 lb. pack.

nathanbx Whey doesn't make you fat, surplus calories do,tell him he's fucking moron and elbow drop him.

Someone who is bigger and stronger than me told me today that I should

Home exercizes

Home exercizes

Are there any exercizes I can do at home that can build my pecs w/ dumb bells? The biggest constraint for me is that I don't have a bench. Can I just do presses on the floor?

Jack off motion with the dumb bells.

pec flies, lie on the ground with arms at right angle to body, palms facing up to the sky. Bring the dumbells together over your chest keeping your elbow slightly bent but in the same position the whole time.

every fitness forum every day, at least once, someone asks that question....awesomes

no gym for home

You can do pullovers, you can find something to lay on/across for chest standing incline shit, fly's, etc...

Home exercizes

Wish me luck...

Wish me luck...

Well, starting tomorrow Im gonna start hitting the gym hard again. I finally got all my meal replacements, creatine, protein and other supplements in the mail. About this time last year I was a fat fuck, and did the same thing...except didnt use any supplements and didnt know what I was doing, AT ALL... and lost a lil over 100 lbs...Didnt take me but 3 months. Well, I kinda stopped after that cause I was happy, put on muscle and lost a shit load of weight too. Well, now im trying to get bigger and it starts tomorrow. Im very excited and cant wait. Been reading this forum more and more recently for some extra advice and stuff so yeah. Im prolly gonna end up getting a little fatter for a bit, but I know thats normal if you want to get bigger. So anyways, wish me luck and if ya have any advice throw it my way...P.S. Im 6'2, 208

good luck!! keep us updated

gl man =)

i give it a week

sr20wop i give it a week LoL, I have done it before, not like its that hard. I like to work out do it now, just gonna up it now. Screw the haters. Ill keep updated.

GL man!! You should ebter the contest in the sticky at the top of the page for extra motivation

I am not entering, but im gonna take before/after and hopefully will have some diff to show in the thread, lol. Hit the gym good today, got there around 8am, stayed till 930. Worked my upper body, hit bis, tris, pecs, and delts hardest. Yup

Wish me luck...

inner thigh..

inner thigh..

i noticed that it is not developing as much as my outer one. is there a squat variation to hit it? or should i just keep squating? thanks guys

Do you mean your groin?

you have been lifting how long?

i have a pretty wide stance on squats, and it seems to be hitting there.


Socrates steroids. stop being an idiot today

Joser i noticed that it is not developing as much as my outer one. is there a squat variation to hit it? or should i just keep squating? thanks guys whats your bf like? you may just not be seeing your muscle under the jiggly

PurEvl you have been lifting how long? 8 months, i see development on the outer thigh than the inner. when i flex it, i see mass and the "cutness" on the outside but none on the inner part.

gsteclipse97 whats your bf like? you may just not be seeing your muscle under the jiggly im really skinny, i used to be 112, i got up to 142. im about 5'3-5'4.5

Joser 8 months, i see development on the outer thigh than the inner. when i flex it, i see mass and the "cutness" on the outside but none on the inner part. If you went deep on your squats you wouldn't have that problem. Now quit doing quarter squats.

ACURA TL-S If you went deep on your squats you wouldn't have that problem. Now quit doing quarter squats. unless you're using a really wide stance while squatting, you're not effectively hitting the adductor group which makes up most of your inner thigh

Joser im really skinny, i used to be 112, i got up to 142. im about 5'3-5'4.5 thats a large variance in height.

AznRyda thats a large variance in height. High heels.

Ceaze unless you're using a really wide stance while squatting, you're not effectively hitting the adductor group which makes up most of your inner thigh I am guessing he is referring to the vastus medialis, not the adductor group.

ralyks High heels.

AznRyda thats a large variance in height. sorry im really short.. oh well i can live with it..haha and BTW thanks for the input, i wish i can post pics but digicam is currently out of action

Do you guys ever squat with 10lb plates under your heels?

Gutrat Do you guys ever squat with 10lb plates under your heels? Like arnold? Only when I want bad knees

KetchupKing Like arnold? Only when I want bad knees Arnold doesn't have bad knees.

just a bad ticker

deadlifts will help

ill chime in...take it or leave it... in order to build inner thigh mass ... when your doing seated and/or lying leg curls...keep ur legs touching at all hard as u can keep your legs together and and point your toes inward...almost if not overlapping eachother... doing that with heavy sets is gunna give you exacty what you need....garunteed!

severedties ill chime in...take it or leave it... in order to build inner thigh mass ... when your doing seated and/or lying leg curls...keep ur legs touching at all hard as u can keep your legs together and and point your toes inward...almost if not overlapping eachother... doing that with heavy sets is gunna give you exacty what you need....garunteed! umm this is ass backwards....pointing your toes inward and putting your legs together will increase stress on the biceps femoris, while pointing them outward will increase the stress on the semimembranosus and semitendinosus

inner thigh..

Create a typical meal plan for me!

Create a typical meal plan for me!

