Saturday, January 18, 2014

I think I strained a ligament in my left hand.

I think I strained a ligament in my left hand.

Right inbetween the metacarples of my index and middle finger. I think I did it trying to bend some G5 bolts. Failing btw. It hurts but I dont think it will effect my crunking too much. Or my wacking for that matter.

your penis must hurt after all that grip strength exercises

knucks your penis must hurt after all that grip strength exercises Only if I wack it as a warm up. So now I usually jerk it after I've worked out as a nice cool down.

I think I strained a ligament in my left hand.

Has being in good shape helped you get ahead in life?

Has being in good shape helped you get ahead in life?

Lets face it, we are all human, and if we were a manager at say....hardees (god forbid), any normal guy would hire an attractive girl over an average/ugly one. (Obviously they also hire based on hygiene, but I mean just because the employer is attracted to the girl) Have you had any situations like this? Been hired on because of your physical appearance? A cop let you off of a ticket? Played in 2 episodes of Kojak? Any of these things happen to you?

it's hired. and lol@ the Kojak

Well unless you're working some manual labor job, I think being able to spell "hire" would help you get a job over your looks

Socrates Played in 2 episodes of Kojak? i wish,, my looks have gotten me nowhere

When I worked in a grocery store, I was put up front where most of the people entered, so I could smile and say hello.

My boss is a balding fat-ass

PNHWrestler it's hired. and lol@ the Kojak Ugh, my bad on that. My Dad (English teacher) would rape me for that. When I worked at Best Buy they only hired attractive people. Next time you're at Best Buy, look for a few ugly people. Hard to find! (Maybe just my manager's bias)

helped me pick up some girls but now im just a fatass.

Socrates Ugh, my bad on that. My Dad (English teacher) would rape me for that. Haha watch the bunhole

Socrates Ugh, my bad on that. My Dad (English teacher) would rape me for that. When I worked at Best Buy they only hired attractive people. Next time you're at Best Buy, look for a few ugly people. Hard to find! (Maybe just my manager's bias) Yeah the girls that work in the videogame section of mine seem abnormally hot. You may be on to something there.

cavefish Yeah the girls that work in the videogame section of mine seem abnormally hot. You may be on to something there. lol, our store only had guys doing the nerdy stuff. Hot girls were at the front! (When I said hot, I should have said they made some exceptions for guys)

Socrates Lets face it, we are all human, and if we were a manager at say....hardees (god forbid), any normal guy would hire an attractive girl over an average/ugly one. (Obviously they also higher based on hygiene, but I mean just because the employer is attracted to the girl) Have you had any situations like this? Been hired on because of your physical appearance? A cop let you off of a ticket? Played in 2 episodes of Kojak? Any of these things happen to you?

being in shape helped me run from the cops

its helped be get some head, not ahead

Being in shape makes women more forgiving when they have to be the one to pay for dinner.

Socrates Ugh, my bad on that. My Dad (English teacher) would rape me for that. When I worked at Best Buy they only hired attractive people. Next time you're at Best Buy, look for a few ugly people. Hard to find! (Maybe just my manager's bias) Not at my BB we have a fair amount of ugly people.

It has given me a lot more self confidence, so I think it's helped me a lot indirectly.

PNHWrestler Haha watch the bunhole sorry to get offtopic does your name mean parkway north high? just wonderin, i went to south myself

I was fat last year. Decided I wanted to be better lookin. Took 3 months, lost 100 pounds, so finally I could see my mucles ( I was pretty buff from sports, but just fat) and also added on to the muscle...After that I had a GF in like 2 weeks...Broke up w/ her tho after a while, have another one now going on 6 months. It makes you more confident/happy about yerself, so I would say its getting me ahead in life for now.

just being more confident overall is benefit enough.

