Thursday, December 5, 2013

how do I find out my BF%

how do I find out my BF%

there's a couple different methods, body calipers which measure fat on key areas of the body, immersion in water (most accurate i believe but kinda expensive) are the two that're comming to mind w/o looking it up. yesterday i was in the gym and the athletic director was commenting on someone who just caliper'd to 4.5%, he pointed him out and i just laughed. cause there was no way he was 4.5

body calipers, electro-impedance testing are both quite common but can also be very inaccurate. hydrostratic tank testing is probably the most accurate, but its also not very common The Ultimate Body Fat Testing Guide

the water method is accurate but it can fluxuate with water retension. if you do calipers you have to do like your legs, stomach, obliques, shoulders, chest, back and you do some kind of formula, if you search google for caliper stuff you should be able to find it


how do I find out my BF%

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