Thursday, December 12, 2013

My calves wont grow

My calves wont grow

So after about 6-7 months of lifting my upper body has progressed a lot, and my upper legs sort of, but my calves still suck. Leg day looks like this: Squats 4 sets 6-12 reps Leg curls 3 sets Leg ext 2-3 sets Standing calves 4 sets does anyone know a way around this? should i work calves 2 times a week? calves are pretty much disproportional


ScubaMatt So after about 6-7 months of lifting my upper body has progressed a lot, and my upper legs sort of, but my calves still suck. Leg day looks like this: Squats 4 sets 6-12 reps Leg curls 3 sets Leg ext 2-3 sets Standing calves 4 sets does anyone know a way around this? should i work calves 2 times a week? calves are pretty much disproportional Since you use you calves so much for daily activity you have to work them to failyer to see growth. Some one recently posted a link to a killer calve routine.

Ilyusha IBMTVTrueLifeIwantCalfImplants

solo Since you use you calves so much for daily activity you have to work them to failyer to see growth. Some one recently posted a link to a killer calve routine. Thanks, I will try and look for it

try higher reps and more frequency

Since leg curls and extensions mainly focus on your quads and hamstrings, your upper legs will wear out before you get much of a good calf workout. My suggestion would be to do some heavily weight calf raises until near-failure or failure.

I carry a 10kg (22lb) backpack around uni every day, it has made my calves explode (I don't do any direct calf work in the gym apart from ghr's (which aren't really direct))

Bulk diet + working out + calve specific exercises = bigger calves

Hardest muscle to get a result from.

ThenameT Hardest muscle to get a result from. because people don't know how to train them. Failure isn't enough Keep on doing what you're doing, but add in more sets - use lots of rest-pause reps and partial cheat reps towards the end to keep on pushing past failure.

Day 1: High-Volume Exercise A: Calf Superset* A1) Seated Calf Raises 3 x 10-5-5 (one set of 10 reps, followed by two of 5 reps) at a 101 tempo (1 second to lower the weight, no pause, and 1 second to raise the weight) A2) Donkey Calf Raises 3 x 30-50 at a 101 tempo *After finishing a set of the A1 exercise, proceed immediately to exercise A2. Then rest two minutes before repeating the super set. Exercise B: Standing Calf Raises B1) Standing Calf Raises 10 x 10-30 at a 111 tempo, ten seconds** **In other words, you'll be doing one, long, extended set, resting ten seconds between each mini-set and lowering the weight in between. Day 2: Low-Volume (to be done 48 hours after Day 1) Exercise A: Triple Drop Standing Calf Raises A1) Triple Drop Standing Calf Raises 3 x 10-10-10 (in other words, three drop sets) at a 121 tempo,*** resting 90 seconds between sets. ***The pause is taken in the bottom stretch position, and be sure to take the full two seconds.

I'd just up the amount of sets/exercises. Calves can be pretty stubborn, but not impossible to change.

Ilyusha IBMTVTrueLifeIwantCalfImplants my exact thoughts.. I couldn't believe he did it.

Ceaze Day 1: High-Volume Exercise A: Calf Superset* A1) Seated Calf Raises 3 x 10-5-5 (one set of 10 reps, followed by two of 5 reps) at a 101 tempo (1 second to lower the weight, no pause, and 1 second to raise the weight) A2) Donkey Calf Raises 3 x 30-50 at a 101 tempo *After finishing a set of the A1 exercise, proceed immediately to exercise A2. Then rest two minutes before repeating the super set. Exercise B: Standing Calf Raises B1) Standing Calf Raises 10 x 10-30 at a 111 tempo, ten seconds** **In other words, you'll be doing one, long, extended set, resting ten seconds between each mini-set and lowering the weight in between. Day 2: Low-Volume (to be done 48 hours after Day 1) Exercise A: Triple Drop Standing Calf Raises A1) Triple Drop Standing Calf Raises 3 x 10-10-10 (in other words, three drop sets) at a 121 tempo,*** resting 90 seconds between sets. ***The pause is taken in the bottom stretch position, and be sure to take the full two seconds. Thanks. I am going to try that

I wish my gym had a donkey calf raise machine...

i have no problems with my calves, its the rest of my body that won't grow some people have problems with calves because they actually stretch the muscle while doing the raises (by bringing the heels downward past the point of parallel to the floor when they bring the weight down) ... doesn't work the muscle right

Dr. Shrooms You're not supposed to do that? I wish someone would have told me sooner. no, i mean you can a little bit i'm sure, but the fibers in the muscles don't work that way, so you stretch them out and they're not going to give you strength where you need it... unless of course you're jumping from a bar with your feet in that position, then it might work

On the leg press machine, place your toes on the lower edge of the footplate with your heels hanging off. Lower the weight and try to bend your calves as far in as you can and hold it for 12-15 secs. Than explode on the positive and slowly control the negative and repeat for 10 reps. I use 180 and by the time i reach 9 im seeing stars, after that 10 is life or death for me. These will fry your calves!

TheTurd On the leg press machine, place your toes on the lower edge of the footplate with your heels hanging off. Lower the weight and try to bend your calves as far in as you can and hold it for 12-15 secs. Than explode on the positive and slowly control the negative and repeat for 10 reps. I use 180 and by the time i reach 9 im seeing stars, after that 10 is life or death for me. These will fry your calves! omg, calf raises on a leg press machine? GENIUS!

mike omg, calf raises on a leg press machine? GENIUS! ya have you done them the way im talking about dicksmack?

Demon Of Dreams no, i mean you can a little bit i'm sure, but the fibers in the muscles don't work that way, so you stretch them out and they're not going to give you strength where you need it... unless of course you're jumping from a bar with your feet in that position, then it might work sorry but this is completely wrong

Dr. Shrooms You're not supposed to do that? I wish someone would have told me sooner. stretch induces more growth

Ceaze sorry but this is completely wrong then a trainer is wrong... its for the standing calf raises with weight on the shoulders ... was told awhile back and another one told me a couple of days ago that extending your heels downward while doing calf raises have a negative effect and stretch the fibers out too much for it to be beneficial for growth and strenth purposes... unless I'm misunderstanding things. i'd like to know more about it actually, because i keep hearing the same things from different trainers

Ceaze stretch induces more growth thats always what i had thought initially

My calves wont grow

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