I'm eating better... but i want to lose more weight along with working out and eating better would definitely help. no "where are your nudes" or i will shoot you.

yes. you must not know me around here.

anyone can help??

height and weight?

5'7'' 120

Have you read the weight loss stick

drinkdran0 yes. you must not know me around here. sh0w ur n00dz!!! read the stickies

gonna be tough, and you might want to take a multi-vitamin

drinkdran0 anyone can help?? Read the stickies.

evi1eddie gonna be tough, and you might want to take a multi-vitamin weak, i've done a 1000 cal diet when I was 6'1" 215, ha, with no multivitamins, just flax seed oil.

evi1eddie gonna be tough, and you might want to take a multi-vitamin What'd you use to make those?

Bottom one is don't know what the top one is.

the top one would be Microsoft Excel

ryazbeck weak, i've done a 1000 cal diet when I was 6'1" 215, ha, with no multivitamins, just flax seed oil. yeah but she's probably new at this. i had excel set for -2 lbs a week at first but i didn't think she would hang with 1100 cals a day.

drinkdran0 5'7'' 120 you seem too skinny as is. why are you trying to lose weight?

bump for the lurkers the excel spreadsheet is from the archives and i've posted the link 11ty times the calorie tracking site allows you to enter and save your own custom foods with the nutritional information. it's free to register. while cutting i don't eat anything unless it falls within my allowed calories and nutritional split. put the two together and there's no excuse to be unable to lose or gain as much weight as you want.

create it yourself you fat lazy ass

ryazbeck weak, i've done a 1000 cal diet when I was 6'1" 215, ha, with no multivitamins, just flax seed oil. uh, you win?

DCCapen uhhh that calc says i ought to eat 2900 calories a day, yeah thats too much weight, and bulking or cutting?

evi1eddie weight, and bulking or cutting? It says I need 2800 to maintain at 150 lbs. no way.

AznRyda It says I need 2800 to maintain at 150 lbs. no way. sounds about right. i'm your height and at 150 i was eating 3500-4000 to bulk.

what is your target weight? are you lifting? do you look that bad? i've seen girls roughly your height and weight, and they never looked fat

Create a typical meal plan for me!

Hang Clean & Press

Hang Clean & Press

Anyone have a vid or animated gif of this exercise?

Ah, here we go...

hmmm lots of decent clips

Draco Ah, here we go... I saw that when I was searching for you. To be honest, that lift is garbage. Maybe the weight is too light, but when you clean you gotta generate enough power so you are on your toes at the top of the lift. The only time you see a lifter not get to his/her toes, is when the weight is too heavy and they front squat it. Even then the power generated is enough to cause a heavy stomp upon the come down and catch.

The guy in that vids heels come off the ground, look at it closesly. Even though he is using a light weight, his form isn't that bad. Although I admit he doesn't explode with it like you see O-lifters do.

cavefish The guy in that vids heels come off the ground, look at it closesly. Even though he is using a light weight, his form isn't that bad. Although I admit he doesn't explode with it like you see O-lifters do. yeah, you are right, the example vid isnt too great still, his bar speed seems so slow. I dont think it demonstrates the idea behind a clean very well.

Yeah, someone needs to dig up that Shane Hammon GIF where he cleans 500+

That's a hang pull and press. A clean uses minimum pull where the bar barely changes in height. Like this

Hang Clean & Press

Going back to the gym

Going back to the gym

Whats up F&N. From the Art & Photography forum I was trolling... willg133 and damn i was almost expecting something from know what the nicest forum on here is? the fitness forum with all the meatheads....not what you would expect but its the truth...go cook up some noodle soup for yourself haha, thought that was funny. anyways. I posted up the picture of my back with the dam hickeys on it from the acupuncture and acupressure garbage after I hurt my back about two weeks ago. I couldn't walk without pain for a few days, and finally I can move around without feeling any pain. There is still a bit of discomfort when I move my body into certain positions, but for the most part I'm okay now. I stopped lifting for the past two weeks (parents grounded me from going to the gym). I still kept an okay diet, but it seems like I've gained back a bit of water weight from not doing my 45 minutes of cardio as I was used to, 4-5 times a week. Starting today, I'm gonna go to the gym and see how things feel. I'm gonna take another week or two off from squat/dead to make sure things are healed up. I hurt it really bad because about 3 weeks ago, I had a minor back injury, then tried to do squatting as normal a week later, totally screwing over my back. I dont wanna make the same mistake again. Oh and trust me, I'm so anxious to get back to do squats. I'm so eager I flex my quads at home thinking "dam im losing too much muscle" When I get the chance, I'll put up some progress pics. In Feb I used to be around 227. about 3 months later, now, i'm about 215, with most of my muscle still there. Now that I lost a bit of fat, my disproportionality of my left and right lat is much more apparant. also, i can see a "sex" muscle developing on my right side of the body, but not my left. weird. Its good to be going back. Now that I think of it, I'm gonna head out to my gym now.

i've been off for about a month now cause of my work schedule, but i can't wait to get started again next week

Going back to the gym

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