Thursday, December 5, 2013

2 Weeks, eating right, lifting more = more weight and less love handles

2 Weeks, eating right, lifting more = more weight and less love handles

I'm happy. I'm going to going to start cutting on Monday. Over the last month I went from 170lbs to 185lbs, gain stregnth and lost love handles.

Damn. Quick results! Good progress! What does the cardio and diet look like?

Socrates Damn. Quick results! Good progress! What does the cardio and diet look like? thanks. I was eating like absolute shit until about 2 weeks ago. This is what I've been doing for the past two weeks (but not really nailing it every day). Cardio, none Breakfast - Oats + Water + Protein Shake (40g) 10:30am - Protein Shake (40g) Lunch - 6oz Chicken Sandwhich on wheat + Tomato Snack - Protein Shake (40g) Dinner - Fish, Steak, or Chicken + Brown Rice + Steamed Veggies. Before bed - Protein Shake (40g) My plan for the next 4 weeks (starting Mon.) is going to be pretty much the same diet except I'm going to eat only a 4oz chicken brest or steak for lunch and some spinach and do about 20 minutes of cardio a day. Should that cut me up some?

GOD Diet can make all the difference And I've cheated too with my slut Wendy

thats awesome, considering how much heavier you look in the first picture. keep it up bro!

Atenza6i thats awesome, considering how much heavier you look in the first picture. keep it up bro! Plan to It helps to see a pic like this to let me know that I actually have lost something and done so pretty quickly. Anyone have any specific routines to use while cutting? I couldn't find anything in the archives (I think I got the diet part down). Here's my current routine Monday, Back Deadlifts Bent-over One Arm Rows Wide-grip pullups Cable Rows Tuesday, Chest Bench Press Incline DB Press Decline Bench Pec-Fly Wed, Biceps EZ-Bar Preacher Curls One Arm Preacher Curls Oval Bar Hammer Curls Concentration Curls Friday, Triceps + Shoulders Skull Crushers Close-grip Bench Press One Arm DB Tricep Press Arnie Press One Arm Rear Delt Flies Front DB Raises Sat, Legs Inverted Leg Press Quad Raises Laying Hamstring Curls Calf Raises (I know I should squat but I have a knee injury from my HS Cross-Country days that kills me to the point where I can barely walk the day after I squat)

Good results man! keep it up!

ijustwantpics Good results man! keep it up! thx broly

christophers if what your doing is working then why stop? Just wanted to see if there's anything I should perhaps adjust. I think between being extremely stict with my diet and throwing in a little cardio here and there I should see some pretty good results in the next few months. I've only been seriously working out since September. When I started I was benching something around 105lbs x 10 for 3 sets, now I'm at 155lbs x 8 for 3 sets. I moving from to

holy shit..your my motivation!...keep it will I


Noice results

niteQwill holy shit..your my motivation!...keep it will I Search for Timberwolf

That's amazing! I've had love handles for awhile now and I didn't know how to get rid of them, but now I do! Now, I know it's foolish to expect to lose them in the same time you got them, so I won't.

this is fucking

Man this is almost too good to be true..?

nice work

tize bullshit. it's true Ilyusha this is fucking dick kingfaz Man this is almost too good to be true..? I'm happy KetchupKing nice work thx Ok, so here's today's pic. Tomorrow cutting starts. The goal is to get to under 170. I'm 5' 10"

holy fuck. i want that kind of result. but i want to lose weight, not gain

Damn, good results. Thanks for the comparisons and updates. Keep us posted.

You are retarded for even thinking about cutting.

ACURA TL-S You are retarded for even thinking about cutting. I have high body fat and want to lose some.

acabrera I have high body fat and want to lose some. don't. You probably have the same amount of fat as I do. You know the difference, I have much more muscle under it. You need to get some muscle before you cut.

ACURA TL-S don't. You probably have the same amount of fat as I do. You know the difference, I have much more muscle under it. You need to get some muscle before you cut. I wanted to get rid of my love handles and shit because I just wasn't feeling good about myself.

acabrera I wanted to get rid of my love handles and shit because I just wasn't feeling good about myself. Being skinny won't help that. Muscle will. Totalling 1000+ in the big three does alot more for your mentality then having sub 10% bf. If you have sub 10% bf with no muscle that makes you a twig. If you total big numbers and have some fat it makes you a powerlifter.

2 Weeks, eating right, lifting more = more weight and less love handles

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