Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Anyone else here like to train 6 days per week or more?

Anyone else here like to train 6 days per week or more?

I pretty much have to force myself to take a break. Thing is I'm okay with this scedule for up to 6-8 weeks before beginning to feel possibly over trained.

3 days for me

4 days a week. i train every body part twice a week. for example on mondays i do chest: bench, incline flies thursday chest: incline, decline i train all body parts about 16 sets a week split up into 2 days. legs/DL/shrugs is only once a week.

Yesh Given my druthers, I'd do an hour of cardio and an hour of weights at least 6 days a week, I just plain love working out.

monday-saturday for me, rest on sunday

yeah, id have no problem with 6 days a week but i try to keep myself to a every other day routine

6 days a week for me....ill be on 3 days when i start Christophers

I used to train 6 days, but I'm just too busy to train that much now. Hell I've had a hard time getting 5 days but I usually do.

i used to lift and do cardio 5 days a week but I've split it up, so now I lift 3 days now that i'm on christopher's routine. I still go 2-3 days a week for cardio as well

i lift 8 days a week.

I lift 3 days a week and 1 or 2 days of cardio.

I'm too burnt out if I do any more than 3 days.

I've cut back to 4 days a week or so. I think I was just spinning my wheels working out 6 days a week.

4 days.

dirtysouthboy 4 days. skinny geek.

schedule doesnt allow for it currently , but I did do it when I first started out

no, thats overtraining, whether you feel like it is or not.

Used to train 5-6 days a week, but when I switched to 3 days I saw a lot better gains.

Patrick Bateman no, thats overtraining, whether you feel like it is or not. depends on volume/intensity.


im at 5 days a week. i really want to go right now and pound on my chest/tris but today is supossed to be a rest day

shastaisforwinners depends on volume/intensity. Agreed. On the other hand, I do admit that I could probably make more progress resting more.

4x a week but I train twice on fridays.

i train 16 days a week x10 plus4

I'm useing Christophers routine, so 3 days a week.

Anyone else here like to train 6 days per week or more?

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