Sunday, December 1, 2013

Designer Whey...with GlycerLEAN?

Designer Whey...with GlycerLEAN?

I'm fixing to buy some more choc. designer whey and just wondering if the new Designer Whey that has this GlycerLEAN is worth the extra $22. I'm thinking no. (

omg no.. not that the regular kind is worth buying either

lol. Should I just get ON whey then? It worth buying?

senorfrog97 lol. Should I just get ON whey then? It worth buying? i dunno, but i personally think designer chocolate tastes WAY better than ON chocolate, so i'd stick with the designer if you care about that.

Yeah I like the designer choclate. Thanks for the advice.

Designer Whey...with GlycerLEAN?

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