Sunday, December 15, 2013

So I've been through a shitload of proteins in my time....................

So I've been through a shitload of proteins in my time....................

and nothing compares or comes close to the taste of muscle milk chocolate milk.......sure its packed with sugar........but out of all shakes this is by far the best tasting hands down.

It should be for all the fat it has.

~stangzorized~ It should be for all the fat it has.

with water? or milk

Patrick Bateman and nothing compares or comes close to the taste of muscle milk chocolate milk.......sure its packed with sugar........but out of all shakes this is by far the best tasting hands down. Ever tried Biotest Grow? Shit's great!

ON choc is yummy to me plus it's cheaper

with skim milk, trying to get some mass, but upping the cardio as i do it.

it's bad ass, just too many calories.

Try Cytogainer. Less sugar, less fat, more quality carbs.

t3nchi Ever tried Biotest Grow? Shit's great! have to agree, was surprised how well it tasted...

nice av

Is your muscle milk pretty thin and liquidy? Mine is. My old stuff used to be really thick....

true that with milk i had one earlier today best sdhake ever...god now i want some muscle milk...nothing better

Strawberry is good shit... but like every one said fats make it good. I split ON Choc. and MM Straw every day... just so I don't get sick of the ON

Musclemilk's Cookies and Cream for me...

Yeah I just finished up a tub, good stuff.

This shit tastes good : edit: double chocolate of course

GTP This shit tastes good : edit: double chocolate of course

GTP This shit tastes good : edit: double chocolate of course You should be banned for posting up gnc shit.

Muscle Milk Bannana is good shit as well. I also tried Muscle Milk Smores, it was...OK I just placed an order through trueprotein.comwith the BSL flavoring, it was pretty cheap. Can't wait to try it.

justwhey chocolate is really the best i've ever had

GTP This shit tastes good : edit: double chocolate of course

Mystery Guest Muscle Milk Bannana is good shit as well. I also tried Muscle Milk Smores, it was...OK I just placed an order through trueprotein.comwith the BSL flavoring, it was pretty cheap. Can't wait to try it. please let us know how it tastes. ive gone through 30lbs of trueprotein without the BSL flavoring and it's been gross. still have 20lbs left

terse please let us know how it tastes. ive gone through 30lbs of trueprotein without the BSL flavoring and it's been gross. still have 20lbs left bsl flavoring is the bomb

gsteclipse97 bsl flavoring is the bomb Too bad true protein charges an arm and a leg for it.

So I've been through a shitload of proteins in my time....................

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