Sunday, December 1, 2013

Question about avatars...

Question about avatars...

Sorry that I have to ask this in here, but some of you guys have pretty big avs, and whenever I try to upload an av of normal size it says that it's either too big pixel wise (bigger than 150k x 150k) or bigger than 10k in total size. Is there a way to make an av normal size and still fit the guidelines for uploading?

save as high quality in photoshop, close photoshop open same image in pbrush.exe (mspaint)...resave file voila

mike save as high quality in photoshop, close photoshop open same image in pbrush.exe (mspaint)...resave file voila Will try now...

I save it as a jpeg so the file size is smaller.

yay! Thanks mike.. and everyone else for contributing.

Ilyusha yay! Thanks mike.. and everyone else for contributing.

christophers i use photoshop and do save for web it makes stuff pretty small in file size his way is easier

mspaint only saves a small file size because its default quality is set to craptacular. In PS, jpegs have a quality from 0 to 10. Mspaint's setting is equal to PS's 0/10.

download image resizer for xp power toys. Right click phot and custom size it all you want

christophers i use photoshop and do save for web it makes stuff pretty small in file size teh werd

Question about avatars...

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