Sunday, December 1, 2013

how long did it take you to cut?

how long did it take you to cut?

what weight did you bulk to and then cut down to and how long did it take you? include how long you had been working out if you can remember and pictures if you can ibthreadfailure

Well lets see.. It took me about 20 years to bulk up to my high of 255lbs (at 5'6.5) and I have been cutting since August 27th 04. Today I weighed in at 190 and change. On a serious note.. What are your goals? You bulking now? My original goal weight was 180 but as it stands a mere 10lbs off isn't going to get me looking how I want to. It looks like 165 or so it going to be about right for me, to atleast maintain for a few months, and then I want to bulk back up to like 180 or so come fall and then do another cut sometime after that.

Paintballny Well lets see.. It took me about 20 years to bulk up to my high of 255lbs (at 5'6.5) and I have been cutting since August 27th 04. Today I weighed in at 190 and change. On a serious note.. What are your goals? You bulking now? My original goal weight was 180 but as it stands a mere 10lbs off isn't going to get me looking how I want to. It looks like 165 or so it going to be about right for me, to atleast maintain for a few months, and then I want to bulk back up to like 180 or so come fall and then do another cut sometime after that. gilgamesh convinced me to start bulking yesterday. right now i'm 6'1" 180 and i want to put on more LBM.

yep you definitely need to bulk more

gotsta bulk i've been working out almost 2 years and i've never really had to bulk, i just eat a little more than normal and i get decent gains with getting just a little chub around my stomach. but i've never really cut down to shredded, but it would probably take me about 10 weeks to cut down to like 8% or so

200 -> around 175-185. Cutting take a long time for me as well due to my cheat days and no will power =p

235 - > 185ish = 3 months 200ish -> 150 = 3.5 months (5 weeks + change = psmf) I decided just 10 minutes ago, FUCK DIETING. No more of that shit. I am going to eat maintenance for 3 weeks and start lifting hard. If I kept dieting until I get to the perfect body fat percentage, I am going to be fucking sickly thin. Plus I am not going to be able to eat any food which is going to make me miserable as fuck. I thought the purpose of working out was to feel good. Just thought I'd share. I'm happy I decided to finish my life long cut.

about 4 months for me. went from 218 to 193 looking to be about 185 next month or so

265--> 220 roughly 4 months if i make 220 by may

235--> 200 i think about 4 months then bulk 200-->250 (dec to begining of april) now dieting

246 12% to 212-215 4% 16-17 weeks

PurEvl 246 12% to 212-215 4% 16-17 weeks

PurEvl 246 12% to 212-215 4% 16-17 weeks

245-219 from Feb 1 to yesterday.

how long did it take you to cut?

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