Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Being overweight

Being overweight

I think that I'm overweight, but all my friends disagree. At one point, I was near anorexic. I've tried all methods of losing weight from exercising like a fucking animal to dieting. I even stopped eating for three days and only started again when I was so weak that I couldn't get out of bed. All of these were of no avail, and I still remain the same weight. I don't know what to do, and I need some advice.

Well, the vets on this board can be a huge help, but they need a little info. Height Weight BF% Age eating habits exercise habits. All of this stuff filled out will probably give them a starting point.

picture too

First of all "weight" is relative, what you should be more concernend with is you percentage fo body-fat. Also, not eating for extended periods of time is really bad for you it actually causes your body to store more fat when you do eat. If you posted your stats and goals it would be easier for us to determine how to help you.

theres stickies at the top of the forum that tell you how to lose weight, you shouldnt have to ask any questions if you read them.

thread must be a joke

Pope_in_power I think that I'm overweight, but all my friends disagree. At one point, I was near anorexic. I've tried all methods of losing weight from exercising like a fucking animal to dieting. I even stopped eating for three days and only started again when I was so weak that I couldn't get out of bed. All of these were of no avail, and I still remain the same weight. I don't know what to do, and I need some advice.

Have you gotten checked out by your doctor? My sister had problems losing weight even though she dieted and exercised religiously. Turns out she had a few medical problems that explained everything.

mase2k sounds like you have some physicological problems, not weight problems. dot


read fatloss sticky

just try only eating every other week. you'll be totally ripped in time for the beach.

Being overweight

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