Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Foaming urine

Foaming urine

At the risk of too much information, I'm wondering if anyone experiences this? On days that my protein intake is high, and on heavy workout days (leg days especially), I notice that my urine foams a little. Is this normal? Should I be concerned?

like after it hits the water? happens all the time to me. even before i started taking protein supps.

You should seriously take a trip to your physician. This happened to my 2nd cousin twice removed on my mother side, and apparently, he had an arrhythmia in his urinal tract. It was caused when he took a trip to Kuala Lumpur where he had eaten a large portion of HOWARD STERNS BALLS.

dmaestro You should seriously take a trip to your physician. This happened to my 2nd cousin twice removed on my mother side, and apparently, he had an arrhythmia in his urinal tract. It was caused when he took a trip to Kuala Lumpur where he had eaten a large portion of HOWARD STERNS BALLS. Oddly enough, I spent the first 14 years of my life in Kuala Lumpur. I'm calling 911 right now!

kronik85 like after it hits the water? happens all the time to me. even before i started taking protein supps. Yeah, once it hits the water it starts foaming...almost like the start of a meringue.

tell chris to stop cleaning the toilet bowl so well

my piss smells sooooooooooo bad now that im on a diet.

Leo95SE tell chris to stop cleaning the toilet bowl so well This is serious fucker!

Grouch my piss smells sooooooooooo bad now that im on a diet. werd, ive noticed the same thing since ive been dieting. it smells horrible

superbri007 usually foaming urine may indicate your passing protein, or breaking it down. I'm not sure if it just means your breaking down dietary protein, or your own muscles protein thats determined by your caloric intake whether its a deficit or surplus im retarded, so is it a good thing or a bad thing?

Grouch my piss smells sooooooooooo bad now that im on a diet. try drinkin more water

Dragon try drinkin more water its like all i drink

superbri007 usually foaming urine may indicate your passing protein, or breaking it down. I'm not sure if it just means your breaking down dietary protein, or your own muscles protein thats determined by your caloric intake whether its a deficit or surplus I'm not worried as long as it's normal...but I did a search and noone's ever mentioned experiencing this before so it's either completely normal, or completely abnormal.

Shane, you are so sexy. Foaming urine only adds to that.

AznRyda Shane, you are so sexy. Foaming urine only adds to that. Would you like me to pee in your vagina?

Balzz Would you like me to pee in your vagina? so much for seriousness. what does it taste like? is it foamy in your mouth?

Leo95SE what does it taste like? is it foamy in your mouth? A little like a meringue.

Liquids foam when they contain protein (try putting some water in the cup after a shake and wiggle it around). This means that you are probably excreting excess proteins (bad thing). Get that checked out.

i actually get it too. last bloodwork pointed everything to being ok. :/ maybe i have a yeast infection..

Foaming urine

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