Socrates Ugh, my bad on that. My Dad (English teacher) would rape me for that. When I worked at Best Buy they only hired attractive people. Next time you're at Best Buy, look for a few ugly people. Hard to find! (Maybe just my manager's bias) what about that thread in OT where the guys roomate is a 300lb messican that works at best buy?

i was hired to be the cute little girl that stood in front of a place handing out flyers in the mall... then my boss realized I was a fatty and made me manager instead

It is going to help me tenfold when getting a job. I have noticed an increase in my fire skills.

My health is tied directly to my happiness. Took me 3 years of decaying to realize that. Now i'm getting back on track.

Socrates Lets face it, we are all human, and if we were a manager at say....hardees (god forbid), any normal guy would hire an attractive girl over an average/ugly one. (Obviously they also hire based on hygiene, but I mean just because the employer is attracted to the girl) Have you had any situations like this? Been hired on because of your physical appearance? A cop let you off of a ticket? Played in 2 episodes of Kojak? Any of these things happen to you? Working out and looking good will help you in virtually every facet of life in some way, shape or form. Period.

Has being in good shape helped you get ahead in life?

hahaha some toolbag on myspace is using timberwolfs pic ! *NWS LINK*

hahaha some toolbag on myspace is using timberwolfs pic ! *NWS LINK* *NWS LINK*


KetchupKing IBitsyou no timberwolf is a beanpole compared to me im like 10 brolys rolled into 1

dmaestro no timberwolf is a beanpole compared to me im like 10 brolys rolled into 1 he's probably using your pic in his myspace

what a fag.

The funny thing is he is saying timber is 11 years younger than he really is.

What a chode. This deserves OT justice.

damn, wy didn't I think of that first. I could be like Tize and pull in mad myspace bitches

ACURA TL-S The funny thing is he is saying timber is 11 years younger than he really is. that would be quite flattering

its gotta be someone from OT... unless Timber whores his pics out

nice bag over the head...

NWS link

Filmboy44 its gotta be someone from OT... unless Timber whores his pics out google: abs timber = #3

man thats flattering... I wish someone would pretend to be me on myspace

deznutz nice bag over the head... Hiding my wrinkled old face. I just opened a profile on myspace.

post your link timber

this is the bish's other pic: with the caption: Ok. . . maybe not as sexy as my first pic . you can tell clearly it is timber from the massive traps ::

timberwolf I opened one to view someone elses stuff and thats about as far as I got.

someone add him as a friend and add a comment i already emailed him. what a loser.

I really think it's a joke, obviously other than the plastic bag you can see how he whited out every bit of his hair too. Honestly because who is gonna wanna meet people on myspace and come to find out your just some skinny little punk kid?

funny pic though

i sent a friend req

hahaha some toolbag on myspace is using timberwolfs pic ! *NWS LINK*

Creatine Questions!

Creatine Questions!

Alright What do you guys recommend for protein you take with creatine? Will pretty much any type of Creatine work? Is there any Die I should be following? What shakes do you guys drink? When should I take the Creatine? Should I mix the Creatine with The protein/shake and take it all at once? and once again when? What other stuff should I take with it if any?

cbrpimp Doesnt answer all my questions sill

i took jarrows formula...1st cycle of it i gained about 12 pounds which is still there 2 months that made me happy...currently i am on NO-explode before work out and cell mass after...only thing i really notice is that it gives me alot of energy which i like early in the morning. for shakes i tak 2 scoops of ON 100% whey mixed with 1 scoop of chocolate milk muscle milk and 8oz of milk. muscle milk just makes it taste better and adds some more calories...i took creatine before and after work out...thats bout it

i just bought 100% pure creatine monohydrate, basically just pure creatine w/o all the other stuff. it seems the cheapest and lasts the longest. followed the directions on the bottle. after loading I take 5g's a day. usually i just put it in a water bottle so its easy to shake up and drink every morning. make sure you drink tons of water, because waking up at 3 am with the deadliest creatine cramp is no fun at all.

