Monday, December 23, 2013

how much calories should i intake per day?

how much calories should i intake per day?

-5' 9.5" -~180 lbs -22 years of age (23 come august) -lifting on and off for the past two years (i would say i've liften consecutively in 18 of those 24 month span) -do not do as much as cardio as i have hoped. any more info and i'll gladly give it, as long as it pertains to fitness

If you want to put on weight, BWx18, maintain, BWx15, lose weight, BWx12. Because everybody is different, those are just rough starting points. Adjust your intake up or down depending on how rapidly your losing/gaining weight

read the stickies. 2000K-2200Kcals for your weight...180 g of protein

nic379 read the stickies. 2000K-2200Kcals for your weight...180 g of protein isn't that low?

a million.

how much calories should i intake per day?

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