Saturday, January 18, 2014

Creatine Questions!

Creatine Questions!

Alright What do you guys recommend for protein you take with creatine? Will pretty much any type of Creatine work? Is there any Die I should be following? What shakes do you guys drink? When should I take the Creatine? Should I mix the Creatine with The protein/shake and take it all at once? and once again when? What other stuff should I take with it if any?

cbrpimp Doesnt answer all my questions sill

i took jarrows formula...1st cycle of it i gained about 12 pounds which is still there 2 months that made me happy...currently i am on NO-explode before work out and cell mass after...only thing i really notice is that it gives me alot of energy which i like early in the morning. for shakes i tak 2 scoops of ON 100% whey mixed with 1 scoop of chocolate milk muscle milk and 8oz of milk. muscle milk just makes it taste better and adds some more calories...i took creatine before and after work out...thats bout it

i just bought 100% pure creatine monohydrate, basically just pure creatine w/o all the other stuff. it seems the cheapest and lasts the longest. followed the directions on the bottle. after loading I take 5g's a day. usually i just put it in a water bottle so its easy to shake up and drink every morning. make sure you drink tons of water, because waking up at 3 am with the deadliest creatine cramp is no fun at all.

Yeh I want to get 100% Creatine, then mix some sort of Protein in with it, hen put all that in a shake and drink that

FrozynFyre Yeh I want to get 100% Creatine, then mix some sort of Protein in with it, hen put all that in a shake and drink that it was a pita to mix it in. because creatine doesnt really mix well with anything. its like throwing salt into water. its easier with just water. just keep adding it until you see no more creatine floating around

jackjohnson it was a pita to mix it in. because creatine doesnt really mix well with anything. its like throwing salt into water. its easier with just water. just keep adding it until you see no more creatine floating around just pour it in your mouth and drink some powerade


You can mix the creatine in with your pre-workout shake..yes. There have been studies on when to take creatine for optimal results for both before and after your workout ....some take it during too.....doesnt make sense to take it after or during...i always take it before.

Creatine Questions!

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