Yeh I want to get 100% Creatine, then mix some sort of Protein in with it, hen put all that in a shake and drink that

FrozynFyre Yeh I want to get 100% Creatine, then mix some sort of Protein in with it, hen put all that in a shake and drink that it was a pita to mix it in. because creatine doesnt really mix well with anything. its like throwing salt into water. its easier with just water. just keep adding it until you see no more creatine floating around

jackjohnson it was a pita to mix it in. because creatine doesnt really mix well with anything. its like throwing salt into water. its easier with just water. just keep adding it until you see no more creatine floating around just pour it in your mouth and drink some powerade


You can mix the creatine in with your pre-workout shake..yes. There have been studies on when to take creatine for optimal results for both before and after your workout ....some take it during too.....doesnt make sense to take it after or during...i always take it before.

Creatine Questions!

new DL PR

new DL PR

Got up to 315 today when i did 300 a month ago

Good job.


Awesome DL's rock!

my face turned red and the people watching me said that they have never seen anyone so red.

good job, my whole head gets pumped full of blood when I'm doing shit. looks like my head is going to explode.

Gamblor my face turned red and the people watching me said that they have never seen anyone so red. i guess theyve never seen anyone do a good morning squat

Sgt. Ownage i guess theyve never seen anyone do a good morning squat they dont even know what those are!!

I went from 315 to 335 in a week while in a deficit. You should try it next week.

iwishiwascool I went from 315 to 335 in a week while in a deficit. You should try it next week. we'll see about that. I don't max out every week.

that is wise.

lol my face gets so red when i max my DL

new DL PR

Friday, January 17, 2014

*Pics* I have these two DB's only, what exercises can I do.

*Pics* I have these two DB's only, what exercises can I do.

25 pounders, All I know is to do DB press, what else can I do. Thanks for anyhelp given, and I know there is forum but, nobody answers my questions.

farmers walk to the gym and buy a membership

jonno farmers walk to the gym and buy a membership

I am 15 and nobody can take me its 12 mmiles away.

jonno farmers walk to the gym and buy a membership then trade the db for gym credit

stealthrapt0r then trade the db for gym credit i am 15, nobody can take me.

jonno farmers walk to the gym and buy a membership bwhahahahahahahahahaahhaaha jonno > most

pandob i am 15, nobody can take me. man up sissy boy

you could try to take a weight training class at school

stealthrapt0r you could try to take a weight training class at school i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself.

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. We all start somewhere.

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. For a second there I thought a gym was for self improvement. Maybe I'm wrong. Seriously though I have never saw a really skinny dude at the gym and thought less of him. I think it's pretty cool that he got out there and wanted to change.

sr20wop jonno > most agreed!

if only big burly men went to the join, eveyone would be scrawny.

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. sr20wop man up sissy boy .

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. There are plenty of people like you in there I am sure. Dumbbell Press Hammer Curl Curl Overhead Tricep Extension Single Arm Overhead Tricep Extensions(dangerous IMO) Flyes Dumbbell Pullover Single Bentover Dumbbell Row Dumbbell Overhead Press Lunges Dumbbell Squats(you will definitely need more weight in the future/soon) Pushups(use the dumbbells as the grips) Concenration Curls You can do pushups, crunches, leg raises, pullups(if you have a bar somewhere), dips(side of bench, bathtub, chair), running... Start saving some cash for a small home gym set, then add on as needed in the future. A good bench is around 100-150 and a set of weight with 2x45s, 2x25s, 2x10s, 2x5s, and a 45lb bar is around 80-100.. If you have a b-day coming up, ask for it.

pandob i really thin and can't lift much, I dont want to embarase myself. dont be a fucking pussy! we all started somewhere, who gives a fuck what other people thiunk, do this shuit for yourself. If you cant sacrifice something, than you might as well quit trying.

armond There are plenty of people like you in there I am sure. Dumbbell Press Hammer Curl Curl Overhead Tricep Extension Single Arm Overhead Tricep Extensions(dangerous IMO) Flyes Dumbbell Pullover Single Bentover Dumbbell Row Dumbbell Overhead Press Lunges Dumbbell Squats(you will definitely need more weight in the future/soon) Pushups(use the dumbbells as the grips) Concenration Curls You can do pushups, crunches, leg raises, pullups(if you have a bar somewhere), dips(side of bench, bathtub, chair), running... Start saving some cash for a small home gym set, then add on as needed in the future. A good bench is around 100-150 and a set of weight with 2x45s, 2x25s, 2x10s, 2x5s, and a 45lb bar is around 80-100.. If you have a b-day coming up, ask for it. thanks so much man, thats all i needed.


trade them in for a bike so you can bike to the gym?

You can literally work out every body part with those, but you will quickly out grow it. Does your school have a weight room?

Bike to the gym. Any kid should be able to bike 12 miles in an hour. It's not that difficult.

Your 15 so im assuming your a freshmen and im damn sure there is a weightroom in your school just go after school

wtf @ only 25s Fuck all that.

*Pics* I have these two DB's only, what exercises can I do.

Progress Pics

Progress Pics

Just a little background... 3 months ago i was 235lbs with about 33% BF. I met one of the most beautiful girls in the world and decided i was tired of being fat. 3months later i am 225 with 3x the muscle i had when i started. I had no muscle, no strength, could barely do 2 pushups. I am now doing close grip sets of 10 without really struggling. I dont eat perfect, but i cut out soda, candy, fast foods, greasy foods and eating in the middle of the night. I also do HIIT 3x a week and lift 3x a week. I lift very hard, ive never had so much drive in my life. If i can do it, honestly anyone can people. You need to WANT to do it. You say you do, but saying is much easier then doing. Yes it hurts.... Trust me there were days where i couldnt bend my arms, or even walk. I would break down in tears sometimes. This all gone. When i lift a fire burns in my eyes that makes me want to push even harder, i love the pain, i love the feeling, i love the adrenaline. Here are some pics (not that great) but they will do: before: after:

Cant tell any difference

Platinum Cant tell any difference

good progress broly

eliktronix good progress broly thanks

hard to see man... you need to do pics of full body before then after to get full comments. but what i can see... nice progress

Bad ass progress for only 3 months. "This all gone. When i lift a fire burns in my eyes that makes me want to push even harder, i love the pain, i love the feeling, i love the adrenaline." Hell yeah, me too. keep it up.

XsLiCk hard to see man... you need to do pics of full body before then after to get full comments. but what i can see... nice progress Im sorry, i was so ashamed of myself before that i never ever really took before pics...

I can't see any difference at all. The pics you took are awful. You need to take pics doing the same pose in the same light to judge progress.

dmaestro I can't see any difference at all. The pics you took are awful. You need to take pics doing the same pose in the same light to judge progress. this was more of a pep post for people who want to stop being out of shape ...

Look at how fat his gut is in the first pic.

dirtysouthboy Look at how fat his gut is in the first pic. bingo ! i was twice as thick

momoarrowz bingo ! i was twice as thick Yeah, i can totally tell a difference.

here is a pic from last october

is that the beautiful girl you met in the first pic? if so, she is hot.

Good job.

dirtysouthboy is that the beautiful girl you met in the first pic? if so, she is hot. haha no thats some random girl i met on new years Here is my honey..

tize so you were 100x better before?? ?!

well, GJ on the honey, she is verry cute... and i can see some progress, keep it up

vettedude well, GJ on the honey, she is verry cute... and i can see some progress, keep it up Thanks man its not insano progress, but i am very satisfied.

nice you have a G35? I noticed your avatar.

I can definately tell a difference after you posted that beach pic. Great Job and keep up that attitude.

Hot gurls.

hot she into you? and nice progress, keep it up

350GT nice you have a G35? I noticed your avatar. Yes sir. 2003 g35c 5AT w/ all options and nav

Progress Pics

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